small farmer

Chapter 666 This is the life I yearn for

Chapter 666 This is the life I yearn for (12)

Misty moon lake in the morning
Like a fairyland shrouded in thick fog, it flutters with the wind, beautiful and picturesque.

The Moon Lake at this time is really beautiful, just like the peach blossom garden in the dream, with delicious grass and colorful fallen flowers, among which the houses are simple and simple, and the villagers shuttled among them, ready to start today's work.

With the rising sun, the atmosphere in the village dissipated, and the whole world seemed to become clear.

"Mom, I went to the field to weed!" Zhang Feng said to his mother after breakfast, and then walked to the field at the entrance of the village.

"Hey, you go!" The mother smiled gratifiedly, feeling unspeakably at ease in her heart.

Now that the family has regained its backbone, the burden of the family will no longer fall on me alone.

"My son has finally grown up!" Looking at the back of her son leaving quickly, Zhang's mother Wang Guilan was really very happy in her heart, and felt that such a day was very happy.

Along the way, there are rushing villagers everywhere, because the vegetables in the vegetable field are the most profitable things for everyone. They have to get up early every morning to harvest vegetables and sell them to the cooperative. In this way, they can earn one or two thousand a day. Therefore, everyone was extremely active, and the pace of walking silently accelerated a lot.

"Hey, Xiaofeng went to see the rice in the field?" Seeing Zhang Feng walking towards his rice field, Uncle Dashan asked with a smile.

"Hey, Uncle Dashan, you have already harvested so many vegetables?" Zhang Feng nodded with a smile. Unexpectedly, Uncle Dashan came so early, and he harvested two large baskets of vegetables just after dawn.

"Haha, I can't sleep when I think of these vegetables every day!!" Uncle Dashan said with a smile.

From his smile, you can see the joy in his heart. Since the establishment of the vegetable cooperative, the vegetables in the field have become everyone’s cash cow and cornucopia. Now the villagers can earn one or two thousand dollars a day just by selling vegetables. You can earn [-] to [-] a month,
Therefore, everyone attaches great importance to vegetables. In order to sell vegetables, they all get up earlier than chickens, in order to sell vegetables earlier, so that they can feel at ease.

After chatting with Uncle Dashan, Zhang Feng walked towards his rice field.

The endless paddy field, a piece of green, grows very vigorously and looks very gratifying,
"Well, it's already a foot long, and it looks like it's time to bloom in another month!" Zhang Feng stood by the edge of the field, looking at the vigorous seedlings, feeling unspeakably satisfied, the high-tech rice seeds produced by the system It's just fine, and it's growing very well.

However, rice fields are not only suitable for rice growth, there are also a small amount of weeds hidden in the rice bushes.

These weeds are the targets that Zhang Feng wants to eliminate today, because they will not only rob the rice of water and fertilizer, but some will even block the sunlight of the rice, which is very harmful to the growth of the rice.

After taking off his slippers, Zhang Feng went down to the paddy field with bare feet.

Stepping on the paddy field, the feet are completely wrapped in muddy water, soft and cool, but also has a more down-to-earth feeling.

Step by step, Zhang Feng slowly cleared the weeds in the paddy field.

There are mainly several kinds of weeds in the fields, such as barnyardgrass, firefly rush, and special-shaped sedge, among which barnyardgrass is the most, accounting for almost half of all weeds.

Therefore, it is often said that good rice is produced by good plants, and barnyardgrass is produced by bad plants; when the barnyard grass is pulled out, the barn is full of rice. From this we can see how much damage the barnyard grass does to the rice.

Barnyard grass looks exactly like rice, and they are about the same height. The two are mixed together. If you don’t observe carefully, you can’t tell which is rice and which is barnyard grass.
The two grow together like a super imitation show. People who are not familiar with it can't tell the difference at all, so you must be careful when pulling out the barnyard grass, so as not to pull out the real rice.

"Little stone, wait for me..."

"Hee hee, come and chase me...haha, you can't catch me..."

At this moment, a few little kids from the village also ran into the field, chasing after each other. For a while, because of the arrival of the little kids, the quiet field suddenly became lively.

I saw Xiao Maoya, wearing a baggy dress, with a baggy look, and a pair of small slippers on her pink and tender feet. The little girl was taking small steps, screaming as she ran. , chasing after the friends in front.

"Ah, crazy brother, what are you doing?" Suddenly, Xiao Shitou saw Zhang Feng in the field, and immediately ran towards Zhang Feng happily.

"I am weeding the rice fields!" Zhang Feng turned his head, smiled, and continued to ask, "Little Shitou, why do you get up so early?"

"Oh, it's not just my father and my mother who wake me up early every day!" The little guy pouted his mouth and said with some dissatisfaction.

"Hehe, early to bed and early to rise is a good boy. Look at Da Mao and Duck, don't they also get up so early every day?" Zhang Feng chatted with Xiao Shitou while weeding.

After a while, Xiao Maoya wobbled over.

"Hee hee, madman brother, it's you, so far away, I thought you were a scarecrow!" Mao Ya said to Zhang Feng with a smile.

"Really? Mao Ya, haven't you noticed that this scarecrow can move?" Zhang Feng smiled, thinking that this little girl is really funny, and she actually thought of herself as a scarecrow.

"Hee hee, it was so far away just now, I didn't see it!" The little girl blushed and said with some embarrassment.

"Hehe, you girl, haven't you washed your face today?" Seeing Mao Ya's disheveled appearance, Zhang Feng knew that this girl must have not washed her face. climb up.

"Hee hee..." The little girl hastily covered her dirty little face, a pair of small purring eyes peeped at Zhang Feng quietly through the gap between her fingers, she looked really cute.

"Oh, our Maoya still knows how to be shy? She is a big girl over three years old, and she should learn how to comb her hair and wash her face from her mother, you know, Maoya?" Zhang Feng couldn't help laughing when he saw the little girl's appearance. up.

"Hmm..." The little girl put down her hand, she didn't know if she listened or not, but she had a good attitude and nodded heavily.

The two little guys probably got tired of seeing Zhang Feng except for a while, so they quickly ran to the depths of the field.
Seeing these carefree children, Zhang Feng also showed a smile on his face, as if a clear spring and a warm current flowed through his heart, life in the countryside is so warm and happy.

Plucking chrysanthemum under the east fence, you can see Nanshan leisurely.

Zhang Feng feels that such an ordinary life in the countryside is also very beautiful, and a simple and ordinary life is also a rare happiness, and it is also a life that many people yearn for.

(End of this chapter)

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