small farmer

Chapter 665 Worthy of its reputation

Chapter 665 Worthy of its reputation (22)

"Hey, thank you Brother Feng!" Seeing that Zhang Feng didn't blame himself, Wang Bin immediately gave a sigh of relief. What happened today was indeed his own insincerity.

"You kid still have to be polite to me, the tables in the village are already full, you take everyone directly to my house, where there are two tables, by the way, I don't have time to greet you now, you have to come here to serve food and meals by yourself. Is it?" Zhang Feng smiled and began to arrange for Binzi and his colleagues.

"Understood Brother Feng, we can handle this by ourselves!!" Hearing that Zhang Feng arranged everyone in his home, Wang Bin was indescribably moved. He did not expect Zhang Feng to be so loyal.

Then a group of more than ten people walked towards Zhang Feng's small courtyard overjoyed.

"I didn't expect you, Binzi, to have such a good relationship with the richest man Zhang!"

"Hey, it's okay. Brother Feng has always been very righteous." Although Wang Bin said so, he was actually happy in his heart, and this time he finally didn't lose face in front of his colleagues.

In fact, he didn't expect that the family members were very excited when they heard that they were going to have a big banquet in Moon Lake.

So when everyone gathered after get off work, Wang Bin discovered that there were not eight people, but 18 people! !
But in the face of everyone's enthusiasm, he couldn't refuse, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and lead everyone to continue.

"Damn it! It's served in a big bowl! This amount is too much!"

"Haha, do you have the feeling of eating big pieces of meat and drinking in big bowls?"

When the villagers brought the dishes to the table, the tourists were stunned.

Pots of stewed fish with sauerkraut were served on the table, and everyone was dumbfounded. This pot must have more than ten catties of fish meat, and the fish meat is as big as a palm, which really has a rustic and rough style.

Seeing such a generous style, the tourists immediately became more proud, and filled themselves with a bowl of delicious fish soup, and then everyone enthusiastically clinked their glasses and drank it all in one go.

"It's delicious! This fish soup is really delicious!"

"Sure enough, it's the legendary taste!!" A tourist who had heard about the Moon Lake Banquet wiped his eyes and said enjoying it.

"Brother, what is the legendary taste?" The unknown tourist asked curiously.

"Haha, the legendary Moon Lake food is comparable to dragon liver and phoenix gall, but it's even worse than a state banquet!" The buddy said with a smile.

The legend of Moon Lake food is not widely spread, but it is very famous around Qingshan County, and the rumors are getting more and more outrageous.

At the beginning, everyone said that it was like the enjoyment of a five-star hotel, then it became comparable to a state banquet, and finally it became a heavenly delicacy, even a state banquet could not be compared.

For such a legend, in fact, Zhang Feng also saw it on the local post bar, but he laughed it off every time.

Zhang Feng still has a little understanding of his level. The food in the sky must be too exaggerated. In fact, it is comparable to the level of a five-star hotel. The reason why everyone thinks it is so delicious is because everyone eats little food. And there is another most important reason, that is, the ingredients of Zhang Feng's dishes are very good, and almost all of them are vegetables from Moon Lake. The taste of such dishes is of course beyond imagination.

"Xiaofeng has worked hard, you go to eat, leave this place to us." The village chief said with a smile when he saw Zhang Feng was sweating profusely.

"That's fine, uncle, I'll go first!!"

"Hey! Go, there's nothing wrong here!" The uncle smiled and waved his hand.

Zhang Feng wiped off his sweat, looked around, and found that Yiyi and the others were not far away, so he walked towards them quickly.

"Ah, here you come, lunatic, this is the seat reserved for you!!" Seeing Zhang Feng approaching, everyone was overjoyed.

There happened to be two families sitting at this table, the three members of Zhang Feng's family, Li Jun, Yiyi, grandparents, and a grandfather Zhou. This old man returned to the village after returning to the city for the Dragon Boat Festival.

"You can do it, boy, today the fish is very good, much more delicious than Lao Liu's!" Mr. Zhou said intentionally to fan the flames.

Hearing Grandpa Zhou's words, Mr. Liu immediately rolled his eyes, shook his head and ignored this old thing, knowing that his old friend was talking nonsense on purpose for fear of chaos in the world.

"Hehe, how can I compare with the old man in what I do, and I need to learn more!"

"Hahaha, it's alright, alright, let's start eating. I couldn't do anything just now, I'm so greedy!" Grandpa Zhou ignored other things, swallowed his saliva, and immediately filled himself with a bowl of fish soup.

The others smiled, Zhang Feng finally arrived, and everyone was no longer polite, picked up pieces of fish that were as big as palms, and ate them happily.

"Well, the pickled fish is really delicious today, and this soup is really delicious!!" Mr. Zhou took a sip of the soup, squinted his eyes slightly, and said full of praise.

"Hehe, if it tastes good, drink more, there's still a lot in the pot!" Zhang Feng said with a smile.

There are not so many rules for banquets in the countryside. As long as there is still in the pot, you can add more vegetables after eating. Tourists are very satisfied with such rules. It is really cool to eat for 50 yuan.

In order to satisfy everyone's appetite, today the village cooked more than ten pots of pickled fish. Originally, they planned to make only three pots at noon. Cooked nearly two thousand catties of sauerkraut fish, enough for everyone to eat.

A gluttonous feast, the guests and hosts enjoy themselves
It wasn't until the lights came on that everyone reluctantly ended tonight's dinner.


"Ah, what I ate today was really good!"

"Moon Lake's delicious food really lives up to its reputation. I almost bit off my tongue."

"Hehe, although the sauerkraut fish is delicious this time, if we talk about the richness of the dishes, we have to count last year's pig-killing banquet. At that time, there were more than a dozen stir-fried dishes. It's so delicious, tsk tsk, I can't help but think about it now Slobber."

After the dinner, the tourists sat and chatted by the square in twos and threes. The most talked about was today's banquet, and they were very satisfied. At the same time, they were very fortunate to be able to sign up for such a good village banquet. It's fun to eat in a five-star hotel,
Because everyone here not only eats delicious food, but also makes all kinds of friends, so everyone is very happy, and the atmosphere is extremely warm.

When everyone returned home, Wang Bin and his colleagues also finished the delicious feast. Everyone consciously cleaned up the table spotlessly, and cleaned the hygiene of the house carefully.

"Brother Feng, Auntie, are you back?"

"I'm back, how's it going, are you eating well?" Zhang Feng greeted everyone with a smile.

The eldest sister and mother hurried into the house and gave everyone pickles.

"Okay, Brother Feng, can your cooking be good?" Then Wang Bin began to introduce his colleagues and leaders to Zhang Feng, all of whom were from the Agricultural Bureau.

Zhang Feng exchanged pleasantries with everyone, and then took everyone to enjoy the shade in the yard, drinking tea while admiring the quiet nighttime beauty of Moon Lake.

(End of this chapter)

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