small farmer

Chapter 667 Sales License

Chapter 667 Sales License (22)

go home

After taking a bath, lying in the yard to enjoy the cool, I was immediately refreshed, and my whole body was in good spirits.

Lying leisurely in the small courtyard, enjoying the happy rural life.

After squinting for a while, the mobile phone on the table rang. Zhang Feng woke up immediately. He took the mobile phone and saw that it was Xu Yang, an old classmate and partner.

"Hahaha, the lunatic tells you good news. The production license of our junior hangover pill has been approved. Shouldn't you, the chairman, come and see it?"

"What? It's really done?" Zhang Feng was also very happy. Although he had expected it in his heart, he had been waiting for so long that Zhang Feng almost forgot about it. He didn't expect it to arrive today.

"Haha, of course, I went to the provincial capital to pick it up myself!" Xu Yang was also very happy. The primary hangover pill is the company's main product in the next stage, and the market prospect is even broader than that of Guoguoxiang. , it can be said that the potential is infinite, and there is a market demand of tens of billions every year.

"Okay, wait for me, I'll be right there!" Hearing such exciting good news, Zhang Feng couldn't sit still, got up immediately, put on formal clothes, came to the parking lot at the entrance of the village, and drove Driving his own car, it was like a company galloping away.

The Junior Hangover Pill is a highly effective hangover pill. It has a super powerful hangover effect. No matter how drunk you are, the most important thing is to take the Junior Hangover Pill. After an hour, you will be fully awake. It is like a black technology Existence, the market prospect is considerable.

According to Dandan's market forecast, primary hangover pills are a hangover medicine with a huge demand in the market. In China alone, there is an estimated demand for hundreds of millions of pills every year. If each pill is only sold for 100 yuan, there will be a demand of 100 billion. Sales and profits are at least billions.

Zhang Feng felt that Eggy's estimate was a bit conservative, not to mention the sales volume of 300 million pieces. With such a strong wine culture in China, it is not impossible to sell [-] or [-] million pieces each year, or even more. The sales generated will reach [-] billion,

The profit can reach almost 200% to [-]%. That is to say, the hangover pill alone can bring nearly [-] billion in net profit to the company every year. What a terrifying figure, it is even higher than that of many of the world's top [-] large groups. The profits are terrifying.

At the beginning, Zhang Feng had spent [-] points in exchange for the full set of technology of the junior hangover pills, but compared with the production line of the hangover pills, this was much less. It cost [-] pieces, but it is quite worth it, and it is several times, even dozens of times cheaper than the machines and equipment bought outside.

Moreover, the large-scale production line produced by the system has a super high output, and the annual output can reach about [-] million pieces, which should be able to meet the current demand.

"The boss is here?" The guard greeted Zhang Feng with a smile.

"Where's Mr. Xu?" Zhang Feng nodded with a smile, and then asked.

"Mr. Xu should be in the No. [-] factory building now."

Knowing where Xu Yang is, Zhang Feng walked quickly to the No. [-] factory building, which should be the production site of the primary hangover pills.

Sure enough, when Zhang Feng walked into the spacious factory building, he saw Xu Yang seriously watching the technicians installing the production equipment, but he didn't notice Zhang Feng's arrival.

"President Xu?" Zhang Feng patted Xu Yang's shoulder from behind, which startled Xu Yang immediately.

"I'm going, it's you, you almost scared me to death!" Xu Yang touched his chest, and then gave Zhang Feng a hard look.

"Hehe, who made you so timid!" Zhang Feng spread his hands and said pretending to be innocent.

"Aren't you cowardly, wool buddy? Is this because you are serious about your work? As a boss, you don't know how to reward a good employee like me, so forget about it, but you still scare me." Xu Yang gave Zhang Feng a white look, and then said.

"Hey, it's all my fault, where is the sales license for Jiejiu Pills, show me quickly?" Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"Let's go, we're in the office!" Xu Yang shook his head, and took Zhang Feng to the office, feeling really helpless for this hands-off shopkeeper.

Soon the two came to the office quickly.

Xu Yang opened the safe and took out the license.

"Hehe, that's the thing. It's finally done!" Looking at the sales license issued by the relevant department, Zhang Feng finally showed a smile on his face. It's really not easy. Fortunately, Xu Yang still has some connections, otherwise The application time will be longer.

"Yangzi, you have to thank your senior!" Zhang Feng said to Xu Yang with a smile.

"Hehe, don't worry, I know all of this!!" Xu Yang smiled, and now he is not a fledgling rookie, and he is more and more experienced in dealing with various interpersonal relationships.

"Our machine seems to be installed soon, right?" Zhang Feng asked with a smile after returning the license to Xu Yang.

"It's been installed a long time ago. I just asked everyone to check it again. If there is nothing wrong, the production will start tomorrow!" Speaking of this, Xu Yang is also very happy. As long as Jiejiu Wan is on the market, the company will welcome An explosive development.

Then Zhang Feng learned about the company's recent development, especially the sales of Guoguoxiang.

So far, the company has sold more than 700 million bottles of fruity fragrance medicine, creating more than [-] million in sales for the company, and a net profit of more than [-] million. With such a large profit, Tianyang Technology has become a The entire Qingshan, and even the star-level large enterprises in the entire region, so the county also attaches great importance to it, and gave the green light to the company, reducing a lot of unnecessary troubles.

"Yes, yes, it seems that our Guoguoxiang is indeed very popular with everyone." Faced with so much profit, Zhang Feng was also very excited. He took a deep breath and gradually calmed down.
"That's right, madman, four or five billion yuan of profit is in our account, do you want to invest it?" Xu Yang felt that it was a pity to just put the money in the bank.

"It just so happens that I need this money. You will keep [-] million in the company later, and the rest will be transferred to my account." Zhang Feng suddenly thought that he still has a chip company that burns money. It seems a lot, but probably not enough for Li Feng to use.

"Oh, does the madman have a new project??" Hearing what Zhang Feng said, Xu Yang asked curiously.

"Why do you want to invest too?" Zhang Feng looked at Xu Yang and asked with a smile.

"Hey, of course, wouldn't it be cheaper for those bastards to deposit money in the bank?" Xu Yang said with a wretched smile.

"That's okay, let me ask for you first to see if the other party is still short of funds!" Zhang Feng thought for a while, and decided to ask Li Feng first, he is the boss of Pangu Technology.

"Ah, do you really have an investment project?"

"Of course, this can still deceive you." Zhang Feng smiled and shook his head.

(End of this chapter)

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