small farmer

Chapter 650 The Big Hair Who Takes the Blame

Chapter 650 The Big Hair Who Takes the Blame (12)

Mao Ya's mother came, and when she saw the red bumps all over her body, Aunt Dashan became angry!

Because he didn't take good care of his sister, Da Mao was beaten up by his mother, and his ears were almost twisted off.

If it weren't for Yiyi and the others to dissuade him, it is estimated that Da Mao will be very miserable today.

This is because Uncle Dashan was drunk and didn't know, otherwise Da Mao would not only be greeted by his mother's anger, but also his father's even more terrifying fists.

"Good girl, is it still itchy?" After spanking Big Mao, Mao Ya's mother carefully checked her daughter's body, and found that the red spots on her body had shrunk a lot, so she asked the little girl distressedly.

"It's not itchy anymore, Brother Crazy and Sister Yiyi have given me medicine!" The little girl said timidly, afraid of being scolded by her mother like her brother.

"That's good, that's good!!" Aunt Dashan finally breathed a sigh of relief, and the serious expression on her face finally dissipated a lot.

"Thank you, Xiaofeng and Yiyi!" Aunt Dashan thanked them both with a smile.

"Hehe, it's okay. In fact, it's Old Yao Uncle who should be thanked. If it wasn't for him, we wouldn't know that honey can cure sumac allergy!" Zhang Feng said with a modest smile.

"How can you say that? Thank you everyone!!" Aunt Dashan said with a smile.

"By the way, Aunt Dashan, this is my family's self-raised honey. You take it. This thing is effective for the red bumps on Maoya's body. According to the old medicine uncle, apply the medicine three times a day, and use cold boiled water when changing the medicine. Just wash it." Zhang Feng smiled and handed the bottle of honey on the table to Aunt Dashan.

"Hehe, then I'll be rude!" Aunt Dashan knew that Zhang Feng was always generous, and that it was related to her daughter's health, so she was not humble, and took the honey from Zhang Feng's hand with a smile.

"You can take it, if it's not enough, I still have a few bottles at home!" Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"Enough, enough, this bottle is enough!" Aunt Dashan waved her hand quickly.

Aunt Dashan chatted with her mother and Yiyi for a few more words, then took her precious daughter and unlucky son and walked home.

Looking at Da Mao's twitching back, Zhang Feng smiled slightly, thinking that this guy is really unlucky, the younger sister ran into a sumac tree, and Da Mao, the elder brother, finally took the blame and was beaten up by his angry mother, it's really pitiful Little guy, he has the potential to be a villain since he was a child.

After Mao Ya and Da Mao left with their mother

Zhang Feng also walked to the backyard curiously to see how many crayfish the monkey and Xiaopang had caught.

"Haha, madman, you are here, look at how many crayfish we have caught!!" Fatty shouted excitedly when he saw Zhang Feng.

"Yes, let me see how many there are?"

Seeing that Xiaopang was so happy, Zhang Feng walked to the bucket to have a look, huh!That's a lot!Zhang Feng estimated that it should be about one and a half catties.

"Good guys, you have gained a lot!" Zhang Feng looked at Xiaopang and said with a smile.

"Hey, it's mainly because there are too many crayfish in the ditch!"

"And the crayfish in here are too stupid, yo! Look, I caught another one!" While the monkey was talking, another crayfish threw itself into the net. It is not too easy to catch crayfish here.

Zhang Feng smiled. He knew this would happen a long time ago, because the earthworms in the backyard have all been contaminated with auxin, so using it as bait, wouldn't the crayfish not like it? ?

"Oh! My bait was stolen by the eel again!!" The moment Xiaopang was distracted, the eel lurking in the ditch attacked, like a bloodthirsty cobra, its body attacked the earthworm like lightning Come on, open your mouth wide, and swallow the earthworm on the rope in one gulp, leaving only a bare twine.

"Maniac, there are too many eels in the ditch of your house, why don't we fish some and have a moonlight barbecue at night?" Having said this, Fatty couldn't help swallowing.

"Okay, prepare what you want to eat yourself. I won't help you with it today. Every time I do a barbecue, I am so busy that I don't touch the ground. You guys are good. You eat all of your mouths full of oil!" Zhang Feng didn't want to move any more today, and wanted to enjoy the ready-made barbecue.

"Hey, it's okay, just give us a few tonight, you just wait and eat!" Xiaopang was reluctant to give up tonight's barbecue. Although he didn't have the help of chef Zhang Feng, Xiaopang felt that he would definitely be able to Done, because the barbecue is very simple, I learned a lot after watching the madman do it a few times.


night, quiet,
The night in the countryside is so quiet and peaceful. There is no one on the path under the moonlight, and only the shadows of trees can be seen. The breeze blows, the leaves sway slightly, and the shadows on the ground also change into various postures.Looking from a distance, you can still see faint lights, appearing and disappearing from time to time, adding a bit of mystery.

The moonlight shone on the earth, like a layer of light veil, and like a layer of thick frost.Looking up at the sky on such a beautiful night, pearl-like stars hang in the blue night sky, shining brightly. Everything on the earth is illuminated by the moonlight, and everything turns silvery white, like It was covered with a layer of hoarfrost.It's like walking into the legendary fairy tale world, into a distant paradise! !

Moon Lake at this time

The tourists who stayed at Moon Lake, in twos and threes, walked on the shore of the lake and enjoyed the beautiful night.

In the field, against the backdrop of the moonlight, it seems to be covered with a white gauze, which is really beautiful.

From time to time, the cry of frogs and crickets came, and between the movements, it seemed to play a wonderful country serenade.

Seeing such a moving nighttime scenery, the remaining tourists were all pleasantly surprised, which made everyone sing Xin Qiji's "Moon and Bright Moon on the Xijiang River".

Don't terrorize magpies on the bright moon, and cicadas scream in the breeze at midnight.The fragrance of rice flower said good harvest, and heard the sound of frogs.

Seven or eight stars outside, two or three points in front of the rain mountain.In the old days, by the forest side of Maodianshe, the road turned to Xiqiao and suddenly you saw it.

The beauty of Moon Lake is really hard to describe in words. Only this ancient poem that has been passed down through the ages can describe the perfect scenery here.

Small bridge and flowing water
The sound of moonlight frogs...

The beautiful small mountain village of Moon Lake, like the moon, gradually began to emit dazzling light.


The bright moonlight shines on Zhang Feng's small courtyard
At this time, everyone is holding a barbecue party under the moonlight. In addition to Monkey Qiushui and others, two tourists who stayed in yesterday are also invited.

Tonight's barbecue lacks Zhang Feng, the absolute main force, so Xiaopang got lazy and announced that all the barbecue party tonight will be self-service, not only self-service food, but also do it yourself, and grill whatever you want , If you want to wait for others to bake it, it is estimated that it will be impossible to wait until Moon Lake goes down.

The two tourists were also very pleasantly surprised by the situation in the past two days. They did not expect that there are not only beautiful scenery here, but also such earth-shattering food, especially Zhang Feng's food. The taste is really incomparable. Keep screaming, this tour is really profitable! !
(End of this chapter)

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