small farmer

Chapter 661 The Bird That Falls from the Tree

Chapter 661 The Bird That Falls from the Tree (33)

"Let's go, Uncle Er Niu, it's OK to move to the entrance of the village!!"

The two were busy for another half an hour, and finally filled all six baskets with vegetables.

"It's still early, after selling vegetables, I have to go to the countryside to harvest mushrooms!" Hearing Zhang Feng's words, Uncle Er Niu immediately said with a wry smile.

"Ah, you have to go when it rains heavily today?" Zhang Feng asked in surprise.

"Of course, I didn't go to the countryside a few days ago, and everyone was in a hurry. People call me every day to remind me, so I can't go if I don't go."

"Besides, you can earn four or five thousand for a trip. Compared with making money, a little rain is nothing!" Thinking of this, Uncle Er Niu immediately became energetic, and instantly revived with full blood, regaining his lively appearance .

"That's true!" Zhang Feng nodded with a smile, very understandable in his heart.

This is the case in the countryside, not to mention the light rain. If it is time for the crops to be harvested, even if there is hail and a knife, you still have to fight. This is the same as soldiers going to the battlefield. You must not be cowardly. The crops that have been cultivated for a year have been ruined.

Therefore, we farmers in China know the hardships of life best.

Even if they face the loess and their backs to the sky every day, they still grit their teeth and persist, because only if they are willing to endure hardships and work hard can they dig out food from the ground and survive.

So, for Uncle Er Niu, whose parents died young, what does the little rain mean?
Back then, when his parents passed away, Uncle Er Niu, who had just grown up, supported the family alone. It was because of Uncle Er Niu's diligence and hard work that he survived in this poor mountain village. In the end, he not only got married and started a business , there is also a mischievous child, the little duckling, who finally lived a happy life with his wife and children on the bed.

The two finally moved all the vegetables to the entrance of the village. At this moment, Zhang Feng looked at Uncle Er Niu and said.

"Uncle Er Niu?"

"what happened?"

"Why don't you go first, and I'll help you line up here."

"Really??" Hearing Zhang Feng's words, Uncle Er Niu's eyes lit up, and he asked in surprise.

"Of course, can this still lie to you?" Zhang Feng said suddenly dumbfounded.

"Hey, I'll trouble you, Xiaofeng!"

Hearing Zhang Feng's words, Uncle Er Niu was immediately overjoyed, and after thanking Zhang Feng for a while, he hurried home.

Looking at Uncle Er Niu who was gone, a friend who grew up together, Zhang Feng didn't know what was thinking in his heart, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


When Zhang Feng returned home and saw two baskets of mushrooms in the yard, he was surprised. He never expected that people would come into the mountains on rainy days, and they would come so early.

So Zhang Feng asked the eldest sister curiously: "Sister, who sold these mushrooms?"

"Let's go to the mountain!" The eldest sister turned her head and said with a smile.

"This old man is really hardworking!" Zhang Feng immediately stood in awe. He didn't expect that the whole village didn't go into the mountain under such heavy rain, but he still persisted.

While Zhang Feng was picking up the mushrooms, the second uncle also staggered into the yard, not only carrying a basket of red mushrooms on his back, but also holding a large basket in his hands. The total amount of mushrooms in his whole body was at least sixty or seventy catty.

"Second uncle, why did you go into the mountain today?" Zhang Feng hurriedly put down the basket in his hand, ran to the second uncle, and helped the second uncle wash the clothes.
"Hehe, isn't the rain a lot less today? Some people tend to the vegetables at home, so I'll go into the mountains to have a look!" The second uncle is not hypocritical. In his old man's opinion, it is such a thing to go into the mountains in the rain to pick mushrooms. But normal.

I have to say that the old people in the village are really admirable. During the hour when Zhang Feng returned home, he met seven or eight villagers selling mushrooms, and almost all of them were old people in the village.

"Xiaofeng has eaten!!"

"Okay, I'll be here right away!" Zhang Feng quickly put the mushrooms in the oven to bake, turned on the switch, saw that the machine was running well, and ran into the house.


after lunch
The wind stopped and the rain stopped, and the sky regained a glimmer of brilliance.

Zhang Feng moved a reclining chair and came to the yard with a tea set, enjoying the exciting country life leisurely.

Suddenly, there was a snap! !

A black shadow fell from the sky, just in front of Zhang Feng.

"I'm going, how could it be a bird??"

"What's wrong with Xiaofeng?" Hearing Zhang Feng's exclamation, Li Jun came out and asked curiously.

"Brother Jun, look, a little bird fell from the tree!" Zhang Feng pointed to the bird on the ground and said.

Li Jun was also amazed immediately. He came over and saw that it was really a small bird, its fur hadn't even grown yet, it was probably only about a month old.

chirp... chirp...

Seeing two behemoths walking in front of my eyes
The little bird on the ground struggled vigorously, chirping, and wanted to escape, but unfortunately, this little thing was still too small, struggling to take a step, and fell to the ground again.

Zhang Feng quickly held it in his hands, and then carefully inspected the bird's body, and found that it was completely unharmed. I never expected that this little thing would be fine after falling from such a tall tree. It's amazing.

"What kind of bird is Xiaofeng?" Li Jun asked curiously.

"It should be a skylark! But I'm not sure." Zhang Feng said with some hesitation, because the bird is too small, and the feathers haven't even grown yet, so it's hard to see the whole picture.

"Where did this bird fall from?" As they spoke, the two looked at the big cypress tree at the same time.

In the past, the big cypress tree was the territory of the sparrowhawks, but because the two sparrowhawks are easy to cause trouble and attract many tourists every day, Zhang Feng quickly let the two sparrowhawks move their home to the mountain behind the house.

Ever since, a new bird's nest appeared on the big cypress tree, and there were more and more bird's nests. Not only skylarks, but also willow warblers, magpies and other small birds settled here and lived a happy life.

At this moment, a chirping sound suddenly came from the cypress tree.

Hearing the reputation, Zhang Feng looked over and was overjoyed. It seemed that this was the nest of the bird that had just fallen.

Because the chirping of the bird in the bird's nest is the same as the chirping of the bird in my hand. It seems to be communicating anxiously.

"What should Xiaofeng do?" Li Jun also saw the bird's nest on the tree, but the location was very high, so he asked Zhang Feng helplessly.

"Hehe, it's okay, Brother Jun, hold it for me first!" Zhang Feng put the bird in Li Jun's hands as he said.

Then hurriedly ran to the sundry shelf, and after a while, a long wooden ladder was moved out.

Seeing this, Li Jun suddenly realized, thinking that with a ladder, it would be much easier, and the little bird would be able to return to his home immediately.

Put the wooden ladder on the tree trunk, Li Jun helped stabilize the ladder, Zhang Feng put the bird in his purse, and then slowly climbed to the bird's nest.

Jijijiji! !
As the distance to the bird's nest got closer, the birds on the tree became more and more anxious.

finally reached! !
In the bird's nest built with withered grass, there are three gray little birds with their mouths open, chirping, as if they are very hungry. , went out and was busy finding food for the children.

But the little bird in Zhang Feng's arms should have fainted from hunger, struggled and accidentally fell down.

Zhang Feng smiled, put the bird back into the nest, and then quickly left there, fearing that it would startle the bird and fall down again.

(End of this chapter)

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