small farmer

Chapter 677 The Scourge

Chapter 677 The Scourge (12)

as the corn matures

The wild boars on the mountain also began to descend in groups. Even though the villagers dug traps at Sankou, they couldn't completely resist it.

No, when we walked halfway, we saw Uncle Er Niu yelling in the field, looking at a large cornfield destroyed by wild boars, wanting to cry but not crying.

"What's the matter? Uncle Er Niu's corn suffered another disaster?" Zhang Feng asked curiously, thinking that Uncle Er Niu's crops were really full of disasters, why he was the one who was injured every time.

If Uncle Er Niu knew what Zhang Feng was thinking, he would probably say: In fact, the baby is also very desperate! !

"It's really bad luck for eight lifetimes. I didn't expect the corn to be harmed by wild boars again this time!" Uncle Er Niu looked back at Zhang Feng and said with a wry smile.

"Let me see how many there are?" Zhang Feng said and walked to the corn field of Uncle Er Niu's house. The people behind were also very curious, wanting to see what the corn field that the wild boar had ravaged looked like.

But when everyone walked in and took a look, they were all stunned in amazement, this is too scary!People who don’t know thought it was plowed by oxen.
The corn field was completely turned upside down by the wild boar, and the crops in the field were completely destroyed. The corn cobs were gnawed and smashed by the wild boar, and the corn stalks on the ground were all joints, which looked like a mess.

"It's okay, it's okay! There's not much damage by wild boars!" Zhang Feng took a look, and the disaster situation in the field was not bad. Except for a piece of corn with an area of ​​[-] to [-] square meters that was damaged by wild boars, the others were very intact. Lucky in the unlucky.

"That's what you said? But who knows if Brother Zhu will come tonight? If he comes to my field every day to harm my field, won't my corn be planted for nothing?"

Hearing Zhang Feng's words, Uncle Er Niu was not only not happy, but worried, because his house is next to a forest,
Looking at the footprints of the wild boars on the ground, you can tell that these wild boars came out of the woods behind the cornfield, so his land is on the way of the wild boars out of the mountain, which makes Uncle Erniu not worried.

"That's true!" Zhang Feng also frowned,

The back mountain of Moon Lake is full of woods. Although everyone has blocked several mountain passes with traps, there are still many places where wild boars can enter, and there is such a place behind Uncle Er Niu's cornfield.

"How about Uncle Erniu, how many traps can you set here?" Zhang Feng tentatively suggested.

"Trap?? It's almost the same unless you have a row of barbed wire!" Uncle Er Niu thought for a while and said with a sigh.

It takes a lot of work to get barbed wire fences, and it's a long way to the border of the forest!

However, in order to block the invasion of wild boars, there is no way to do it. Only a thousand days can be a thief, how can a thousand days prevent a thief!Therefore, only a row of barbed wire can completely and effectively resist the wild boars going down the mountain.


After bidding farewell to Uncle Er Niu, Zhang Feng and his party continued to walk to the corn field from his house.

Zhang Feng's family doesn't have much corn, only about half an acre. Cherries are planted in other places. The cherry trees planted in spring have grown to a height of more than one meter at this time, with luxuriant branches and leaves. It should be able to grow in the summer of next year. Cherries grow.

"Brother Feng, are there a lot of wild boars in this mountain?" Walking to the edge of Zhang Feng's cornfield, Wang Chen realized from the shock just now.

"Of course there are many. Every summer, there are wild boars coming down the mountain almost every night!" Zhang Feng smiled, glanced at Wang Chen, and then joked: "But Xiao Chen, your reaction is too slow, right?"

"That's right! Chenzi, your reaction is half a beat slower than that of a pig!" Wang Bin also joked with a smile.

"Hee hee..." Wang Chen's reaction couldn't help but remind Zhang Yue of the story of the little animals making jokes on the boat. Because the little pig's reaction was too slow, the little joke-telling animals were thrown into the sea.

At this time, Wang Chen's reaction was just like that of Xiaozhu, it was speechless slowly, and it took two or three minutes before he reacted.

Hearing everyone's jokes, Wang Chen suddenly couldn't laugh or cry, thinking that he is such a cheap mouth, why are he still asking such a question now!Now it's all right, the IQ is suspected by everyone whether it is owed fees.

Everyone talked and laughed, took sickles and baskets, and walked into the cornfield.

"Everyone knows how to break corn, right? But Xiaochen needs to explain something special. Before breaking corn, first peel off the husk of the corn, look at the kernels inside, break off the corn kernels when they are ripe, and let them continue to grow if they are not ripe. "

"By the way, and also, the corn stalks that have been broken off must be cut off from the root with a sickle, and the corn stalks will still be on the open space or stones on the side."

While breaking the corn, Zhang Feng explained to the novices the things that need to be paid attention to when breaking the corn.

"Ah, Brother Feng? Why do you have to cut off the corn stalks after breaking the corn? Is there any particularity to this?" Wang Chen asked Zhang Feng with his eyes wide open like a curious baby.

"Hehe, after cutting off the corn stalks, you don't have to work hard on them next time, and the cornfield is more spacious, which not only makes it easier for everyone to go to the field, but also has more room for other corn to grow." Zhang Feng explained with a smile.

"Oh... oh!" Wang Chen suddenly realized, he didn't expect to have so much talk about cutting off corn stalks.


Cornfields are not easy to live in. Anyone who is familiar with them knows that there are many sawtooth-like things on the corn leaves, which are very irritating to the skin. Every time you come out of the cornfield, you have to take a bath, or you will die of itching.

"Oh brother, I won't break the corn anymore, I went to pick the wild mountain and soak it?"

The girl Zhang Yue saw the little ducklings picking red wild mountain pickles on the hillside next to her. Thinking of the sweet and sour taste, she couldn't sit still, so she talked to her elder brother and jumped up and down. It's like running up the mountain, really like a little girl who can't grow up.

Zhang Feng smiled helplessly, I really don't know when this girl will grow up, she is so crazy every day, I am really worried about whether she can take good care of herself after she goes to college.

"Little duck, Mao Ya, I'm here, sister!" Zhang Yue happily ran to the little kids, shouting as she ran, and every time she came home, she was in a particularly good mood.

"Let's go! We've almost broken the corn, let's pick some wild pickles to try, this is the delicacy we used to eat when we were young!"

"Hehe, I also ate it when I was a child, but I haven't had it since I entered high school. Now that I think about it, I really look forward to it." Although Wang Bin also came from the countryside, he left his hometown after high school and arrived here. I go to school in the county seat, so my memories of Ye Shanpao still stay in junior high school.

As for Wang Chen, he has only heard of it or seen pictures on the Internet. He grew up in the city, except for stealing corn and melons, he has never eaten wild mountain bubbles. Bubbles generally grow on inaccessible mountains, and there really aren't any around their school.

Therefore, Zhang Feng gathered all the corn that everyone broke into a basket, put the basket on the side of the road, carried the bamboo basket, and walked up the mountain with the two of them.

(End of this chapter)

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