small farmer

Chapter 655 B&B Hotel Plan Passed

Chapter 655 B&B Hotel Plan Passed (22)

"According to rough statistics, the number of tourists in our Moon Lake reached 3 during the Dragon Boat Festival holiday..."

Hearing that there were [-] tourists, there was an uproar below, and then everyone's hearts were filled with deep pride.

"There are really 3 people?"

"Of course! Now our Moon Lake is the most popular tourist attraction in the province, and it is also the most primitive and beautiful village in the province!" Speaking of this, the face of the village uncle is full of smiles.

Who would have thought that Moon Lake would have such a day.

Think about it a couple of years ago, this was a remote mountain village in the southwest of Guizhou Province, but in just one year, it has become the most popular tourist attraction.

It received 3 tourists in three days, which is terrible for Moon Lake. It is estimated that it was only so popular during the June [-] Tourism Festival in previous years.

However, most of the tourists on June [-] came for the performance, and they didn’t really like Moon Lake, and most of these tourists were locals from Qingshan, who spent very little and contributed little to Moon Lake’s tourism economy.

And this Dragon Boat Festival, although everyone likes dragon boat races, more tourists are indeed attracted by the simple and rustic style of Moon Lake.

Everyone wants to come here to experience the quiet beauty of Moon Lake and enjoy the relaxed rural life.

Tourists who come here are all conquered by the beautiful scenery here, and everyone lingers and forgets to return.

There are even many tourists who plan to settle here, but unfortunately there are almost no vacant houses in the village now, and the villagers don't want to rent their houses to tourists for a few thousand yuan, so they plan to settle here Tourists are disappointed.

"Okay, I know everyone is very happy. I am also very happy that tourism in our village is so popular. In the past few months, everyone has also seen the benefits of tourism. Therefore, in order to maintain the good reputation of our Moon Lake, Our village committee has specially formulated a series of village regulations, and I will read them to everyone, and everyone should listen to them, and if there is no objection, they will be implemented from tomorrow."

When they heard that the village committee had formulated village regulations, everyone frowned, worried that the village regulations were too strict and would affect their lives.

However, everyone breathed a sigh of relief after listening to the village regulations. It turns out that the village regulations formulated by the village committee this time are not strict. Power lines, unfenced ponds, etc.

"Okay, since everyone has no objection, let's implement it from tomorrow. I will give you a week to make rectifications. After a week, I will go to the village committee to check. If the inspection fails, I will be in front of the whole village. review..."

"Wow..." Everyone was in an uproar when they heard the uncle's words.
Rural people may not be very particular about their clothes, but they are more concerned about face. If you review them in front of the whole village, it will probably be more uncomfortable than killing them.

If anyone is criticized and censored, it is estimated that the next day it will become the laughing stock of the whole village. After all, in the small square at the entrance of the village, the women who gossip all day long are short of talking points!
As a result, the villagers all looked serious, even the elderly in their seventies and eighties like the second uncle also looked serious, and no one wanted to be the object of the review.

"The matter of the village regulations is over, let's talk about the installation of air conditioners..."

"It's good to install air conditioning!"

"The village chief, we all agreed..."

"That's right, on such a hot day, how can we do without an air conditioner!"

Sitting in this bungalow, it was like a big steamer. Everyone enjoyed the sauna for free, sweating all over their bodies.

As everyone expected, the installation of air conditioners was passed unanimously, without a single negative vote.

After all, it would be unwise to offend most people for such a hundred or so yuan, so even a few very frugal old people slowly raised their hands after seeing everyone raise their hands.

"The next topic is more complicated..." At this point, the uncle glanced at the crowd.

Seeing that everyone was listening carefully, he continued:

"Since this is a three-day holiday, everyone has seen that the number of tourists received in our village is greatly insufficient. According to the statistics of the village committee, there are only ten households in our village's homestays, and the number of tourists received is only five or sixty. Less than one-tenth of the demand..."

"Thus, after some thinking, I think that our village can build a batch of B&B hotels in a unified way. I have already thought about where to build them. It is on the hill at the entrance of the village, which used to be the compound of Mr. Yang's family. The terrain is high and flat, very suitable for building a homestay..."

After hearing a series of analysis from the village chief, the villagers nodded in agreement. Tourism in the village is becoming more and more popular, and there are many tourists who want to stay overnight.

Especially every weekend, the farmhouses in the village are full every time, and many tourists have to choose to stay in the county town, which affects the experience of tourists and has a great negative effect on the development of tourism in the village.

"As for the funds, the village is going to let everyone raise funds..."

"Ah, to raise funds..."

"Hey, how do I feel like I want to go back to the feeling of ten years ago, when the village asked everyone to raise funds to build roads."

Hearing that everyone was asked to raise funds, the villagers immediately talked like boiling water.

"Everyone be quiet, be quiet, I haven't finished talking yet, why are you arguing?" The uncle glared at the few people who called him the most, and then continued:
"Our fundraising this time is not an apportionment, and we will not force everyone to contribute money. Everyone can invest as much as they want..."

After hearing what the uncle said, everyone finally calmed down and began to seriously consider whether to invest.

"Actually, this is a very good opportunity to make money. If I hadn't considered everyone's interests, I would just go to Xiaofeng alone. For such a good money-making project, Xiaofeng can pay for it by himself!" Uncle saw everyone's reluctance , suddenly became very angry,

"Village chief, we didn't say we wouldn't invest!"

"Yeah, how much does the village chief need? Isn't it enough for our family to add up to [-]?"

"One hundred thousand is not enough, I am willing to pay 20..."

"I am willing to pay 30 yuan to contribute to the development of tourism in the village. How can I be less..."

Hearing from the village chief that Zhang Feng was very optimistic about this project, the villagers immediately became anxious. If Zhang Feng was so optimistic, the B&B and hotel project would definitely be a success and would definitely make a lot of money by then.

Therefore, the villagers had already run away from their previous worries, and raised their banknotes to invest. Everyone changed so quickly that the village chief was dumbfounded.

"Ahem, we'll talk about the fundraising later, everyone votes by raising their hands first, please raise your hand if you agree to build a hotel in the village!!"

Hearing what the village chief said, everyone raised their hands clatteringly, and the proposal was unanimously approved again.

"Okay, since everyone agrees to this project, the village committee will make a plan as soon as possible, and we will invest according to the situation as to how much money will be needed at that time."

(End of this chapter)

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