small farmer

Chapter 654 Huge achievements

Chapter 654 Huge achievements (Thanks to the rudder for the reward 161...)
Had a feast of Buddha jumping over the wall
Everyone was finally satisfied and sat comfortably in the yard to digest food.

Especially Xiaopang, heaved a sigh of relief, his eyes were twitching, and he was indescribably satisfied.

The Buddha jumping wall made by the old man today is really delicious in the world. Xiaopang has grown so big, and has never eaten such delicious food. Even the food Zhang Feng made before is a little bit worse.

"Hey! I'm sure I'm going to gain weight again when I go back! What should I do??" Qiu Shui touched his bulging belly and said with some annoyance.

"Hee hee, I'm the best, no matter how much you eat, you won't get fat!!" Ding Xiang didn't worry at all, instead she said with a smile.

"Ding Xiang???" Qiu Shui shouted angrily when he heard Ding Xiang's words.

I think your words are too irritating, don't you? ?Can we still have fun?

"Ah!" Seeing Qiu Shui rushing towards her with teeth and claws, Ding Xiang screamed and ran away, so the two beauties just started chasing and fighting in the yard.

"Hehe, these two are really fun!!" Everyone couldn't help laughing at them, as if they were watching their praise after dinner.

Every weekend, with three or five friends, everyone eats, eats and chats. This is also a rare happiness, and it is very yearning.

It's a pity that the good times always fly by so fast. After lunch, everyone had to prepare to go home and leave the beautiful small mountain village of Moon Lake.


"Goodbye, Yiyi!"

"Goodbye madman..."

"Goodbye, come play again when you have time on the weekend!"

Zhang Feng and Yiyi waved to their friends. They were really reluctant to let everyone go, and their friends were also reluctant to let go. Unfortunately, they have to go to work tomorrow, and everyone had to leave this small mountain village like a paradise.

Although rural life is beautiful, everyone still has to face the reality of life. Vegetables, rice, oil, salt, cars and houses, all of these are like shackles and nets, tightly trapping everyone.

Therefore, everyone can only come here every weekend, put aside all troubles, and secretly enjoy the comfortable life in the countryside.

"Yeah, we will definitely come back next week!!" Everyone kept waving to Zhang Feng and the others.

There is always a banquet in the world, no matter how reluctant everyone is, there is still a time to leave.

Houzi and Qiushui finally started the car, and under the watchful eyes of Zhang Feng and Yiyi, they quickly left the intersection of the village, along the smooth asphalt road, and quickly disappeared at the end of the road.



"The villagers are invited to attend the village committee meeting at 07:30 in the evening, and they cannot be absent..."


After dinner, just as Zhang Feng lay down in the yard to rest for a while, the big horn in the village rang.

"Brother, go to the meeting!" After a while, cousin Zhang Yi ran in with a smile.

"Hehe, let's go!" Seeing his and Zhang Yi's clothes, Zhang Feng couldn't help laughing.

"Brother, what are you laughing at?" Zhang Yi saw his elder brother look at him, then laughed silently, thinking that there was something dirty on his body.

"It's nothing, I think our clothes are really fashionable!" Zhang Feng couldn't help laughing.

"Hey... this must be the most popular style this summer!" Hearing Zhang Feng's words, Zhang Yi couldn't help laughing.

This is the case in the countryside. Pants and slippers are the most common dress in summer, and the best equipment to avoid the heat and cool off.

In the past, every summer, the old men in the village would chat and enjoy the shade under the big tree shirtless with a cattail fan each.

It’s much better now, at least everyone will wear a short-sleeved or mandarin jacket. After all, Moon Lake is also the most famous tourist attraction in Qingshan, isn’t it?Therefore, the dressing of the villagers and the sanitation in the village must also be done well.

"It's too hot today! Everyone put out the cigarettes and open the windows!"

The village chief walked into the conference room, feeling the smog and steam, fanned the pungent smell of smoke, and said to the villagers in the conference room.

"Oh, it would be great if I could install the air conditioner sometime!!" Er Niu Shu, who was sweating profusely, wiped the sweat from his forehead and said with a sigh.

"Hey, I think it's feasible. Air conditioners are not expensive now, and our family can install one for 80 yuan!" After hearing this, Uncle Dashan felt that it was necessary to install an air conditioner. The room is different, it's unbearably hot in summer.

In the past, when everyone had no money, Renren passed away, but now everyone still lacks the 200 yuan?Just selling vegetables every day can earn one or two thousand dollars.

It can be said that the current Moon Lake is extremely rich.

"Not bad! Not bad! You can mention this matter to the village chief, otherwise the meeting this summer will be really torturous!" Uncle Seven couldn't help but nodded, thinking that this proposal was really good.

After a while, the news about buying an air conditioner spread in the meeting room, which aroused the resonance of the villagers. In such a hot day, it would be impossible without an air conditioner.


"Ahem, everyone be quiet, our meeting today has officially started..."

"Just now I heard that everyone proposed to install air-conditioning in the meeting room. It seems that everyone has made a lot of money this Dragon Boat Festival!" The uncle said, looking at everyone with a smile.

"Hey..." Hearing what the uncle said, the villagers all laughed happily.

This Dragon Boat Festival can be said to be the most successful Dragon Boat Festival in Moon Lake. Everyone doesn't understand the big truth, but the money earned by each household is real.

Just on this Dragon Boat Festival, almost every household has sold out all the mountain products and fishes stored, and each family has earned at least three to five thousand.

This is still a small amount of income, and the most profitable ones are a few chicken and duck farmers and craftsmen in the village.

Their specialty products are extremely popular these days. Pao Shanye’s more than 200 free-range chickens are not enough to sell. Enthusiastic tourists can’t wait to buy even their half-grown chickens. The business is booming.

Although everyone doesn't know how much his family earned, but ten or twenty thousand is definitely not worth running away.

In addition to Pao Shan Ye who raises chickens, Master Jiu who raises ducks is also troubled by the booming business this holiday.

Thousands of duck eggs and five or six hundred big ducks stored in their home were all bought by tourists. Originally, the old man wanted to keep one or two hundred female ducks to lay eggs, but the tourists were too enthusiastic, so the old man had to reluctantly part with them and sell them all. tourists from afar.

Apart from Pa Shan Ye and Ninth Grandpa, the ones earning the most during this Dragon Boat Festival holiday are Kidnapper and Uncle Carpenter.

The various bamboo and willow weaving and furniture handicrafts made by the two of them are in short supply. Even A Hong, who has just entered the industry, has made a fortune. This guy is young, quick-witted, and his craftsmanship is not bad, so the business is almost catching up. Kidnap Lord.

Seeing that his grandson is so upbeat, Master Kidnapped always looks cheerful wherever he goes in the past two days. He praises his grandson's ability when he meets everyone, and he can't be happy.

 Thank you very much for the reward of 'book friend 161122031912675' 12000 starting point coins, thank you for your support, and I will add more tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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