small farmer

Chapter 647 Dragon Boat Competition

Chapter 647 Dragon Boat Competition (22)

"Wow, sister Qiushui, are you here?"

After a while, the girl Xiaoyue came back from playing outside, and she was pleasantly surprised when she saw Qiushui and Houzi.

"Yeah, where were you just now, Xiaoyue?"

Then a group of girls chattered about the interesting things these days.

"Sister Yiyi, sister Qiushui, how about we go to the lake to watch people rowing dragon boats?" After chatting for a while, the little girl suggested to the sisters with a smile.

"Ah, doesn't the dragon boat race start tomorrow?" Qiu Shui asked in surprise.

"Hehe, the official competition is tomorrow, but today the dragon boats from other villages have arrived at Moon Lake. There were several dragon boats training in the lake just now!" Xiaoyue said with a smile.

"Okay, let's go!" Several girls walked towards the lake with their bags in their hands.

The monkeys looked at each other, and then hurriedly followed.


"On May [-]th, the sky is clear, and the poplar flowers circle the river and sing the eagle; the drum beats three times and the red flag opens, and two dragons jump out of the floating water; The mark is approaching, and the two dragons look at the mark like a flash; people on the slope are startled by thunderbolts, and the head of the pole is hung with rainbows; the boat in front has already won the mark, and the boat in the back has lost its power and waved."

The "Song of the Race" written by Zhang Jianfeng, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, can not help but remind people of the scene of Dragon Boat Races during the Dragon Boat Festival!
Dragon boats from all directions compete with each other with rhythmic gongs and drums.

The red-faced and black-bearded Hongsheng Shenlong, the charming and beardless Tianhou Shenlong, the childish Nezha Feilong, and the "Huangpute" flying dragon named "Bengpin Golden Dragon" by the emperor's first emperor more than 100 years ago...Dongjiang Dragon Boat,
Except for the different dragon heads depending on the gods enshrined in ancient times in the village, generally the length of the boat is seven feet four feet, the head and tail are pointed and raised, the middle is thick and low, and there is a mighty dragon head in front and a long sheath of banners in the back.

The boat is divided into [-] hurdles, and the big drum is placed directly in front of it. The sound of the two gongs and drums unifies the radial beats of the [-] rowers. Under the leadership of the commander, a powerful joint force is formed to make the dragon boat move forward rapidly in the vast river.

The dragon race is the most exciting moment in the Dragon Boat Festival.As soon as the order is issued, the gongs and drums are as loud as spring thunder rolling, and the sky is full of water like spring rain.This kind of dragon boat race is a competition of will, a contest of perseverance, and a competition of unity and strength
On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, everyone got up early and came to the Moon Lake with great interest.
At this time, the shore of the lake was already crowded with people.The old people moved out the armchairs from their homes, sat upright and waited quietly.The girls seemed to be attending a grand event, each wearing neat new outfits, chirping and discussing who would be the winner of this competition.

Although the half-sized boys were not able to participate in the dragon boat race in person, their enthusiasm remained undiminished, and their faces were full of joy.The little kids in the village were even more excited. They scrambled among the crowd. Some naughty boys even climbed onto the willow trees by the river, took a good position, and looked down into the lake from a high position.And there are already twenty most beautiful dragon boats floating in the lake. The boats are narrow and long, with vermilion lines drawn on the sides of the boats.

"Wow, it's so lively!!"

Seeing such a hot arena, everyone was very excited and was completely infected by the warm atmosphere before the game.

"Crazy brother?" At this moment, the duckling happened to hide on the willow tree above Zhang Feng's head. The little guy called Zhang Feng and then hid.

Hearing the sound, Zhang Feng looked around, but he didn't find the duckling. He was suddenly puzzled, wondering if there were too many tourists and the noise was too loud, and he had auditory hallucinations.

"Hee hee, Brother Crazy..." Seeing that Zhang Feng hadn't found him, the little guy poked his head out again and shouted to Zhang Feng with a smile.

At this time, Zhang Feng finally found out the clues. Following the reputation, the little guy wanted to hide, but before it was too late, he was exposed in front of Zhang Feng's eyes.

"You bastard, you're not afraid of falling even if you're so tall, be careful, you'll have to beat you up later!"

"Xiaofeng, come up quickly, let's find out how we feel first!" At this moment, Uncle Dashan hurriedly called to Zhang Feng.If it comes to him, he will be the absolute main force in the dragon boat team.

"Hey, I'll be right there!" said Zhang Feng, glaring at the little guy,
"Come down now, do you hear me?"

"Understood, madman!" The little guy saw Zhang Feng's stern face, and was only worried that he would sue his father, so he slid down obediently.


The game finally started after everyone was waiting for it.

A total of twenty participating teams lined up at the starting point.

The members of each dragon boat team were all in high spirits, with a bunch of red cloth wrapped around their heads and waists, shining brightly in the sunlight of the morning sun.

When the drums sounded, the dragon boat flew back and forth on the calm Tanghe River like an off-string arrow.

People watching dragon boats on both sides of the strait shouted loudly, and some even took out the gongs and drums at home and beat them hard to cheer. Even young people with good intentions hung the "serial ring" firecrackers prepared in advance on the trees and lit them.

For a while, the sound of shouts, gongs and drums, and crackling firecrackers converged in one place, echoing on the river surface, deafening.

"come on!"

"Come on, Moon Lake!"

"Come on, the education team!"

"Armed police, come on!"

Almost every participating team has its own die-hard supporters. Everyone rolled up their sleeves, waved their arms excitedly, and shouted loudly towards the team they supported.

All of a sudden, the drums and gongs by the Moon Lake were loud, and the sound was like a tide. It was extremely lively, and the atmosphere reached its peak.

"Crazy come on!!"

"Come on Xiaofeng..."

Seeing the fierce scene of Qianfan Race, friends and family members are cheering and cheering for Zhang Feng.

At this time, Zhang Feng was completely immersed in the game. Following the rhythm of Uncle Dashan's drums, he swung his oars bravely. Everyone moved in unison. brilliant.

Uncle Dashan was even more excited when he was beating the drum. As he pitched his body, he lowered his hammers together, wishing to put all his strength into it, making people worry that the drum would be broken.

When the race got to the tense part, it was even more exciting. Several dragon boats went hand in hand, scrambling to be the first, and the shouts on the shore were overwhelmed.

"come on……"

"come on……"

The most exciting moment of the game finally came.

The finish line was already close at hand. At this time, the dragon boat team of Moon Lake really lived up to everyone's expectations. It exploded suddenly, riding Juechen, like an arrow off the string, and shot towards the finish line.

"Ah! I won!!"

"Haha, we won!!"

"Hahahaha, our village has won!!" Seeing that the dragon boat of Moon Lake crossed the finish line first, the villagers on the shore of the lake were very excited. Everyone couldn't help cheering, they were really excited.

Unexpectedly, the final winner was actually Moon Lake. At this time, the village head was smiling, cheerful and extremely happy.

(End of this chapter)

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