small farmer

Chapter 671 Fire Up Rattan Crafts

Chapter 671 Fire Up Rattan Crafts (12)

"Goodbye, uncle and aunt! Come to our Moon Lake to play when you have time."

"Hey, Xiaofeng Xiaochen, you go slowly, we will definitely go there when we have time."

Wang Bin's parents stood at the gate and sent Zhang Feng and Zhang Feng away. They didn't let go of their waving arms until the guests disappeared at the end of the road.


"Binzi, let's go to Moon Lake to play tomorrow if you have nothing to do, let's go up the mountain to break corn tomorrow!"

"Is the corn ripe?" Wang Bin was very surprised, because he already knew that the corn in Moon Lake Village is not an ordinary variety, but a high-end product like Moon Lake vegetables. Needless to say, the quality is also known. It must be super good. I think Thinking of the delicious grilled corn, Binzi and Xiaochen couldn't help drooling.

"Of course, remember to come tomorrow, and Xiaochen too!" Zhang Feng opened the car door, stepped into the car with one foot, and then turned around and said.

"Don't worry, Brother Feng, we will definitely be there tomorrow!" Wang Bin and Wang Chen both said with a smile, and they were also looking forward to the corn from Moon Lake.

"Okay, goodbye, see you tomorrow!"

"See you tomorrow, Brother Feng!"

Although the three of them parted ways at the racecourse, Zhang Feng drove towards Moon Lake. After Wang Chen and Wang Bin said goodbye, they also left on their own motorcycles.


Moon Lake on weekends is full of tourists,
Everyone has been working in the city for a week, and finally have time to come to the beautiful Moon Lake for leisure travel, escape the heat, enjoy the scenery, and enjoy the legendary Moon Lake food by the way.

Therefore, every weekend, Moon Lake is crowded with tourists. There are various small stalls beside the tree-lined trails by the lake, almost all of which are villagers selling their own local products.

Dried fish, fungus, Gastrodia elata, mushrooms and other rare medicinal materials, and of course various handicrafts in the village, such as the rattan weaving and bamboo weaving designed by Ahong himself for tourists, have been selling well.

No, when Zhang Feng came home, he saw A Hong's business was booming on the road, and the stall was full of curious tourists.

Zhang Feng smiled, and walked over curiously, wanting to see why this guy's business is so good.

Bird's nest-like rattan chairs, chicken and duck-shaped fruit bowls, and all kinds of beautiful baskets, and cute small animal handicrafts, these handicrafts are not only beautiful, but also unique in shape, no wonder they can attract so many tourists.

"Young man, how do you sell this rattan chair?"

"How much does your duck's fruit basket cost, young man?"

The tourists asked Ahong the price in a hurry, as if they were afraid they would not be able to buy them.

"The rattan chair in the bird's nest costs 380 yuan, and the fruit basket is very cheap, only 88 yuan!" Ah Hong replied to the inquiring tourists while giving change to the tourists.

Although he was very busy, Ah Hong was obviously very happy, with a satisfied smile on his face.

"380? It's too expensive, can you make it cheaper, little brother?" The tourist fell in love with the beautiful bird's nest wicker chair at first sight, even though he thought it was a bit expensive.

"Brother, 380 is already very cheap. This is a handmade handicraft. It took me three days to weave this wicker chair, and that's not counting the cost of materials!" A Hong said with a smile.

Hearing A Hong's words, Zhang Feng stood outside and couldn't help but want to laugh. This guy is really a profiteer. Although he has never seen A Hong weave it with his own eyes, such a rattan chair can be finished in a day at most. Where does it take three days, this can only deceive laymen who don't understand anything.

After a lot of bargaining, it should be the wishful thinking of the tourists to be inaccurate. Ah Hong, an iron cock, said 380 and it was 380, and he didn't cut the price at all.

In the end, the tourists struggled for a while, and they still paid for it depressedly, because Ah Hong's wicker chairs were indeed well made, and the tourists really liked them from the bottom of their hearts.

Zhang Feng stood on the side and watched quietly
In just over ten minutes, Ah Hong's sold seven or eight pieces of handicrafts and made more than 1000 yuan.

I have to say that this guy's business is really booming. From the current point of view, his business plan can be said to have been successful.

After the tourists gradually dispersed, Zhang Feng walked behind Ah Hong, watched the guy sitting on the ponytail, counting the banknotes with a smile, and then shouted abruptly:
"Okay, your kid's business is good!"

"Ah, brother Feng, you almost scared me to death! Can't you walk in front?" Ah Hong staggered and almost fell to the ground. When he looked back, it turned out to be Zhang Feng, and immediately turned to him bitterly. said,

"Hey, brother, I like not to take the usual path!" Zhang Feng smiled, then patted the shoulder that was afraid of A Hong, and continued: "You kid, are you going to get rich?"

"Hehe, where is it, you only sell it for two or three thousand yuan a week, and you are far behind Brother Feng!" A Hong hurriedly said modestly,

If you want to say who Ah Hong admires the most, of course it must be Zhang Feng.

In just one year, he completed his gorgeous turn from a grassroots to a local tyrant, becoming the richest man in Zhangjiawan and even the entire Qingshan County, with a monthly income of hundreds of millions. He has thick legs, so Ah Hong admires Zhang Feng from the bottom of his heart, like an idol.

"Two to three thousand is not a lot, and isn't this just the beginning? I believe it will get better and better in the future!" Zhang Feng smiled. While encouraging A Hong, he was also very optimistic about his business.

Because his handicrafts have almost no cost, except for some design and finishing work, the cheap raw materials are almost negligible, so even if the monthly sales revenue is only [-] to [-], the net profit can be [-] to [-] or even higher .

Judging from the sales situation just now, Ah Hong's business will definitely be better. As long as he pays attention to quality and innovation, the road of handicrafts will surely succeed.

With Zhang Feng's affirmation, Ah Hong just kept smirking, as if he had replenished a huge amount of energy, full of confidence in his business plan, and more determined in his choice.

"Ah Hong, do you still have the bird's nest rattan chair just now?" Zhang Feng was also very tempted by the rattan chair that Ah Hong wove. Zhang Feng had only seen this thing on TV and the Internet. The cottage came over.

"No, Brother Feng, if you want, I'll help you when you get back!" Ah Hong said shyly.

"It's okay, don't worry, just take your time." Zhang Feng waved his hands and said with a smile.

"Don't worry, Brother Feng. Although the thing looks complicated, it's actually not that difficult. I can make one in half a day. How many pieces do you want, Brother Feng?" A Hong became more and more confident in his skills, and smiled. Hehe asked Zhang Feng.

"Make me two first!"

"Well, I'll deliver it to your home in two days!" Ah Hong promised, patting his chest.

If it weren't for helping the family harvest corn these days, his speed would definitely be faster, and it is estimated that it will be done in one day tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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