small farmer

Chapter 670 Other People's Children

Chapter 670 Other People's Children (22)

"Ah, really? Thank you so much, Xiaofeng, I will use these dishes to cook a table of delicious food for everyone later!" Hearing her son's words, the Queen Mother almost burst into a smile,

She is the most loyal fan of Moon Lake vegetables, but it is a pity that Moon Lake vegetables are too difficult to buy. Only tourists who travel to Moon Lake are eligible to buy, and the purchase is limited, and each person can only buy five catties of vegetables per day.

"Mom and Dad, don't patronize Brother Feng's gift, take a look too, this is the prey we just caught!" Wang Bin lifted the prey with a smile and said to his parents with a smile.

"What a big rabbit! Hey, there's also a pheasant! Where did you get it?" Wang Bin's parents were very surprised when they saw the prey in the hands of the three of them, because even in the countryside, the one who can catch the prey is counted. the master.

"It's right there in the dry sea."

"Qianhai? Who has such a great ability to kill three prey?" You must know that the villagers are usually thankful if they can catch one. None of them are professional hunters, so Wang Bin's father looked at the three of them in surprise, and then asked his son.

"Hehe, I don't have the skills, but Brother Feng has grown up. These gifts were all made by Brother Feng with stones." Wang Bin shook his head and explained to his father.

"Oh, you can hit it with a stone? That's really a master!" Hearing his son's words, Uncle Wang's eyes lit up, looked at Zhang Feng and continued: "Xiaofeng, I didn't expect you to be so good!!"

As for Zhang Feng, Wang Bin's father had heard about it a long time ago. The founder of Moon Lake Vegetables is known to everyone in Qingshan. He is even more famous than the county magistrate and secretary.

After graduating from university, he founded the Moon Lake Fruit Thinning Cooperative, and quickly achieved great success. Now it has become the most famous agricultural company in the province, and has become a famous business card in the province. Ten million, it is said that the first two quarters of this year have earned hundreds of millions. It can be said that the Moon Lake Cooperative founded by Zhang Feng is the largest enterprise in Qingshan County, and it is also the enterprise with the greatest potential and the greatest contribution to the people of the county. .

I didn't expect Zhang Feng to be so good at hunting besides running the company. What is true is that the waves behind the Yangtze River drive the waves ahead, and one generation is stronger than the next.

It's a pity that this is someone else's son, but he is very pleased that his son can make such friends.

"Let's eat watermelon, which is very fresh from the street just now." After a while, Wang Bin's mother walked out with a plate of sliced ​​watermelon and smiled.

"Thank you, thank you, auntie!" Zhang Feng took a piece each, and said with a smile.

"No thanks, no thanks, there is nothing to eat at home, as long as you don't dislike it."

"What do you dislike, my family is also from the countryside, and I have lived a hard life since I was a child!" After Zhang Feng finished speaking, he thought that the conditions of my family before were far worse than this.

"It's hard work to be a master. Look at what you've done now. If my Wang Bin can be as promising as you, I'll wake up laughing even in my dreams." Wang Bin's father praised with a smile.

"In fact, Binzi is already very good. He has been admitted to such a good job as a civil servant. He can guarantee his income in drought and flood, and he can live in security after retirement." Zhang Feng chatted with Dad Wang while eating watermelon.

Wang Bin's mother was preparing to cook in the kitchen at this time, and the family was very happy when guests came to the house.


"Dinner is ready! Xiaofeng, Xiaochen, come here!" About two hours later, Wang Ma came out with the dishes, and shouted to Zhang Feng and the two with a smile.

"Well, Auntie, the dishes you cook are really delicious!" Zhang Feng sniffed and said with a smile.

"Hehe, it's because your dishes are of good quality. Moon Lake vegetables are our Qingshan treasures." The dishes she made were exaggerated by the guests, and Wang Ma laughed happily.

"Come on, Brother Feng, Xiaochen, let's eat." Wang Bin walked over with the rice and said to the two with a smile.

"By the way, Xiaofeng and Xiaochen, do you want some wine?" After everyone sat down, Uncle Wang asked Zhang Feng and the two.

"Thank you uncle, I have to drive later. If you have time, you and auntie will come to my house, and I will have a few drinks with you." Zhang Feng smiled and declined, because he had to drive home after dinner. No, it would be a tragedy to be caught.

Wang Chen also shook his head again and again, he also drove a motorcycle over, so he couldn't drink.

So Uncle Wang took out a bottle of Coke from the refrigerator and poured everyone a glass.

"Come on, everyone, have a taste. How about the dishes I cooked today? This is also an offering to the Buddha with flowers, all of which you brought yourself."

A large table full of dishes, a bowl of stewed chicken with mushrooms, a braised rabbit meat, a plate of bacon, a large bowl of steamed bacon, a spicy beef, a pumpkin and cowpea soup, a stir-fried cabbage, One sugar tomato, one cold cucumber.

"Well, it's delicious. Auntie's cooking skills are really good!!" Zhang Feng and Wang Chen were full of praise. Although Wang Ma's cooking skills were not as good as Zhang Feng's, she was already a master among amateurs, and her dishes were also good. Presentable and tastes great.

"It's delicious, but it's still worse than Brother Feng's." Wang Bin said while eating.

"It's good for you to eat what you have, and you still despise my mother's craftsmanship?" Wang Ma immediately slapped her son, then glared at her son and said.

"Ouch! Mom, the dishes you cook are the best, very delicious, the most delicious in the world!!" Wang Bin was slapped unexpectedly, and begged his mother for mercy with a smile.

"Hmph, that's pretty much the same!!" Wang Ma laughed when she heard her son's words.

"What are you mother and son doing? You are not afraid of being laughed at by guests!" Father Wang looked at his wife and son, smiled helplessly and shook his head.

"Xiaofeng didn't expect you to be able to cook. My Xiaobin is far behind. He can only cook noodles at this age. Alas, I don't know how he will live in the future?" Wang Ma said while eating.

"Mom, can I make scrambled eggs with tomatoes?" Hearing his mother's words, Wang Bin suddenly said aggrievedly, wondering if I was still your own, and would anyone be able to bury his own son like this?

"Hehe, I'm ashamed to say that I know how to cook a dish!" Seeing her son's aggrieved look, Wang Ma said amusedly.

"Hehe, don't care about their mother and son, Xiaofeng and Xiaochen, let's eat our own!" Father Wang was used to bickering between his wife and son, and said to Zhang Feng and Zhang Feng with a smile.

Zhang Feng smiled, thinking that this is the best way for a family, talking and laughing, it shows that the relationship between mother and child is really good, and this kind of life is actually enviable.

(End of this chapter)

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