small farmer

Chapter 657 Two melon thieves

Chapter 657 Two Melon Thieves (23)

"Second uncle, then I'll go back first!"

After finishing the work, Zhang Feng said to the second uncle.

"Hey, remember to come over for dinner later." The second uncle smoked a pipe, nodded with a smile.

"No need to bother second uncle, my sister must have done it too!!" Zhang Feng declined with a smile.

"You kid is really..."

The second uncle shook his head, knowing that Zhang Feng would definitely not come back for dinner, so he asked the second aunt to bring a bowl of ribs to the house.


Being idle at home at noon is also idle
Zhang Feng called Yiyi, carrying a basket on his back, and walked towards the back mountain with Big Black and Little Black.

"Madman, is the corn we planted really edible?" Yiyi asked curiously along the way.

"It should be almost the same. I met the second uncle at the door yesterday, and that's what the second uncle said!" Zhang Feng smiled. He hadn't been in the field for several days. He didn't know what the corn in the field looked like, so now It's okay, just go and have a look.

"Hee hee, that should be edible!!"

Yiyi said happily, she really didn't expect the corn she planted by herself to be ready to eat, and she was so happy that she couldn't tell, full of a sense of accomplishment.

It's just mid-June
Ordinary corn is now blooming, but Zhang Feng's corn cobs have grown thick and big, and they look very pleasing.

It has to be said that the products produced by the system are really extraordinary. Not only the yield is high, but also the taste is better. After this kind of corn comes into the market, it will definitely be very popular with consumers.

woof woof woof woof woof
Suddenly, the two dogs barked wildly at the corn grove of the second uncle's house, as if they had encountered something.

"Oh, brother lunatic is here, little stone hide!" Mao Ya's anxious and lovely voice sounded in the lush corn forest.

"Hey, lunatic, listen, was it Maoya's voice just now?" Yiyi asked curiously.

"Hehe, there are not only Maoya, but also small stones!!" Zhang Fengfeng smiled heartily, knowing that these two little things must be stealing cucumbers from the second uncle's house.

At this moment, there was a shaking in the corn grove, and two melon thieves came out smiling, with their small hands behind their backs, for fear that Zhang Feng and the two would see the cucumbers hidden in their hands.

"Oh, you stole the cucumbers from the Second Uncle's house again? Will the Second Uncle find out later and settle accounts with you?" Zhang Feng said with a smile on purpose.

"Hee hee, we didn't steal it! The second uncle asked us to pick it ourselves!" Mao Ya said with a smile.

"Really? Take out your pickled cucumbers and let me have a look?" Zhang Feng smiled, disapproving, knowing that these little guys must be holding chicken feathers as arrows, the second uncle said casually, these little guys are like According to the imperial decree, whenever he has time every day, he comes to harm the cucumbers in the field.

"Hee hee, brother lunatic, sister Yiyi, look, I picked these. The small stones are not as big as mine." Mao Ya proudly took out the cucumber she picked,
Zhang Feng took a look and found that it was indeed not small, estimated to be about seven or eight taels, such a local cucumber was already considered a big one.

"Hmph, I was the one who saw it first, okay?" Xiao Shitou raised his mouth. It turned out that the two of them discovered the big cucumber together, but Mao Ya reacted quickly and picked the cucumber off, so Xiao Shitou was not convinced. Said.

"Wow, it's still a local cucumber!" Yiyi said in surprise after seeing it.

"Yes, this yellow cucumber tastes delicious!!" Mao Ya said with a smile, as if she liked this local cucumber more,

Local cucumbers have a sweeter taste, unlike the slender cucumbers from other places, which have a light taste and low sweetness, so the little ones in the village prefer this local cucumber.

"Sister Yiyi, where are you going??" Xiao Shitou asked curiously while nibbling on a cucumber.

"Let's break the corn!"

"Ah, can you eat corn??" Little Shitou was very surprised.

"Hehe, I don't know yet, I have to go to the field to have a look first." Zhang Feng said with a smile.

With two little tails, everyone walked to the cornfield together.

The lush corn is growing most vigorously at this time. The cyan corn leaves, red corn whiskers, and the most pleasing corn cobs are inserted on the corn stalks one by one, which is really very attractive.

Gently peeling off the outer corn husk, grains of pearl-like corn appeared in front of Zhang Feng's eyes.

"Wow! So tender!!" Yiyi exclaimed in surprise.

"Well, it's still a little tender!" Zhang Feng pinched it with his nails, and it can still grow for two or three days.

"Ah, can't you eat this kind of food?" Yiyi asked curiously.

"It can be eaten, but it's too tender, and it's a bit wasteful. It would be better if it grows for two more days!" Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"Oh...oh!" After Zhang Feng's explanation, Yiyi suddenly realized.

"Madman, let me help you!" Seeing Zhang Feng looking for edible corn in the field, Yiyi also eagerly said.

"Okay, look for the biggest one." Zhang Feng smiled and nodded.

At this time, the two melon thieves were sitting on the big rock by the side of the road, with their mouths crooked, gnawing on the big sweet cucumber, eating with relish.

Seeing the two little guys eating so obsessively, Zhang Feng couldn't help laughing. Seeing them seemed like seeing himself when he was a child, stealing melons in the fields, fishing in the river, these are the things everyone liked to do when they were young .

Although it is naughty, it is the best memory in everyone's heart.

"Ah, lunatic, what do you think of me?" Yiyi found one, and then asked Zhang Feng in surprise.

"Really? Let me see!"

Zhang Feng looked at it and pinched it with his fingers. Although it was still a little tender, it could barely be broken.

"This is good, you can take it home and cook it!"

"Hee hee, I found this!" Hearing that it could be broken, Yiyi was very happy. Holding the corn cob with her jade hand, she broke the corn off with a click, and put it into her basket, her face full of tears. smiled.


"Wow woof... woof woof..."

At this moment, Da Hei Xiao Hei suddenly called out.

"Da Hei Xiao Hei, what's the matter with you?" Zhang Feng stopped and asked curiously to the two dogs submerged in the corn grove.

The corn grove shook violently, and Xiao Hei, a naughty ghost, ran over with a happy face, then turned around and nodded to Zhang Feng, as if telling Zhang Feng to follow him.

"Crazy, what is Xiao Hei doing?" Yiyi asked with some doubts.

"Hehe, it asked me to follow it!!"

"Wow woof... woof woof..." Xiao Hei immediately nodded excitedly, as if to say, Master, you know me best!
"Ah, then what are we waiting for? Hurry up and leave!" Yiyi was overwhelmed with surprise, she didn't expect Xiao Hei to be so smart, and she refreshed everyone's understanding of it little by little.

Zhang Feng was also very curious about how the two dogs made such a big discovery, so he nodded with a smile, followed Xiao Hei closely with Yiyi, and walked deep into the corn field.

(End of this chapter)

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