small farmer

Chapter 648 The bonus has been issued

Chapter 648 The bonus has been issued (12)

"Hee hee, dad wins..."

"Ah, my dad won too... Ho Ho..."

Duckling Da Mao and the others were also very happy, jumped up excitedly, and yelled on the shore of the lake, they were even happier than Uncle Er Niu and Uncle Da Shan.

At this time, even Xiao Maoya's little face flushed with excitement, and she was really happy to see her father so handsome. Her young heart was full of admiration for her father, and she felt that her father was really amazing.

The villagers by the lake also cheered excitedly, especially the half-children in the village, who blew their whistles excitedly.

For a moment, cheers, exclamations, and screams resounded throughout the world, and the entire Moon Lake entered the most lively peak.

As the dragon boat crossed the finish line first, Zhang Feng waved his fist excitedly, and everyone couldn't help cheering. Uncle Dashan even hit the big drum heavily with a stick, making a sky-shattering sound.

"We won, we really won...hahaha..." Uncle Dashan exclaimed excitedly, just like Fan Jinzhongju, his whole body trembling with excitement.

"Xiaofeng, we won!"

"Xiaoyi, we won..."

Uncle Er Niu excitedly grabbed everyone's shoulders and kept shaking them.

"We won, we won the championship!!"

"It's been ten years! It's been ten years!! We participated four times in total, but I didn't expect it to be really successful this time!!"

Uncle Dashan was the most excited, because from the very first time, he represented Moon Lake in the competition, but the first two times he lost his name to Sun Shan. Although he won the third time, he was only No.3. Unexpectedly, this time Won the championship, and with an absolute advantage, surpassing No.2 by a huge advantage of almost half a ship's position, winning the championship was really unexpected, a pure surprise! !
Just as the villagers cheered for winning the first place, the people behind the Armed Police Team and the Gudu Shipyard Team were very depressed. In the past, with their strength, they were almost all favorites to win the championship, but this time, they were unexpectedly defeated by a team from a mountain village. It is a big lead, how can everyone accept this, so the players are very frustrated.

You must know that the members of the two teams are all muscular men, needless to say the armed police, and the members of the Gudu Shipyard are not bad either. They are all thick and strong men in the shipyard workshop. Needless to say, their strength and coordination ability are top-notch. , but this time I encountered a group of super bugs like Moon Lake, I didn't expect the people of Moon Lake to play so well.

In fact, even Zhang Feng himself was pleasantly surprised. Although he guessed that everyone would win the championship, he never expected to win the first place with such a big lead. This is really an unexpected surprise.

Zhang Feng knew that everyone must have performed supernormally. I guess everyone is a competitive player. Just now everyone was very excited, so they showed their strength at the 2th level, and they won the championship by a large margin ahead of No.[-].

The results of the competition are finally out!

No.1 Moon Lake Dragon Boat Team at that time!
No.2 is the former overlord - the armed police representative team. This team has participated in six dragon boat races and won the championship three times. Although they did not win the other times, they all achieved good results of No.2.

No.3 is the representative team of Gudu Shipyard. They are also a powerful team in Qingshan County second only to the armed police team.

The number of times they participated in the competition was one less than that of the Armed Police Team, even this time it was only five times, but they have won two championships, two runner-ups, and this time No.3, and their results are also very good.

Unfortunately, they met this year's Moon Lake team.

This year's Moon Lake representative team has a completely new look, which is very different from previous years.
In the past, almost all the young people in the village went out to work, and the rest of the village were mostly old people and children. Therefore, there were hardly [-] dragon boat team members. It was strange that such a team could achieve good results.

But this year is completely different. Because of the establishment of the cooperative, the villagers have made a fortune growing vegetables and fruits, and the villagers who went out to work have also returned to the village.

Therefore, the lineup of Moon Lake this time is also very strong. It is really because of a large number of young and strong that they have the strength to win the championship, and they can finally make the final decision. With a huge advantage of half a ship, they won No.1.

about half an hour later

The grand awards ceremony started in the square at the entrance of the village,

At this time, the place was already crowded with people, and the big stage in the center was surrounded by tourists on three floors inside and three floors outside.

The leaders of the county first made a speech, praising everyone's hard work and spirit of unity and cooperation, and then started the award ceremony amidst the music of the awards march.

The **** team members, led by Miss Manners, came to the stage one by one. Unlike the smiles on the faces of the Moon Lake players, the faces of the other two teams were not very good, because the champions who thought they were sure to win were just like this He slipped away and was taken away by the little-known Moon Lake, so the members of the two teams were not in a good mood.

First of all, the director of the County Tourism Bureau, as the guest of honor, presented the trophy and bonus to No.3.

The No.2 award presenter was the deputy county magistrate of the county, and soon the second and third place awards were over, leaving the most eye-catching No.1, the champion of this dragon boat competition-the Moon Lake representative team.

Their award presenter was the magistrate of Qingshan County, the father of Zhang Feng's junior high school classmate, magistrate Xu.

"Congratulations, congratulations..."

"Thank you, thank you magistrate!!"

County Magistrate Xu smiled and presented bonuses and trophies to everyone, shook hands with Yi Yi, and finally took a group photo together.

after the awards ceremony

Today's theatrical performance finally started, and the small square became more lively, crowded with folks and tourists coming from all directions.


"Haha, Dashan, Xiaofeng, you can do it!! Finally won the championship for the village!!" After stepping off the podium, the village elder hurriedly greeted him. As a result, Uncle Dashan was very excited about the trophy in his hand.

"Hehe, it all depends on everyone's performance and hard work this time, otherwise we wouldn't be able to win the championship!" After being praised by the village chief, Uncle Dashan said with a smile.

"Haha, it's good to win the championship. I'm treating guests today. Everyone come to my house for dinner at noon." The uncle waved his hand, surprisingly generous, and prepared to invite the team members to celebrate at noon.

"Oh! Uncle's treat, it's really great!!"

"Okay, let's have a big meal at noon!!"

Everyone was very happy. Originally, Zhang Feng was planning to invite everyone to have dinner together. Unexpectedly, his uncle brought it up first, so Zhang Feng didn't talk, just smiled, and planned to celebrate with everyone at the uncle's house at noon.

"Okay, okay, the trophy will be placed in the village committee from now on, and you can divide the bonus among yourself!"

"Yeah! Long live the village chief!!"

Everyone was very happy. Although the bonus was not much, 18 yuan was divided among 800 people, and more than 400 yuan per person, less than 500 yuan, but everyone was still very happy and full of a sense of accomplishment in their hearts! !
(End of this chapter)

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