small farmer

Chapter 656 Every Family Is Busy With Renovation

Chapter 656 Every Family Is Busy With Renovation (13)

After the meeting

Everyone couldn't wait to escape from the steamer-like meeting room
Suddenly a gust of wind blew, and it was indescribably cool, and everyone immediately revived with blood and radiant spirits.

Although the summer in Qingshan is also very hot, it is only the scorching sun during the day. At night, after the sun goes down, the weather will cool down quickly, and the temperature difference between day and night is large, which is a typical feature of mountain climate.

"Hey, it's all right now. My dad has always wanted to use the money he earned to do some business. Otherwise, it would depreciate too much in the bank! Now that there is such a good investment opportunity in the village, my dad will definitely be very happy "The two brothers walked towards the village together, cousin Zhang Yi said with a smile.

"Not bad, Second Uncle's idea is very good, it's the best choice if you have the money to invest!!" Zhang Feng smiled, and was also happy for everyone's change of concept.

In the past, everyone made money, either in the bank or building houses, but now, the village has strict control over the construction of houses, and now everyone's houses are almost in a state of rest, so the money you have earned this year, Almost all of them exist in the bank and have made great contributions to the development of the bank.

It's a pity that there is only a small amount of interest every year, which is not as fast as the price rise, so depositing hundreds of thousands in the bank is purely for depreciation.

Therefore, as it is said on the Internet, poor people deposit their money in the bank, and rich people go to the bank for loans and borrow money to make money, so that they can make a lot of money and make a fortune.

In the past, the villagers had no money, at most a hundred thousand, but now, almost every household has three to five million deposits. The more money they save, everyone gradually understands that it is really not worthwhile to put this money in the bank. Usury loans are not very safe, so the clever people in the village are looking for ways to invest.

Some people who had no idea of ​​investing were suddenly awakened after today's meeting. Under the stimulation of most people, the villagers who had planned to keep their money in the bank had to find a way out for their idle funds.

Moreover, the project of building a hotel has also been favored by Zhang Feng. From everyone's point of view, Zhang Feng is the God of Wealth in the village. As long as it is a project he is optimistic about, it will definitely make money.
So everyone changed their conservative attitude and couldn't wait to invest, and many even wanted to invest 50 million.

It's a pity that building a hotel in the village will definitely not require so much money, so the excited villagers finally calmed down after being stimulated.


Early the next morning, Zhang Yi ran to Zhang Feng's house.

"Brother, are you free now?"

"I'm free, what do you want?" Zhang Feng was watching TV in the room, when he looked back at Zhang Yi, he asked curiously.

"I'm going to the county seat to buy some building materials and change the toilets and wiring at home!"

"Okay, wait for me to change." Zhang Feng stood up immediately, turned off the TV, climbed upstairs, and walked into his room.

Because today is the first day when the village regulations come into effect, and this week is a period for everyone to rectify and reform.

So early this morning, everyone took care of the vegetables in the field, and they all started to get busy. They began to rectify the hygiene at home and eliminate fire, electricity and other safety hazards.

"Let's go!!" Zhang Feng put on his clothes and called his cousin. The two walked quickly to the entrance of the village. Zhang Yi drove his small truck and drove towards the county town.

Building Materials Street in Qingshan County
Located in the south of the county, the whole street is not big, only about a hundred meters in front and back, and there are various building materials stores on both sides of the road, about thirty or forty.

There are not only reinforced concrete, tiled water pipes, but also various hardware components, everything that one expects to find.

"How much is the wire per meter, boss?"

"Below ten meters is three yuan per meter, and more than ten meters is two yuan and fifty-one meters."

"Boss, I want 100 meters, can you give me a discount?"

"Okay, brother, if you want 100 meters, then give 230 yuan!" The boss said with a smile,

However, Zhang Yi is not satisfied. Although the quality of the wire looks good, the price is still a bit expensive. Since Zhang Yi still needs to buy some wire slots, the boss gave another discount of 30 yuan. Including the price of the wire slots, the total cost More than 300 pieces.


The sun shines, the breeze blows,
The trucks are driving fast on the road,

The green hills in the distance and the landscape trees nearby are retreating quickly, as if the car is not moving, but the mountains and trees are running backwards, as if they have grown and retreated. It is really very interesting.

"Where is Second Uncle going to put this cement?"

"Hey, you guys are back, put them in the backyard, and we'll be renovating the toilet later!" Second Uncle and Second Aunt saw Zhang Feng walking in with two bags of cement, and said quickly.

Zhang Feng smiled, and easily carried two hundred catties of cement as if walking to the backyard.

The toilet of the second uncle's house is also in the backyard. It is just a suggested shed built with hollow bricks and asbestos tiles. However, in response to the village's call, the toilet will also be modernized.

Then everyone hurriedly moved all the building materials to the backyard. As the main labor force of the family, Zhang Feng had to stay to help out.

Although the second uncle was getting old, he did a good job as a cement worker. He was good at mixing mortar and building walls. Zhang Feng and Zhang Yi slowly groped and learned under the guidance of the second uncle.

But fortunately, it's my own job, so I don't need too high requirements.

After working for about a morning, a bathroom and toilet of five or six square meters was completed.

Although it looks a bit shabby, but as long as it is clean and tidy, it's OK!

As soon as everyone cleaned up, the big horn in the village rang again.

"Notice, notice, those who want to buy solar water heaters should come to the village to register, and the village will buy them uniformly, and the price will be discounted..."

"Notice, notice..."

"Yo! Not bad, Xiaoyi, go to the village to register."

"Hey! Got it, Dad!"

Villagers are no strangers to group buying. This shopping method is not only simple, but also cheaper.

So upon hearing the notice from the village, the villagers dropped their work one after another and happily walked to the village committee.

"Yo, second uncle, where are you going?"

"Xiaoying, isn't the village telling everyone to buy water heaters together?"

"Ah, the village wants to buy water heaters?"

"Of course!" The second uncle said with a smile.

"Oh, then my family must have bought it early. I just bought it at the beginning of the month." Hearing what the second uncle said, sister Yingzi frowned and felt that she was really at a loss. Her family only spent more than 5000 on it half a month ago. She bought a solar water heater. Knowing that there will be group purchases in the village, she will definitely not buy it in advance. It will cost at least a few hundred yuan more.

In the village, there are quite a few people like Sister Yingzi. When everyone heard the notice from the village, they all regretted it, thinking that if they installed the water heater a few months later, they would remember it.

(End of this chapter)

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