small farmer

Chapter 639 The Mengmeng Family's Family Portrait

Chapter 639 The Mengmeng Family's Family Portrait (22)

When everyone learned that Zhang Feng was completely self-taught in painting, and that he only started learning it when he was in college, everyone was amazed!
It’s only been a while, from the time I started learning painting to the present, it’s only three to five years at most, but if you look at Zhang Feng’s painting skills, it’s not like an amateur beginner at all, but more like a talented master of traditional Chinese painting .

genius! !
What a genius of traditional Chinese painting, an unprecedented genius, a genius that everyone has never heard of.

It's unbelievable that such terrifying painting skills can be achieved in just a few years, but the facts are right in front of you, and you can't help but believe it.

And when everyone was horrified, Zhang Feng had already set up his easel and started a new creation.

This painting, what Zhang Feng wants to paint is an ink painting.

Although the color of ink painting is not gorgeous, it is full of strong poetic and artistic flavor. Using simple brush and ink to outline the scenery with profound meaning is the advanced state pursued by traditional Chinese painting.

And Zhang Feng also likes this kind of painting the most. This kind of painting may not look gorgeous, but it tests the artist's painting skills more. This kind of painting can better reflect the artist's thoughts and mood.

As people say, there are poems in paintings and poems in poems. Of course, painters also want to paint the most beautiful pictures in their hearts with ink pens, so that everyone can enjoy the most beautiful scenery.

After researching the ink, spread the pure white rice paper, Zhang Feng splashes the ink, and the pen moves like a dragon and a snake, just like flowing clouds and flowing water.

With the passage of time, the mountains and rivers come to life, the strange pines and weeping willows stand upright among the mountains and rivers, and there is a person who goes boating on the river, fishing alone, which has the charm of fishing alone in the cold river and snow, but it is a pity that it is not the cold winter months covered by thousands of miles of ice. , but a beautiful summer full of flowers.

Soon a beautiful picture of "Moon Lake Fishing Alone" was created.

"Okay!" A sudden cheer sounded from behind Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng looked back, only to find that there were already tourists standing behind him, and everyone looked at him with eyes full of admiration and admiration.

"Brother, you draw really well!"

"Yeah, this time I saw my little brother draw stroke by stroke with my own eyes, this can't be faked!"

"It's really a genius!"

"Hey, why are other people so versatile, but I don't know anything."

"Don't be discouraged, buddy. In fact, you and I are the same. Most people are so ordinary. This buddy in front of you must be an alien. Can we compare with him?"

The tourists behind praised Zhang Feng one after another, and some tourists looked bitter. Seeing Zhang Feng's painting skills, they immediately felt ashamed and inferior.

"Thank you, thank you, the painting is not very good!" Zhang Feng said modestly, bowing his hands slightly to everyone.

I wipe!It's not good to paint like this, so what should I do? ?
Can it be considered as good as Zhang Zeduan's "Surfing the River During the Qingming Festival"?

Everyone couldn't help but rolled their eyes, and they were full of opinions. If they weren't familiar with Zhang Feng, everyone would have complained immediately. What a pretentious criminal. Judging from this level of pretentiousness, he is a veteran who often pretends to be a pretentious person. That's an understatement.

"Big brother, can you teach Mengmeng how to draw??" Just then, a lovely voice sounded from the crowd.

Zhang Feng followed the prestige, and it turned out to be a little girl of three or four years old, looking at him with a cute face, her eyes full of expectation.

"Hehe, I'm very sorry, the little girl is not sensible." The little girl's parents quickly hugged their daughter, and smiled apologetically.

"No, no! Baby is so cute, come here, big brother will teach you how to draw." Zhang Feng smiled, seeing such a cute little girl, his heart was filled with doting.

"Hee hee, thank you big brother!" The little girl happily broke away from her father's thick arms, and ran towards Zhang Feng in a bouncing manner.

Zhang Feng smiled, laid out new drawing paper, and slowly taught the little girl to draw a simple picture, which was the octagonal gazebo on the other side of the lake.

I have to say that the little girl's learning ability is not bad, and she probably has some basics at home, so her paintings are not bad. Although they are thousands of miles away from Zhang Feng's paintings, the pictures drawn by children are more like childhood. Charm, even graffiti looks better than the ones drawn by adults.

After some research, it turned out that the little girl's name is Ran Mengmeng, and her family is in Linxing City. Today, her parents are on vacation, so the family went to the long-awaited Moon Lake tour.

When they came to Moon Lake, the whole family knew what the Moon Lake landscape is. It is even more beautiful than the tourist brochures, with beautiful mountains and clear waters. Even the famous Guilin landscape is just like this, and it is even more beautiful and more desirable.

The most surprising thing for the family is that they can meet such a high-level painter here, not bad!In their view, Zhang Feng is fully worthy of the title of painter, even better than ordinary painters.

"Thank you buddy, it's really troublesome!"

"Where is there!! Brother Ran, sister-in-law, if you don't mind, how about I draw a family portrait for you?"

"Ah, why are you so embarrassed?" Although Brother Ran said so, the surprise on his face had already betrayed him.

"Hehe, it's okay, don't make too much effort!" Zhang Feng waved his hands indifferently.

In fact, painting is the same, it is not difficult for those who are difficult, and it is not difficult for those who meet. A family portrait of a family of three takes only half an hour at most, and Zhang Feng can finish it all.

"Thank you so much Brother Zhang." Brother Ran quickly smiled and thanked him.

"Mengmeng come here quickly, big brother is going to draw for us!" Mengmeng's mother hurriedly waved to her precious daughter.

At this time, Mengmeng and Yiyi were admiring Zhang Feng's painting just now. Hearing her mother's words, she was overjoyed, said goodbye to Yiyi, and ran towards everyone.

Yiyi smiled, seeing such a cute little girl, she also liked it very much, and slowly followed the little girl into the gazebo.

"Hee hee, thank you big brother!!" The cute smile said to Zhang Feng.

"Mengmeng is so obedient and polite!" Zhang Feng patted the little girl's head.

Then Mengmeng's parents hugged their daughter and sat in the gazebo. Zhang Feng smiled and nodded, laid out a new drawing paper, picked up the brush and began to draw.

Mom and Dad hugged their daughter, a family of three, full of happy smiles, really enviable.

Zhang Feng's speed was super fast, he finished this painting in less than half an hour, and the whole family portrait of Mengmeng's family was completely completed.

"It's finally done!" Zhang Feng heaved a sigh of relief. After drawing so many paintings today, Zhang Feng was also a little exhausted.

"Wow, good, hee hee! Big brother finished the painting!!" Hearing Zhang Feng's words, the cute little Mengmeng jumped off his father's lap and ran towards Zhang Feng happily.

Mengmeng's parents also stood up excitedly, and walked over quickly to look at this family portrait that belonged to them.

In the end, the three members of the family were all satisfied and praised Zhang Feng's painting skills repeatedly, especially the little girl admired Zhang Feng even more.

 Thank you very much for the book friend 'Xiankanxian' for the reward of 500 starting coins, and thank you for your subscription and moon, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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