small farmer

Chapter 673 Caught Cicada

Chapter 673 Caught Cicada (12)

"Crazy brother, here we come!"

Big Mao and Little Duck ran in, shouting happily while running.

Zhang Feng turned around and saw the two little guys with black mouths. He didn't know what bad things they did, so he asked with a smile:

"Hey! Why have you both turned into cats? Have you sneaked into the mountains to roast corn again?"

"Oh! We don't have any!" The little duck quickly wiped his mouth with his hands, ready to destroy the corpse, Da Mao glanced at him, and wiped it in a panic.

"Hey, I've seen it all. No matter how much you wipe it, it's useless!" Zhang Feng smiled. Just by looking at the black ash on their mouths, you can tell what bad things they have done.

"Hee hee, madman brother, please don't tell my father, okay?" The little duck saw that he had been exposed, so he asked Zhang Feng with a playful smile.

"What's the matter? Did you harm your own corn again?" Zhang Feng asked speechlessly.

"No way, I just broke two bags of corn, and Da Mao also broke two bags in his field!" The little guy explained with his mouth raised.

"Okay, remember not to waste food, and pay attention to safety. If it causes a fire, you will be miserable, and you will go to jail, you know?" Zhang Feng shook his head, knowing that if they don't want them to steal corn again, then it's not right at all. Possibly, so I can only hope the little ones are safe and don't start a wildfire while grilling corn.

You know, almost all the mountains behind Moon Lake are pine forests, the ground is covered with a thick layer of pine needles, and the pine trees contain a lot of pine oil. The surrounding area of ​​Qinglong Mountain will be burned to the ground.

I remember that more than ten years ago, there was a big fire in Qinglong Mountain that shocked the whole county.

Tens of thousands of acres of mountains and forests were burned, and the nearby villages were almost burned down. The loss was extremely heavy. The person who caused the fire was also sentenced. Because it was so long ago, Zhang Feng couldn't remember exactly how many years he was sentenced, but at least five years. six years.

Therefore, since then, everyone has learned a profound lesson, and then they know what it means to be ruthless. Even the little kids in the village dare not play with fire on the mountain for several months.

"There is watermelon in the refrigerator, each person goes and gets a piece by himself!"

"Ah, long live the lunatic brother!"

"Crazy brother, you are so kind!"

Hearing that there was watermelon to eat, the two little guys cried out in surprise, and then they couldn't wait to run into the house.

"Wait! Wash your paws first!" Zhang Feng suddenly reminded.

"Hee hee, I got it, madman!!" The two little guys were really happy. On such a hot day, eating a piece of iced watermelon is really a rare treat.

After Da Mao and Xiao Yazi entered the room, Mao Ya and Xiao Shitou blinked their cute little eyes, and looked at Zhang Feng expectantly.

"Crazy brother!" Mao Ya shouted weakly.

"What's the matter?" Looking at the expression on the little girl's face, Zhang Feng didn't know what she meant, but he still wanted to tease her.

"Crazy brother, I still want to eat a piece of watermelon!" Mao Ya looked at Zhang Feng pitifully and said, Xiao Shitou also stared at Zhang Feng closely, with a look of anticipation on his face.

"Hehe, do you still want to eat?" "Okay, I'll give each of you another piece!"

Hearing Zhang Feng's words, the two little guys nodded, couldn't help cheering, jumped off the rattan chair, put on their wings, and flew into the house immediately.

Seeing the little guys running towards the house, Zhang Feng couldn't help reminding: "Slow down, don't fall!"

"Understood!" The two little guys cheered and ran into the house without looking back.

The four little guys came out happily holding a piece of watermelon, eating while walking, with happy smiles on their faces.

"Delicious, right?"

"Mmmm, delicious!"

"Ice and sweet, but delicious!"

The little guys ate with big mouthfuls, and the pink watermelon juice was still flowing down the corners of their mouths, but the little guys didn't care so much, wiped their sleeves, and continued to eat with relish.

Zhang Feng shook his head with a smile, and hurriedly gave each of the little guys two tissues, or their sleeves would become mouthkerchiefs.
Squeak squeak!

Cicada took the trouble to sing on the big cypress tree
It's a pity that to Zhang Feng, it was just noise, which made him a little upset.

So Zhang Feng decided not to be silent anymore, and hurried into the utility room, brought a net bag and a piece of bamboo pole, and prepared to make a cicada net and get the cicadas off the tree.

"Crazy brother, you want to make a dragonfly net?"

"That's not true, I think what the lunatic brother wants to do is a butterfly net!"

"Hehe, what you said is wrong!" Zhang Feng said with a smile while tying up Zhizhiwang.

"Ah, what kind of net is that?" The little guys guessed for a long time, but they still couldn't figure it out.

"I know, I know, madman brother, what you have to do is know the net, right?" Suddenly Xiao Shitou exclaimed in surprise.

"Hehe, yes, Xiaoshi finally guessed right! I reward you for helping me throw away the garbage later!" Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"Ah..." Xiao Shitou felt bad all over when he heard Zhang Feng's reward, thinking why there is such a reward!Can I not? ?


The little ones laughed gloatingly, especially Mao Ya who laughed so happily that she covered her mouth and giggled.

After chatting with the little ones, after about 2 minutes, Zhang Feng finally made a Cognition Net.

But it is a bit big, because it is usually used for fishing and eel fishing. I didn't expect to be transformed into a knowledge net today. I only hope that it will really work.

"Crazy brother, I found the cicada, it's there!"

"I found it too, I found it too!" Mao Ya excitedly raised her hands and reported to Zhang Feng.

"Oh, I was the first to find out, okay??" The unresponsive Da Mao stomped his feet anxiously, and said quickly.

"Hehe, I saw it too, you are all great!" Zhang Feng smiled, raised the net bag, and quickly covered it with Cicada.

Cicada was startled, just about to fly away,
It's a pity that Zhang Feng would not give it a chance to slip away, copying the net accurately blocked its escape route,
Ever since, with a creak, Cicada fell into Zhang Feng's net.

"Ah, caught, caught!"

"Crazy brother, you are really amazing!"

The little guy clapped his hands excitedly, as if he had caught a cicada himself.

Zhang Feng put down the net bag, stretched out his hand and caught it. It is a pest. It usually eats the sap of trees and often causes the trees to dry up and die. Therefore, Zhang Feng didn't want to let it go, but found a piece of thin thread , tied it up, and gave it to the little ones.

(End of this chapter)

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