small farmer

Chapter 660 Working in the Rain

Chapter 660 Working in the Rain (23)

In the yellow plum season, it rains at home, and there are frogs everywhere in the grass pond.

In the next few days, the sky over Moon Lake was covered with dark clouds and heavy rain continued, and the rainy season had reached its peak.

Moon Lake in the rain is misty and hazy, like a fairyland in the sky, ethereal and mysterious, giving people a sense of inscrutable.

The houses in the village, blue bricks and black tiles, are all washed clean by the rain, spotless, as if the whole village has become younger.

Although the continuous heavy rain has brought a lot of inconvenience to the villagers, Moon Lake at this time has a special charm, just like a small town in the south of the Yangtze River after the rain, with small bridges and flowing water, misty rain, it is really incomparably beautiful, so it also attracts many people. Tourists who love beauty come here to enjoy the beautiful Moon Lake in this rainy season.

wake up in the morning to the sound of rain
Looking at the light rain outside the window, it is falling on the ground, watering everything on the earth and nourishing the crops in the field.

Looking around, the high mountains in the distance are smoky, like overseas fairy mountains, ethereal and mysterious, which makes people yearn for.

Light rain, white mist, distant mountains...

The beauty of nature is so simple, but it contains a unique charm, which is fascinating and fascinating.


"Xiaofeng hasten to wash up and eat breakfast, and I will help my second uncle's family harvest vegetables later!" At this moment, the elder sister's shout broke Zhang Feng's longing.

"Got it!" Zhang Feng quickly put on his clothes and walked down the stairs.

A heavy rain last night made Zhang Feng fall asleep very late, so today he woke up behind the elder sister.

It's raining lightly outside

Like strips of dried noodles, hanging down from the sky.

After breakfast, everyone put on raincoats and bamboo hats, and walked to the field with a sickle.

At this time, the fields outside the village were full of the busy voices of the villagers.
"Second Uncle and Second Aunt!" Standing by the edge of the field, Zhang Feng shouted loudly,
"Sister-in-law, Xiaofeng and Xiaoqin, you are all here, yo! Xiaojun is also here?" The second uncle greeted everyone with a smile.

"Hi, uncle!"

"Hehe, I really trouble you!" Second Uncle and Second Aunt hurriedly thanked them.

"No, we have nothing to do at home..."

Everyone smiled and quickly joined the ranks of harvesting vegetables.

Now the villagers' planting scale has expanded a lot, and the least family in the village has planted three or four acres of vegetables.

The most planted is about ten acres. According to the statistics of the cooperative, the whole village has planted nearly [-] acres of vegetables, forming very considerable economic benefits.

According to past experience, one mu of vegetables can bring about [-] yuan of income to the villagers every month, so each household can earn at least [-] to [-] yuan a month.

This is still the most conservative estimate. In fact, everyone’s income per mu is higher than 1 yuan, reaching about 1 yuan. If the management is a bit poor, it will cost one or two thousand yuan less per mu. Every household has some differences, but the income difference is not too big.

So now the life of the villagers in Moon Lake is extremely nourishing, and everyone feels unprecedentedly happy.

Therefore, when everyone learned that the villagers here are so rich, the folks in Qingshan County were shocked and exclaimed, this is another rich village! !
It is simply the No. [-] village in Qingshan, even if it is the No. [-] village in Guizhou Province.

Because everyone has never heard of such a wealthy village in Guizhou Province. Even in the economically developed eastern coast, the villagers there are very wealthy, but they almost rely on industry and real estate, just like Huaxi Village. , where is it like Moon Lake Village, where the villagers make their fortunes entirely by farming, and have embarked on an unusual road to wealth.


Zhang Feng is a humanoid harvester, Ka Ka Ka, waving the sickle in his hand non-stop, quickly harvesting the ripe vegetables in the field.

After a while, with the joint efforts of everyone, a large piece of vegetables was harvested by everyone.

"Okay, these are almost done, everyone stop!" The second uncle looked at the eight baskets of green vegetables beside the field, and shouted to everyone with a happy face, the amount needed today has reached the requirement.

"Second Uncle, is this all right?" Zhang Feng was stunned for a moment, then asked.

"Hehe, of course, seven or eight baskets of vegetables a day, about four hundred catties, are calculated!" The second uncle said with a smile,
After half a year of planting, everyone has already mastered the experience, and we have already figured out how much to pick every day is the most suitable and scientific.

One basket is about 2000 catties, eight baskets are [-] catties, most of which are the cheapest white tea, five yuan per catty, and more expensive lettuce, tomatoes and cucumbers, etc., all of which can be added up in one day With an income of more than [-] yuan, you can earn [-] to [-] yuan a month.

No wonder people outside say that Moon Lake is a rich village
Every month just growing vegetables can make such a high income, [-] to [-] yuan! !This is almost equivalent to the total income of an ordinary salary combined for a year.

And this is only the income of the villagers for one month. If the year is counted as ten months, everyone's income will reach 80 million. If the income of fruits, mushrooms and truffles is included, everyone can easily earn a year. Can earn more than 100 million.

"Crazy, hurry up and help me!" Seeing Zhang Feng standing leisurely on the ridge of the field, Uncle Er Niu hurriedly smiled and waved to him.

"I'll go, Uncle Er Niu, have you finished harvesting yet?" Zhang Feng asked with a smile as he walked towards Uncle Er Niu.

"I've only been here for half an hour, okay?" Uncle Er Niu couldn't help but rolled his eyes, thinking to himself, do you think everyone is like you?
"By the way, why are you alone, where is Aunt Erniu?" Zhang Feng looked, and there was only Uncle Erniu alone in the field, so he asked curiously.

"Oh, she caught a cold last night, so I let her rest at home." Uncle Er Niu shook his head.

Zhang Feng nodded knowingly. The weather in the past few days has been cold and lukewarm, and he is the easiest to catch a cold, so there are quite a few people in the village who catch a cold.

Then the two chatted in the rain, but they were very dissatisfied with the movements of their hands. Kakaka, the sickle was swung very smoothly. After a flash of swords and swords, pieces of green vegetables were put into the baskets.

"Uncle Er Niu, how many acres of vegetables does your family have?"

"It should be four acres, right? I roughly measured it, and the length and width are about 50 meters."

Zhang Feng stood up and glanced at it. He felt that there were only so many vegetable fields in this area. One mu of land could earn tens of thousands of yuan a month. With just four mu of land, Uncle Er Niu could earn [-] to [-] yuan a month. .

If Uncle Er Niu and Aunt Er Niu were not too busy, it is estimated that there would be more vegetables planted and higher income.

 There is another chapter to write after dinner, it will probably be later!
(End of this chapter)

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