small farmer

Chapter 675 The Mountain Temple About to Be Completed

Chapter 675 The Mountain Temple About to Be Completed (12)

The Yang family compound is on the high ground outside the village, and everyone in the village is very familiar with it.
Zhang Feng and his friends often went there to play house when they were young, so they were very impressed.

According to the elders in the village, before liberation, the Yang family was the largest landowner in Qingshan County, owning tens of thousands of hectares of fertile land and tens of thousands of mu of land. Almost the best fields in Qingshan County were occupied by their family.

Even the fields near Moon Lake Village were plundered by their family. For example, the mountain of corn in Zhang Feng’s house is now called Yangjia Mountain by the villagers. Why?It is because it used to be the land of the Yang family.

The Yang family compound is a courtyard built by the Yang family in Moon Lake. Because of the beautiful scenery of Moon Lake and the fertile fields, the Yang family built a compound with a private garden here, covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters. A few days, no matter in the Republic of China or now, it is a very awesome existence.

Now, the designer has optimized and expanded the Yang Family Courtyard to make it grander and more beautiful.

It not only meets the modern living conditions, but also increases the number of tourist rooms, so that it can receive hundreds of tourists at the same time.

If you add the farmhouse in the village, the problem of tourists staying overnight has been basically solved, except for special tourism festivals.

Because when it comes to the tourism festival, there are tens of millions of tourists, and there are countless foreign tourists who need accommodation. No matter how many homestays are built in the village, it will not be able to solve the problem.

Therefore, it is not realistic to build a homestay that caters to all tourists, and there is not so much money in the village, so it is unnecessary.

"Xiaofeng wait a minute!"

After the meeting, the uncle asked Zhang Feng and the others to stay.

"Actually, repairing and expanding the Yang Family Courtyard is only the first phase of the project. If the effect is good, I plan to build a few more homestays like the Yang Family Courtyard. What do you think?" Waiting for Uncle Zhang Feng to sit down, the village chief smiled. said.

In fact, the plan for the second phase of the project is still under the uncle's idea, and he does not intend to let all the villagers know, because the first phase of the project has not yet started, and it is too early to talk about the second phase.

"Okay, let me just say, isn't a Yang family compound too small?" Uncle Dashan said with a smile.

The others also smiled and nodded, thinking that the second phase of the project is indeed necessary. Although there are not many tourists in Moon Lake, there are at least two or three thousand tourists every weekend. There are many tourists who want to stay in the village. The Yang Family Courtyard in the first phase may not be able to receive so many tourists, so everyone very much agrees with Uncle’s second phase plan.

"Hehe, but we can't be blindly optimistic. We need to look at the actual situation. It's best to wait for the opening of the first phase of the Yang family compound, and then decide according to the situation!"

"By the way, uncle, which company made the plan for the Yang family compound?" Zhang Feng asked curiously.

The others stretched their necks and listened silently to the uncle's answer.

"Hehe, why don't you guess? The boys in this company are very familiar!" the uncle said with a smile.

"I'm familiar with it?" Zhang Feng thought to himself, is there a design company I'm familiar with?
Suddenly his eyes lit up. Isn't Yiyi's Yelang Group such a company that integrates engineering design and construction?

Besides, isn't Professor Wang's team in Moon Lake right now, and they are probably busy with the finishing work of the mountain temple at this time.

Moreover, Professor Wang is very familiar with Moon Lake, and even visited the ruins of the Yang family compound, so it all makes sense after thinking about it!

Zhang Feng said his guess, and the uncle laughed immediately.

"Haha, you really made your kid guess right!"

"That's right, this plan was designed by Professor Wang and the others. I plan to hand over the future projects to them. What do you think?" The uncle glanced at Zhang Feng with a smile, and then asked everyone.

"Okay, I think Professor Wang's level is really good, and the mountain temple is so beautiful!"

"Indeed, their efficiency is also very high, and the mountain temple will be completed in just two or three months!"

Everyone agreed with the uncle's idea, and thought it would be good to hand over the project of the Yang Family Courtyard to Professor Wang.


The next day

The uncle found Professor Wang and was going to tell him the results of the village's vote, and handed over the project to his team to complete.


"Yo? Old Zhang is here, is there any good news?"

"Haha, Lao Wang, your design proposal has been approved, and it was passed with an absolute advantage!" The village head said with a smile.

"That's good. Seeing your smiling face, I knew it must be good news. Come here!! Sit here..." Professor Wang happily took the village head to the stone bench in the yard and sat down. The two talked slowly while drinking tea. After these months of communication, the two have become good friends.

"Old Wang, the engineering village of the Yang family compound will be handed over to you!"

"Don't worry, Lao Zhang. We have done a lot of Ming and Qing courtyards like the Yang Family Courtyard, and we are already very experienced. There are no technical problems." Professor Wang said confidently.

For professors majoring in ancient architecture, he has studied ancient architecture for more than 20 years, especially the most Ming and Qing architecture in Guizhou Province. The team participated in or even directly led the projects, so they did not accept small projects like the Yang Family Courtyard and the Mountain Temple before.

However, in the past few years, the number of ancient architectural projects has been greatly reduced, and the pressure of industry competition has increased. Large companies from other provinces have also expanded to Guizhou Province, so the life of Professor Wang's team has become difficult.

Therefore, whether it is for making money or training students, Professor Wang also attaches great importance to the ancient architectural projects in Moon Lake Village, hoping to train the team and train students through these small projects, so that students will have the opportunity to practice.

"Is the mountain temple almost finished?" After chatting for a while, the village chief asked curiously.

"Haha, it's coming soon, the project will be finished in a week at most, leave Lao Zhang and I'll show you around!"

Then Professor Wang took the village chief to visit the mountain temple.

In the center of the tall main hall is a huge mountain statue more than two meters high. Zhang Feng spent more than 40 yuan just to buy this statue.

In front of the statue is the altar, on which there is an incense burner with a diameter of about half a meter. This is not the largest incense burner in the temple. There is also about one meter.

In addition to the statue of the mountain god in the main hall, the most eye-catching thing is the murals on the surrounding walls, all of which are completely restored according to the murals on the drawings provided by Zhang Feng, without any change.

These murals were all drawn by Professor Wang and his team stroke by stroke. It took more than a month for these murals alone.

It can be said that it is really meticulously crafted, and everyone is very attentive.

(End of this chapter)

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