small farmer

Chapter 651 1 "Lilac Flower"

Chapter 651 A "Lilac Flower" (22)

"Leizi, don't you claim to be the best joker? Tell me a few to listen to?"

Everyone sat down at the stone table in the courtyard after eating and drinking, the monkey smiled and called to Shi Lei.

"That's right, Leizi, let's have a good time!" Xiaopang also booed.

"Fuck off, buddy, is it just for you to have fun??"

After Leizi heard this, he couldn't help but stare at Xiaopang fiercely.

Everyone burst out laughing when they heard what the two of them said, because Leizi is just like a busker in ancient times.

Seeing everyone looking at him, especially the expectant faces of the beauties, Leizi cleared his throat and began to tell a joke:
One day, after the pig was killed, he cried to the Buddha: Lord Buddha, I think I have been wronged too much. I have eaten leftovers and swill all my life, and I will be killed in the end. It is really more wronged than Dou E! !
The Buddha said: who told you not to listen to the sufferings of the people in your previous life, in this life God will let you grow big ears, look down on ordinary people and make you squint your eyes, love to talk big and make your mouth protrude, and drive luxury cars all the time to make your limbs short , The leftovers you usually eat and the swill you drink are wasted in your previous life.

The pig asked suspiciously: Could it be that I was a second generation in my previous life?
"Hahaha, this is so funny, Leizi, where did you find it, the second generation was hacked like this by you!" After hearing the story, the monkey couldn't help laughing.

The others couldn't help but burst out laughing, but Xiaopang still looked confused, as if he hadn't figured out the point of the joke.

"I'll go, Xiaopang hasn't understood the joke yet, right?" Zhang Feng couldn't help asking.

"How is it possible? I just ate too much just now, and I just stared blankly for a while!!" Fatty moved quickly, seeing the way everyone looked at him, as if they were mentally handicapped, and quickly explained.

"Okay, explaining is covering up, we all understand if you don't say it! Hehe!"

"Hee hee, it's really fun. Why do I think it's similar to the story about the animals telling jokes on the boat? Because the little pig reacted slowly, many storytellers were thrown into the sea in the end."

"Hehe, so everyone, don't stay in a group with Xiaopang when playing games in the future, or you will definitely be cheated to death!"

"Damn!! What do you mean by that, brother, I'm just a little fatter, my brain is still very smart, okay..." Hearing everyone's words, Fatty suddenly became anxious.

"Okay, everyone, don't say that Xiaopang is so pig-like. In fact, he still has many advantages. At least pigs don't eat as much as he does!" Leizi said seriously.

At first, everyone thought that Leizi was trying to fight for Xiaopang, but they didn't know that this guy was even worse.

"Leizi, I'm going to fight with you!!" Xiaopang tried his best, a bear pounced, hugging Leizi was a violent beating,
Ever since, the two hugged each other under the eyes of everyone, and they rolled over on the stone table under excitement.

"Okay, okay, what are you two doing so affectionately?" Monkey asked with a smile.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Everyone laughed when they heard what the monkey said.

When the two of them heard everyone's laughter, they stopped embarrassingly. After some fighting, Xiaopang finally vented his anger and became peaceful.

"Okay, let's go on, Leizi, let's hear a few more jokes!"

"Okay, listen everyone..." Leizi straightened his clothes, and then resumed his work.

The teacher led the primary school students to visit the prison and receive moral education.

At the end of the visit, the teacher asked the students: What do you think?
Student Answer: The current prison conditions are really good!
teacher:? ? ? ? ?
"These are not too funny, tell me some more funny ones!" Xiaopang held back his laughter, and continued to urge Leizi, wanting to hear some more funny jokes.

"Okay, then I'll say a few more..."

Reporter: Do you change diapers for your children at night?

Passer-by: Of course, to tell you the truth, I can change a baby's diaper, feed a baby, and so on with one foot.

Reporter: I don't believe it!
Passerby: Really, you don’t even need to turn on the lights.

Reporter: Impossible!How do you change it?Passerby: Just kick your husband awake with one foot.

"Haha, this trick is absolutely perfect..." Everyone burst into laughter after hearing this.

"Haha! I didn't expect such an operation to exist!!" The girls laughed even more exaggeratedly after hearing this.

Zhang Feng couldn't help laughing, he thought this joke was really interesting, there must be many such buddies in reality, who dote on their wives almost to heaven, but Zhang Feng didn't think there was anything wrong, because everyone has different personalities , the way of life is also different, and it may seem to others that such a way of life is happier, because as the saying goes, money is hard to buy and I am willing, as long as the family is harmonious, everything will be fine.

"Ahem, I've told so many jokes, Qiushui, do you girls also perform a few shows?" Leizi took the opportunity to ask the girls with a smile.

The girls glanced at each other, and after discussing a few words in a low voice, Sister Ding Xiang was the first to stand up.

"Ahem, I'll sing "Lilac Flower" for everyone. Don't mind if I don't sing well!" Ding Xiang said shyly.

"Let's sing, let's sing, I'm really looking forward to the beauty Dingxiang singing "Lilac"!" The boys were already sitting upright, ready to appreciate Dingxiang's beautiful singing voice.

You said you love lilacs the most
because your name is her

what a melancholy flower
sentimental man

when the flowers wilt

when the screen freezes

what a delicate flower
but can't hide from the wind and rain
floating, shaking, life

How many beautifully woven dreams

come in such a hurry
leave me with a lifetime of concern

The grave is full of flowers

It's the beauty you long for


"Okay, it's really nice to sing!"

"Lilac sings really well!"

After Sister Ding Xiang sang, everyone clapped their hands and applauded. I really didn't expect Ding Xiang's singing to be so beautiful, and she really felt like a Jiangnan beauty.

After listening to Lilac's melancholy and sweet singing
It's Qiushui's turn again
Qiushui sang a song "Moonlight in the Lotus Pond" by Phoenix Legend

Qiu Shui's singing voice is deep and slightly hoarse, but it also has a mature charm. Compared with Lilac's ethereal singing voice, each has its own merits and is very beautiful.

Then Yiyi got up and sang Faye Wong's "The Year in a Hurry"

Zhang Feng also likes this song very much. Every time he listens to this song, it seems like he is listening to a beautiful love story, and his mind will be filled with all kinds of sweet images.

Wonderful music can always resonate with everyone and arouse everyone's infinite reverie.

In the end, the young man was also pulled up by the beauties to perform, but in the end he couldn’t shirk. Zhang Hai plucked up the courage to stand up and sang a song he liked very much for everyone, and finally won rounds of applause from everyone. Being fat is miserable, and I had to accept punishment in the end. I learned two pig calls, which made everyone laugh.

(End of this chapter)

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