small farmer

Chapter 674 Plan Confirmation

Chapter 674 Plan Confirmation (22)


notify!The villagers are invited to hold a meeting at the village committee immediately!The villagers are invited to hold a meeting at the village committee immediately!
In the afterglow of the setting sun, the big trumpet in the village rang again. Hearing the familiar voice of the uncle, Zhang Feng walked towards the entrance of the village with a swing of the bamboo fan.

"Has Xiaofeng eaten?"

"Eat, my family eats very early!"

Zhang Feng smiled and greeted the villagers non-stop, and the group arrived at the village committee in a short while.

"Huh? The air conditioner is actually installed??"

Pushing open the door of the meeting room, the villagers couldn't help exclaiming when they saw a central air conditioner standing beside the rostrum.

What a surprise!Is there any?Finally, there is no need to go to the sauna anymore. With the air conditioner, everyone feels that life has become taller in an instant.

"Hahaha, Xiaofeng, turn on the air conditioner!" Uncle Dashan saw Zhang Feng walking in the front, so he shouted with a smile.

Without everyone's urging, Zhang Feng quickly ran to the air conditioner, turned on the switch immediately, and adjusted the temperature to 24 degrees.

"Xiaofeng, turn it down a little more, or the meeting is over, and it's still not cool in here!"

"Yeah, Xiaofeng's backside is really hot!"

"Okay, I'll adjust it to 20 degrees!!" In response to everyone's call, Zhang Feng lowered the temperature again.

If you are at home, generally 26 degrees is about the same, but here is a large conference room, so many people, if you want to cool down the temperature quickly, you must lower the temperature, otherwise, as everyone said, when the meeting is over, the temperature will be lowered. Haven't felt the cool breeze yet.

"Ah, it's so cool!"

"This big air conditioner is awesome!"

"Not bad, not bad, I didn't expect us big bosses to have a meeting with the air conditioner blowing one day!!"

"That's right, don't you look at how prosperous our village is now. Walking on the street and saying that you are from Moon Lake, everyone will be envious!"

The current Moon Lake is a well-known local tyrant village, with an average annual net income of hundreds of thousands, which is no different from those traditional local tyrant villages in the east.

"If you want me to say it's better to blow the natural wind, open the window at night, the wind will be so cool!"

"That's right. The old man also thinks that he is still used to living in an old house. Even if there is no air conditioner, he can sleep soundly at night."

"Of course, the air in the old house is good, and we have a big temperature difference between day and night in the southwest, as long as the sun goes down, the house will be cool!"

"Indeed, a bungalow is not as cool as a tile-roofed house. Last time I stayed at a relative's house in the city for a day, the bungalow was so hot that it was almost impenetrable. There was no air-conditioning at night. It would only be cool in the middle of the night. sleep!"


The villagers gathered around the air conditioner, chatting happily while blowing the cold wind.

After about a few minutes, the uncle walked onto the rostrum, turned on the microphone, and shouted to the villagers:
"Okay, everyone find their seats and sit down! The meeting is about to start!"

"Let's go, go! There's a meeting!"

The villagers immediately dispersed and sat down next to the air conditioner.

"How is it? Everyone is blowing the air conditioner, don't you feel cool?" The uncle looked at the villagers present and asked with a smile.


"Much cooler!"

The villagers replied in unison.

"Hehe, it's good for everyone to feel cool. Now let's start the meeting. The content of today's meeting is about the homestay. Let Ah Sheng explain it to everyone in detail!"

"Hello, uncles and brothers, we already have several design plans for the homestay in our village, and I will explain it to you in ppt..."

Then, Zhang Sheng turned on the projector, plugged in a USB flash drive to the computer, and introduced several design proposals to the villagers in detail.

The first plan is to build the B&B in the shape of a courtyard.

The second plan is similar to the houses in the village, almost all have two floors, and a total of ten buildings will be built.

The third plan is a bit more interesting. It is to restore the Yang Family Courtyard at the entrance of the village, so that the village not only has one more scenic spot, but also increases the number of tourists received.

Zhang Feng thinks this plan is the best. I really don't know which company made the design. He must have a good understanding of the history of the village, otherwise he would not be able to make such a design.

For a while, the villagers talked a lot, but like Zhang Feng, more people were full of interest in the Yang family compound.

"Ahem, everyone, stop for a moment." After everyone calmed down, the village head continued: "Everyone has read the three proposals. Now let's start voting one by one. Whichever one gets the most votes, we will adopt that proposal! Everyone how do you feel?"

Everyone agrees with the village chief's suggestion, and the most convincing way is for the minority to obey the majority.

The next moment, the conference room became silent, and even the middle-aged and middle-aged people in the village sat down in their seats, ready to cast their sacred votes.

"Okay, now let's start voting on the first plan, please raise your hand if you agree with the first plan!"

After the uncle finished speaking, the villagers in twos and threes raised their arms.

Finally, after statistics, there were only eight people. It seemed that this plan was yellow.

"Okay, here is the vote for the second option, please raise your hand if you agree..."

"One, two, three... There are seven votes in total! It seems that everyone is very much in favor of the last plan!"

"Hey... of course!" Hearing the uncle's words, everyone laughed at the same time.

However, for the sake of fairness, the village head arranged for everyone to vote for the discussion later because he was worried about abstention votes.

The final result was good. As expected, almost all the villagers raised their arms and voted for the third option except for the dozen or so people in front.

"Okay, the third option has a total of 63 votes. On behalf of the village committee, I officially announce that the third option has been successfully passed!"

Clap clap clap! !
Seeing that the third plan was passed with an absolute advantage, the villagers applauded excitedly, and there were bursts of cheers in the meeting room.

"Everyone be quiet, be quiet!" The village chief pressed his palms, and when everyone calmed down, he said again: "Everyone agrees with the plan, so let's talk about the fundraising. According to the design, rebuild the Yang Family The hospital needs 600 million funds. Tomorrow, everyone who is interested in investing can come to the village committee to find me. The financing will be completed in three days, and we will officially start construction next week, so everyone has to hurry..."

Hearing what the uncle said, everyone whispered again.

"Uncle Er Niu, how much do you plan to invest?"

"Didn't you say that there is a cap of [-]? Then invest [-], otherwise it would be a waste to store it in the bank!" Uncle Er Niu said without thinking.

In fact, Uncle Erniu is not the only one who thinks this way. Everyone is very optimistic about the homestay project in the village, especially the reconstruction of the Yang Family Courtyard.

Everyone has seen the 3D pictures of the Yang Family Courtyard just now. The Yang Family is indeed a big local tyrant in Qingshan County. The courtyard is stunningly beautiful, and the scale is huge. There are fifty or sixty rooms in total. Hundreds of tourists.

 Thanks to the book friend 'Waste Half Body' for the reward, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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