small farmer

Chapter 672 The Autumn Monkeys

Chapter 672 The Swinging Monkeys (22)

I looked at the fruit plate at Ah Hong's stall
The shapes of various small animals, such as chickens, ducks, swans, etc., do seem to have a special flavor, so Zhang Feng also became interested.

"How much are these fruit plates, Ah Hong?" Zhang Feng picked the five that satisfied him the most, and then asked Ah Hong with a smile.

"No money, Brother Feng, if you want it, just take it!" A Hong quickly waved his hand and said generously,

"You guy, how can you sell things without money! Say how much you want, or I won't!" Zhang Feng glared at this guy, and then put the fruit plate on the ground.

"Then...then you can give me 200 yuan!" Ah Hong thought for a while, and said in a bit of embarrassment.

"200 yuan is so cheap?? Don't you guys sell 88 of them to tourists?"

"Hehe, of course you have to sell it at a discount to Brother Feng! I can make ten or eight of these things casually a day, even if I only sell them for 40 yuan each, I can still make a lot of money!" Seeing Brother Feng staring at himself dissatisfied , A Hong hurriedly explained with a smile.

"Okay, then I won't be polite!" Zhang Feng immediately took out two Grandpa Mao cards and handed them to A Hong.

"Brother Feng, go slowly, the wicker chair will be delivered to your home in two days!" A Hong waved goodbye to Zhang Feng.

"Understood, I'm not in a hurry, just take your time!" Zhang Feng smiled and nodded, holding several animal-shaped fruit baskets as if walking home.


On the way, the second uncle was selling melons on the road. When he saw Zhang Feng approaching, he immediately greeted him with a smile, "Xiaofeng has two watermelons to try!"

"Thank you, Second Uncle, I'll buy two!"

"What are you buying? If you tell you to take two, you can take two back!" The second uncle gave Zhang Feng a domineering look, and said without doubt.

"Alright then!" Seeing the determination in the eyes of the second uncle, Zhang Feng accepted the old man's kindness with a wry smile.

However, the old man worked so hard to grow melons, Zhang Feng felt that if he wanted his melons for nothing, his conscience would feel uncomfortable, so he decided to help the old man with work when he had time, which should be pretty good.

"Thank you, Second Master!"

"Hehe, thank you for what? If you want to eat melons in the future, go pick them yourself in the melon field!" The second uncle smiled and waved his hands, and said nonchalantly.

Zhang Feng smiled and nodded, holding the fruit plate and watermelon, and continued walking towards the house.

When he walked to the door of his second uncle's house, he saw Zhang Yi sitting in the yard playing with his mobile phone.

"Zhang Yi?" Zhang Feng shouted loudly.

"Hey! Brother, what's the matter?" Zhang Yi hurriedly put away his phone, stood up and asked.

"Come and take the watermelon back!"

"Hey, thank you brother! Where did you sell the watermelon?" Zhang Yi saw the watermelon in Zhang Feng's hand, and ran out with a smile on his face.

"I didn't buy it. The second uncle gave it to me on the way!" Zhang Feng smiled, handed the watermelon to his cousin, and returned home.

At this time, my mother is still selling special products from the seller at the gate. The eldest sister and brother-in-law should go to the construction site. Their homestay is under construction. It is estimated that the main part will be completed in about a month, and it is not far from complete completion. already.


hot day in june
When I came back from the outside, my whole body was covered in sweat.

As soon as Zhang Feng got home, he rushed to the bathroom at the speed of a [-]-meter race.
The splashing cold water poured onto my feet, and I felt instantly cool. The heat on my body dissipated, as if I had traveled through time and space to the North Pole. The icy coolness was really fascinating.

However, Zhang Feng didn't know that when he was taking a bath,

Two sneaky little guys came in the yard.

Hearing the movement, Dahei and Xiaohei looked up and saw Maoya and Xiaoshi, lying lazily under the big cypress tree. On such a hot day, even the dogs at home were unwilling to move. Only the village The little kids are still running around as usual, not full of energy.

"Ah, Brother Crazy isn't at home?" The little girl stretched her head to look into the room, saw that there was no one there, then raised her cute little mouth, and said to Little Shitou.

"Hee hee, it would be great if Brother Crazy wasn't here! I can swing on the swing if I'm not here!" Little Shitou immediately climbed onto the swing, kicked his feet, and started to swing happily.

"Little Shitou, let me push you, okay?" Mao Ya saw that Little Shitou was playing so happily, and ran over with her calves.

"Okay! But you have to push slowly!"

"Well, I see!"

After a while, the two little guys were having fun in the yard, full of joyful laughter. When Zhang Feng came out of the bath, the two monkeys didn't know.

"It's these two little guys again!"

Zhang Feng shook his head with a smile. A few days ago, because he was playing on a swing, the little stone was thrown like a dog, and he had a big bag on his head. Unexpectedly, the scar was healed and he forgot the pain. Played furtively.

"Ahem!" Zhang Feng coughed loudly on purpose and walked out.

Immediately, the two little fellows trembled in fright, "Ah, Brother Crazy is here!"

"Crazy brother..."

Oops, I'm going to die, the lunatic brother is actually at home!How can this be done.

When the two little guys saw Zhang Feng, they panicked for a while, thinking at a loss in their hearts.

"Little Shitou is playing on the swing again?" Zhang Feng asked with a smile.

"Hmm..." The little guy had a bitter face, grabbed his clothes nervously with both hands, and nodded slightly.

"Be careful when playing on the swing! Do you understand?" Seeing the nervousness of the little ones, Zhang Feng thought it was really fun.

The two little fellows thought they were going to be severely criticized by Brother Crazy, but they didn't expect him to just lightly warn them.

So the two little guys looked at each other in surprise, and then cheered enthusiastically.

"Oops! Let's go on the swing!"

"Crazy brother, that's great!"


Squeak squeak!

Knowing that she was chirping on the big cypress tree, it was extremely annoying,

Such hot weather is even more depressing.

"If you fan the little stone faster, why isn't there any wind at all?"

"Oh! Crazy brother, my hands are sore!" Hearing Zhang Feng's words, Xiao Shitou suddenly said bitterly.

It turned out that Zhan Zhengzheng was lying in the shade of a tree like an old man, letting Xiao Shi and Mao Ya alternately fan him.

"Okay, let's rest for a while if we're tired!"

"Hee hee, I can finally rest!" Mao Ya and Xiao Shitou couldn't help cheering the two little laborers, and then climbed onto a rattan chair and lay sprawled on it, almost the same as Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng smiled, walked back into the house, took out the watermelon from the refrigerator, cut it in half, cut it into several small pieces, and served it out on a fruit plate.

"Mao Ya, little Shitou, wash your hands quickly, let's eat watermelon!!" Zhang Feng shouted to the two little guys while walking.

"Ah! Watermelon! Eat watermelon!"

As soon as the two little guys saw the glowing red watermelon, they jumped down immediately, ran to the water pipe, washed their little hands with a splash, and then eagerly took a piece of watermelon and gnawed it.

(End of this chapter)

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