small farmer

Chapter 668 Hunting

Chapter 668 Hunting (Two in One)

The production and sales license for primary hangover pills was successfully obtained

Zhang Feng was also very excited in his heart, especially Xu Yang, who rolled up his sleeves and was ready to make a big effort to attack the pinnacle of the industry. His appearance was even more exciting than blood.


After being excited for a few days, Zhang Feng's life became calm again.

On Saturday, Zhang Feng was invited to Wang Bin's racecourse. As for Niu Zhong, because his wife is pregnant, he is now at home serving him almost every day. He is even more attentive than serving Lafayette.

"Haha, Brother Feng is here!!" As soon as Zhang Feng parked his car at the gate of the racecourse, Wang Chen and Wang Bin ran out excitedly.

"I'll go, how did you two get together??" Zhang Feng was very surprised. Wang Chen is the little brother who sold potted plants not long ago. Now he takes his grandma to Moon Lake every weekend. Grandma Wang and Grandma Liu have a very good relationship , like a pair of old sisters who get together almost every week, so this guy and Zhang Feng are also very familiar.

"Brother Feng, what do you mean? Isn't it normal for us to be colleagues now?" Binzi asked Zhang Feng, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

"Oh, look at my memory, I forgot that Chenzi was also admitted to your unit!" After Binzi said this, Zhang Feng finally realized that in the civil service examination at the beginning of the year, Wang Chen happened to be admitted to Binzi's place It was a coincidence that the two became colleagues.

"Hehe, I didn't know it would be such a coincidence. I didn't expect Brother Feng and Brother Bin to be friends!"

"Of course, Brother Feng and I have a fateful friendship!" Wang said with a wink and a smile.

"Ah, a fateful friendship? Such a strong relationship??" Wang Chen asked in surprise.

"Of course, I remember that last year, we met for the first time at a horse race..." Then Wang Bin told Wang Chen that the horses were frightened and galloped and almost hit each other. to their own affairs.

I have to say, this guy really has a bit of a talent for storytelling. He told the ups and downs of the accident, and it was extremely dangerous. Can't help but smile.


"Brother Feng, look, I didn't abuse your chestnut, did I? Look at how handsome it is! It's really a BMW!!" After a while, the three came to the side of the stable, and Wang Bin pointed to the stable. Chestnut in Li said to Zhang Feng asking for credit.


Hearing Zhang Feng's voice, Chestnut raised his head. The moment he saw Zhang Feng, he neighed in surprise and shouted to the sky, as happy as seeing his parents. Zhang Feng rushed over.

"Hahahaha!! It's alright, alright!! Chestnut, I miss you too." Seeing Chestnut rubbing his big head against his chest, Zhang Feng fondled Chestnut's head, and then he was happy Said.

"Fuck, isn't this... this horse too powerful?" At this time, Wang Chen, who saw Chestnut for the first time, was really shocked. He never thought that Chestnut could be so smart, and he picked it out of the circle by himself. , and being so close to Zhang Feng is really surprising.

"Why are you stunned?" Wang Bin had already seen the strangeness, he had raised chestnuts for several months, and he had already learned about the intelligence of chestnuts. Seeing Wang Chen's surprise at this time, he also smiled.

"Yeah... this horse is too smart!" Wang Chen nodded blankly, as if he hadn't fully recovered from the shock.

"Haha, Bin Zi, let's ride a horse?" Zhang Feng hadn't ridden a horse for a long time, and he was very excited the moment he saw the chestnut.

"Okay, Brother Feng, wait for me!!"

"Ah, Brother Feng, Brother Bin, what should I do then?" Wang Chen was completely stunned now, both of them were going to ride horses, so what should I do? ?I don't know how to ride it myself.

"Hehe, it's okay. We'll teach you when we get to the grassland. I'll take a step first!" Excited Zhang Feng turned over and jumped on the horse. With an order, Chestnut spread his hooves and galloped towards the spacious grassland.

Riding a steed, facing the breeze, it seems to be flying freely in the sky, it seems that the whole world is allowed to fly and gallop.

After a while, Wang Bin rode his own horse and galloped towards the grassland behind. Only the poor guy Wang Chen was left eating ashes behind, and walked towards the middle of the grassland dumbfounded.

One lap, two laps......

After venting his excitement, Zhang Feng finally ordered Chestnut to stop.

