small farmer

Chapter 664 Unexpectedly Hot

Chapter 664 Unexpectedly Hot (12)

"Xiaofeng, there are already [-] tourists who have signed up. Will your kitchen come over later?"

After a while, the uncle came over in a hurry, and asked Zhang Feng with some worried eyes.

"What?? There are already [-] tourists??" Hearing what the uncle said, Zhang Feng was shocked.
You must know that today is Wednesday, which is not the peak season for tourism, and the plan for the fishing banquet was proposed temporarily in the morning. I didn't expect so many tourists to sign up. Isn't this too scary?
"Yeah, I didn't expect there to be so many people!!"

Uncle's expression is very strange, not just happy or troubled, or both,
Because the banquet in the village was not well prepared, it constituted a strong test for the reception capacity of Moon Lake, but it is indeed a good thing to have so many tourists, which shows that everyone really loves Moon Lake.

"Uncle, there are so many people now, what should we do in the afternoon?" Now there are so many people at noon, and in the afternoon, the number of registrations should be doubled, and it is not impossible to even reach 3000 or [-] people.

The most important thing is that the various ingredients prepared in the village are not enough. I thought I would be thankful if there were five or six hundred people. After all, today is a working day. I didn’t know that everyone underestimated the influence of Moon Lake, so they announced a fishing feast in the afternoon. , So many people signed up within two or three hours.

Thinking of this, Zhang Feng and his uncle looked at each other in blank dismay. It seemed that the whole village, men, women and children really needed to join the battle.

"Notice...notify...all the villagers who are fine, hurry to the square to help..."

"Notice...notify...all the villagers who are fine, hurry to the square to help..."

Ever since, the village head directly used the big loudspeaker in the village to notify the idle villagers to come and help.

"Xiaofeng, tell me, what do you want us to do?" After a while, Uncle Dashan, Uncle Xiaoqi, and women from the village all rushed over.

"Uncle Xiaoqi, Uncle Dashan, go to the lake to catch some more fish." Since the fish prepared today is only five or six hundred catties, which is not enough at all, Zhang Feng plans to let the two lead the team to go to Moon Lake to catch some more .

"Xiaofeng, how much do you want?" Xiao Qishu asked Zhang Feng.

"Get seven or eight hundred catties first, don't worry, if you can't finish it, sell it to me!" Zhang Feng said with a smile, it happened that the dried fish at home was sold out, and he was waiting to be replenished!
"Okay! I'll leave the matter of fishing to us." Fishing for the villagers couldn't be easier, so Uncle Xiao Qi and Uncle Da Shan took a few villagers and happily walked towards Moon Lake.

After Uncle Xiao Qi and Uncle Da Shan left, Zhang Feng told Zhang Yi and Uncle Er Niu: "You two take the list and go shopping on the street. You must keep accounts."

"Understood, what about the money?" Zhang Yi nodded, and then asked Zhang Feng.

"Money? The money is with the uncle, you can go and get it from him." Zhang Feng waved his hand, sent the two guys away, and then ordered other people to work.

Some people went to the fields to pick vegetables, some went door-to-door to collect tables, chairs and benches, and the rest started to kill fish. Fish is the main course of today's banquet, so it should be sorted out early.

And Zhang Feng led a few villagers to start building an earthen stove, which is actually a stove made of hollow bricks. It was very simple, and it took a few people half an hour to finish everything.

it's five o'clock in the afternoon
The small square at the entrance of the village was already crowded with tourists. Tourists from all directions sat on the tables. The atmosphere was extremely warm. Everyone was looking forward to the fishing feast coming soon.

On the north side of the square, delicious fish meat was being stewed in three large iron pots with a diameter of more than one meter. The milky white fish soup was tumbling and emitting a strong fragrance.

The tourists nearby couldn't help drooling.

"It's really delicious!!"

“I never thought fish could be so delicious!”

The tourists couldn't help exclaiming, especially the children among the tourists, who were staring at the fish in the pot and drooling, it was really delicious and tempting.

at this time
Zhang Feng suddenly received a call from Wang Bin.

"Hey Brother Feng, I heard that your village is having a village banquet again today?"

"Yeah, why do you want to participate?" Zhang Feng asked with a smile.

"Hey, of course, Brother Feng, can you sign up for us?" Wang Bin asked with some embarrassment.

"It's okay, how many other people are there besides you?" Zhang Feng smiled. It would be difficult for other people, but Binzi is of course fine. At most, it would be just another table.

"There are eight other colleagues, is Brother Feng okay?" Wang Bin asked worriedly.

At the same time, Wang Bin also blamed himself a little. If he hadn't boasted that he and Zhang Feng, the richest man in Moon Lake, were good friends, his colleagues wouldn't have been in the morning. But you can't live with your own face, can you?

"Eight, right? Don't worry, when you arrive, just call me." Zhang Feng said relaxedly.

"Hey, thank you Brother Feng, we get off work at 05:30, and we will definitely be there before six o'clock."

"Okay then, see you later!"

"Okay, see you later!"


"I'll go. That's fine. Binzi didn't expect you to really know people from Moon Lake."

"And he's the richest man in Moon Lake, the owner of Moon Lake Cooperative!!"

"Binzi, is Boss Zhang married?"

"Hehe, Qianqian, don't you think you're in spring? Boss Zhang is so rich, does he still need a girlfriend?"

When Wang Bin and Zhang Feng were on the phone, Wang Bin's colleagues were all listening, so seeing that he really knew Zhang Feng, they were all stunned, and chattered.

You must know that Zhang Feng is a legend in Qingshan County. Everyone has heard his story for many years, from the elderly in their seventies and eighties to children in their [-]s and [-]s. It can be said that Zhang Feng is a famous person in Qingshan County.

Six pm
A large-scale fishing feast has finally begun
The small squares of hundreds of square meters are all filled with vermilion Eight Immortals tables, and even the banquet runs through the entire village head and tail of Moon Lake. There are [-] tables neatly arranged on both sides of the road, which is really spectacular.
If a drone is used to shoot from the sky, the whole banquet is like a [-]-meter-long red dragon lying across the small mountain village in front of you, as if a dragon is hidden in the abyss, ready to fly away at any time.

"Brother Feng, we are here!!" Zhang Feng was directing the villagers to serve food, when Binzi and his colleagues finally arrived.

"I'm going, didn't I mean eight people??" Zhang Feng looked at it, good guy, there must be at least seventeen or eight people here!

"Brother Feng, I'm sorry, it's all my fault, I forgot that everyone has to bring their families!!" Wang Bin said embarrassingly scratching his head.

"It's all right!! Everyone is welcome, the more people there, the better," Zhang Feng waved his hands, not taking it seriously. Anyway, there are so many tourists, and he is not afraid of adding another 20 people.

(End of this chapter)

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