small farmer

Chapter 662 Crowds of People

Chapter 662 Crowds of People (12)

tapang r.

Qingshan County's Mother River

Every year when the rainy season comes, the reservoir in the lower reaches of the Tapang River will open the gate to release water to reduce the pressure on the storage capacity. Whenever this time comes, the reservoir becomes a playground for nearby villagers. Everyone drives motorcycles, tricycles, and brings fishing nets , Net bags... There are also various fishing tools, and it is a joy to play in the downstream river.

Five or six consecutive days of heavy rain made the Tapang River Reservoir Alexandria, so in order to relieve the pressure on the dam, on June 27th, the reservoir finally opened its gates to release floodwater.
As the tumbling flood rushed down, all kinds of big fish living in the reservoir were also washed downstream.

At this time, there are always villagers waiting early at the outlet of the flood discharge. Everyone is holding net pockets and scooping nets, and they are all staring at each other, ready to catch all the big fish that rush down.

such a grand occasion
Why are there so few villagers in Moon Lake?

Everyone harvested the vegetables early, and then rushed to the reservoir impatiently.

"Ah, brother, hurry up, all the big fish will be robbed later!" Zhang Yi said impatiently as soon as he reached the reservoir.

Zhang Feng smiled and shook his head, thinking that this guy is really in a hurry.

Someone just caught a big fish over one meter long, estimated to weigh forty to fifty catties, and it has spread all over the circle of friends. No wonder this guy was so excited.

"Take the net bag and let's go!!" Zhang Feng smiled, and took tools with his cousin, and walked downstream of the reservoir.

"Fuck!! There are so many people, could it be that people from the entire Qingshan County are here??"

When Zhang Yi saw the crowds of people in the river, he was stunned, and even Zhang Feng was dumbfounded. Isn't this too scary? ?

There were not so many people last year, right? ?What happened this year? ?Could it be that everyone is so idle, they don't go to work, and there are so many good bosses in the world?Or these are all vagrants, you must know that today is Wednesday! !
At this time, the crowd in the river was black and dense, like a group of ants, densely crowded the river surface, the scene was extremely spectacular, no wonder Zhang Feng and his brother were frightened, because there were really too many people here, Zhang Feng roughly estimated Next, at least three to four thousand people.

There are so many people, all crowded together by the [-]-meter-long river channel, it looks really spectacular and lively.

"I'm going, there's no place to step!" Zhang Yi looked at the river below, and suddenly wanted to cry, but he didn't know that these city people are so good at playing, and they have nothing to do. They came here to catch fish. This is not to rob everyone business?

Seeing such a big scene, Zhang Feng couldn't help but take a deep breath, and retreated in his heart. With so many people, can they catch fish?It is estimated that there are not as many fish as there are people here, right?

But now that you have come here, you can't leave empty-handed, right?At least catch one or two big fish and go back!
So Zhang Feng quickly calmed down, "Let's go to Xiaoyi, let's go downstream and see if there are any fish that slipped through the net."

"Okay!" The place near the reservoir exit was already full of people, so Zhang Feng and his brother had no choice but to walk downstream, hoping to catch some leaks.

Since the reservoir is releasing water and the water flow in the river is turbulent, the fish rushing down from the upstream at this time are super fast and will easily rush to the downstream. Therefore, there is still hope if you want to catch leaks downstream.

Soon the two came to the bottom
There is less competition here, but if you want to gain something, you can only pick up everyone's leftovers, so the chance of catching fish is much lower than upstream.

That's how you get it...

The two brothers were busy for five or six minutes, not to mention the big fish, not even a single fish scale was seen.

"Damn it! The sluts in the upper reaches are really too much, and they don't know how to save some for the ones below us. Is this interesting??"

Soon, Zhang Yi became angry, especially when he saw the people upstream catching big fish one after another, he was even more furious, and angrily poked the net bag heavily into the water.

"Let's go, let's go up." Zhang Feng was also a little annoyed. The people in the upper reaches of MMP were too cruel, and they didn't give the people below a chance to survive. Can they still have fun?

So Zhang Feng and his cousin went upstream in the torrent to snatch big fish.

"That's right, it should have been like this a long time ago!" Hearing Zhang Feng's words, Zhang Yi was overjoyed, held up the copying net, followed behind Zhang Feng, and squeezed upstream excitedly.

The higher they go, the faster the current and the deeper the river, almost reaching the chest of the two of them.

"Here comes the fish! Here comes the big fish!"

Just at this moment, a big fish came out of the flood outlet and fell heavily in the river.

Ever since, tourists on both sides rushed forward, raising their nets one after another to catch the big fish.

It's a pity that the size of this fish is really not small. The big fish is about one meter long. Such a big fish can't catch it with a dip net.

"Brother, do you want to do it?" Zhang Yi asked Zhang Feng with bright eyes.

"Damn it! Fuck it!" Zhang Feng gritted his teeth, catching such a big fish would give him a sense of accomplishment, and what's the use of catching a small fish weighing two to three pounds.

This big fish has been washed so dizzy by the rolling river water that it has completely lost the ability to move freely.

Along the way, people couldn't help but shot one after another, but it's a pity that it's really too difficult to catch such a big fish with a net, and it's still in such a turbulent river.

"Fuck, isn't this buddy trying to catch fish with his bare hands?"

"Hehe, this must be a tragedy!"

"That's right, fighting fish with bare hands, does he think anyone can do it??"

When everyone saw that Zhang Feng handed the net bag to Zhang Yi, and then set up a posture to intercept the big fish, some people couldn't help but marvel, and of course there were quite a few people who gloated at his misfortune.

Because at the beginning, many idiots did the same thing. It sounded cool to go into the water to catch fish with bare hands, but they all suffered a lot. Seeing the smiles in Zhang Feng's eyes, they obviously wanted to see his jokes.

Then these guys are doomed to be disappointed. Who is Zhang Feng? He can kill the wild boar king with his bare hands, and kill the black bear monster with a harpoon. It's nothing to catch fish with his bare hands. Didn't he never do it before? Didn't he catch a big black fish here last year?
"Here we come, here we come...the big fish is here..."

"Be careful……"

The tourists and villagers nearby reminded Zhang Feng one after another.

At this time, Zhang Feng's eyes were fixed on the big fish rushing towards him, and he didn't care about everyone's reminders.

When the big fish came to his side, Zhang Feng made an instant move, his movements were as fast as lightning, his right hand was like a spear entering the sea, and he grabbed the big fish by the tail.

Without waiting for the big fish to react, he lifted the big fish into the air with a clatter, then swung the big fish and smashed it into the water.

(End of this chapter)

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