"Brother Feng, your Chestnut's physical strength is really abnormal!" Seeing that his horse was so tired that he almost foamed at the mouth, but Zhang Feng's Chestnut was only panting slightly. The difference is really too big, so Wang Bin Said to Zhang Feng with a wry smile.

"Hey, that's of course, what kind of owner is there? I'm so good, can my chestnut not be good?" Zhang Feng said in awe.

Hearing Zhang Feng's words, Wang Bin and Wang Chen were stunned. They didn't know what to say, maybe they were thinking in their hearts, Brother Feng, do you have any shame? ?Even pretending to be so hard, is this trying to forcefully exceed [-] points? ?

"Ahem, ahem, just kidding, is there any interesting place near Binzi?" Seeing the two staring at him, Zhang Feng blushed, and then changed the subject in an embarrassing manner.

"Brother Feng, how about we go hunting in Ganhai?" Hearing Zhang Feng's words, the two finally came to their senses. Wang Bin shook his head with a wry smile, and suggested to Zhang Feng.

"Ganhai??" Regarding what Wang Bin said, Zhang Feng asked doubtfully whether he had heard of it.

The dry sea is actually a wide alpine pasture.

In the past, it was said that it was a livestock farm of the Agricultural Bureau, but in the end it went bankrupt due to poor management, and now it has become a wasteland. Because the terrain here is relatively flat, it has become a good place for the surrounding villagers to hunt.

The sky is blue and wild, and the wind blows the grass and the cattle and sheep are low.

When the three of them rode horses and drove to Qianhai, Zhang Feng was completely shocked by the beautiful scenery here, the endless grassland, a green field as far as the eye can see, the sky is high and the clouds are light, it really seems to have traveled through space, coming To the distant prairie.

"It's such a pity that such a good place is so barren!!" After a long time, Zhang Feng came to his senses, shook his head, and said with a sigh.

"Yeah, it's been abandoned for nearly ten years. It's really a pity, but recently the Bureau seems to be preparing to invite bids to see if any boss wants to develop here!!" Wang Bin also nodded with emotion.

"If you want me to say, you get the moon first if you are close to the water. Otherwise, Binzi, you can contract it yourself. It would be a pity if such a good place is given up to others!" Zhang Feng felt that if he was not too lazy, he probably had the urge to contract it. , The environment here is really good, the green grass and the blue sky are really beautiful.

"Me? How can I do it? I definitely can't!" Wang Bin waved his hands quickly.

"Why can't it work?" Zhang Feng asked with a smile when he saw the hesitant look in Wang Bin's eyes.

"I'm a civil servant and I definitely can't do business, and this is our unit's ranch, so it's even more impossible!" Wang Bin shook his head.

"Brother Bin, you can't do it, can't you let uncle contract it?" At this moment, Wang Chen suggested with a smile.

"That's right, Binzi, your dad shouldn't be short of this money, right? If this place is contracted out and transformed into a leisure attraction integrating hunting and horseback riding, it will definitely be very popular with nearby tourists."

Because there is no similar scenic spot nearby, it can be said that this is the first one. With its unique environment, as long as it is well managed, it will definitely make a lot of money.

Hearing what Zhang Feng and Wang Chen said, Wang Bin was really moved. Although he himself had no money, his father did. Not a problem.

"Okay! I'll talk to my dad first when I get home!!" Wang Bin gritted his teeth and seemed to have made up his mind.

"Hehe, that's right..."

After initially agreeing on the contract, the three of them galloped towards the depths of the grass.

"Hey! Look over there! There are animals there!" Wang Chen's eyes are always so sharp, and he can spot wild animals on the side of the road even while riding a motorcycle.

Just when Wang Chen was exclaiming, Zhang Feng also found the hare in the grass on the side of the road. Thinking of the delicious roasted rabbit meat, Zhang Feng couldn't help swallowing. The hares here are also very alert. As the voice approached, he stretched his legs and fled forward quickly.

But a rabbit is always a rabbit, with limited intelligence. It didn't want to run to the farthest place, but ran to the left of everyone. When it just ran in front of everyone and was more than ten meters away from Zhang Feng, Brother Zhanfeng didn't hesitate. shot.

Because I have had a similar experience before, and I have encountered many hares in the wild, so this is hard for Brother Zhanfeng. The stone he has prepared for a long time finally has a place to use. The egg-sized stone is like a missile. He precisely flew towards the hare, and the next moment, the hare fell to the ground in response. It turned out that the stone thrown by Zhang Feng hit the head, and he fell into the grass in an instant.

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuupuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" Wang Bin excitedly reined in the reins, got off the horse, and ran towards the place where the hare fell to the ground.

Wang Chen also saw the hare in front of him just now, so before Wang Bin got off his horse, he stopped the car, dropped the motorcycle, and ran towards the hare in a hurry, faster than Wang Bin, and grabbed the hare on the ground first. The hare, with a joyful look on his face, was extremely happy, as if this was his prey.

"I said Chenzi, aren't you robbing me of business? It's not enough buddies." Wang Bin didn't get the prey, and complained to Wang Chen with a resentful face;

"Hey, brother, next time, next time, I will let you!" Wang Chen said with a wretched smile.

Hearing this, Wang Bin couldn't help but rolled his eyes, he didn't know when he would have to wait for the next time!

However, to Wang Bin's surprise, Wang Chen found out again about a quarter of an hour later.

"Ah, hare... hare! Brother Feng, it's about to run away." Wang Chen rode a motorcycle and walked beside Zhang Feng, when he suddenly found a big fat gray rabbit in the grass in front of him, and immediately pointed to the front and shouted excitedly .

"Hehe, don't worry, it can't run away." At this time Zhang Feng also saw the hare, so Zhang Feng shot instantly, and saw Zhang Feng waved his right hand, and the stone in his hand suddenly flew forward, like a meteor chasing the moon at a fast speed shot at the hare.

There was a light 'pa', and the stone hit the hare's head lightly, and the poor rabbit kicked its hind legs and fell to the ground in an instant.

"Wow, that's amazing, that's amazing, Brother Feng, you're really amazing..." This is Wang Bin who finally realized it, and couldn't help cheering when he saw the hare lying on the ground in front of him.

Several people got off the carriage, and both Binzi and Chenzi ran towards the hare excitedly. They were very excited. They didn't expect to meet the hare again so soon. This luck is really good. You must know that everyone usually looks for a hare for a day. , I could hit one hare without seeing it, but it was only a short time of ten minutes today, and everyone hit two hares, which made Wang Bin unhappy.

"Hahaha, brother Feng, you are so awesome. You see, this hare is so fat, maybe it weighs seven or eight catties? Wang Chen has never seen Zhang Feng make a move, and now he knows how powerful Zhang Feng is. His eyes were full of admiration.

"Almost!" Seeing the big hare in Wang Bin's hands, Zhang Feng also felt a sense of accomplishment. Such a big hare is really rare.

Then everyone's luck seemed to be exhausted. They walked on the grass for more than half an hour, but they didn't meet a single pheasant or hare.


"Brother Feng, why don't we go over there to rest for a while? There happens to be a spring there, where can we go to drink water." Wang Bin was really familiar with this place, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and proposed to Zhang Feng.

"Okay, is Chen Zi thirsty too?"

"Yeah!!" Looking at the scorching sun in the sky, Wang Chen also nodded quickly.

"Okay, Binzi will lead the way! Let's go!" Zhang Feng said to Wang Bin.

"The spring water here is an authentic mountain spring. The spring water is cool and sweet. It is much better than the 'I haha' and 'Nongfu Sanquan' we usually drink." explained.

"Since it's so delicious, I'll drink more later." Wang Chen said with a smile.

After a while, everyone saw the mysterious mountain spring, and saw cool spring water bubbling from a puddle of about three or four square meters. As soon as it entered the mouth, a cool and sweet feeling immediately spread throughout the whole body. It was so cool and refreshing that Zhang Feng wanted to scream out loud.

"This spring water is really good, Chen Zi, come and taste it too." Zhang Feng felt that the spring water was really good, so he hurriedly asked Wang Chen to try it too.

"Ah, this water is so sweet, it would be great if I could drink such natural spring water every day in the future." Wang Chen narrowed his eyes slightly and said with a look of enjoyment.

"Haha, I want to drink every day, or you can contract this place!" Zhang Feng said jokingly.

"Don't, this is Brother Bin's favorite place, and you can't afford it if you sell me!"

Ha ha…………

Hearing Wang Chen's words, both Zhang Feng and Zhang Feng laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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