small farmer

Chapter 678 Can't help complaining

Chapter 678 Can't help complaining (make up for yesterday's)

"Mmm, sweet and sour is delicious!"

"I didn't expect wild mountain pickles to taste so good, much better than strawberries!"

It was the first time to eat wild mountain bubbles, Wang Chen was very pleasantly surprised, he never expected that the wild fruits on the mountain would have such a good taste, it was really beyond his expectation.

"Of course, wild pickles taste pure and natural, but they are not destroyed by various fertilizers and pesticides like strawberries. Didn't there be reports on the Internet not long ago? It seems that strawberries are one of the most polluted fruits because there are too many pesticide residues. And it's not like other fruits that can be peeled and eaten again..."

Wang Bin stuffed wild mountain foam into his mouth and introduced it to Wang Chen.

"Hey, it's a good thing I don't usually eat strawberries." Wang Chen felt very lucky. The strawberries looked very attractive and bright red, but he didn't expect the pollution to be so serious.

"That's right, eating strawberries is better than eating wild mountain pickles. Hurry up, let's pick some more and bring some home later, so that parents can taste it. This is a natural good thing."

When talking about wild porridge, Wang Bin's eyes suddenly lit up, and he felt that this wild potherb was much better than strawberries. I am going to pick some more and bring them back to my parents.

Hearing Wang Bin's words, Wang Chen also nodded happily, thinking that grandma would definitely like to eat this food, so he followed Wang Bin and the little kids in the village to quickly pick wild mountain pickles.

While everyone was having a great time picking on the mountain, tourists from the city also came to the back mountain in twos and threes.

When seeing Zhang Yue and a group of children picking wild mountain bubbles, a child curiously asked his mother:

"Wow! Mom, what are big sisters doing?"

"Big sister and the others are picking wild mountain bubbles!"

"What is Yeshanpao?" The little girl blinked her big black eyes and asked her mother curiously.

Mom frowned slightly, as if she was asked a question from her precious daughter. At this moment, Dad said with a smile: "Wild mountain pickle is a delicious wild fruit, and it tastes great."

"Really? Daddy, let's go pick wild mountain soaks, shall we?" The child asked, coquettishly shaking his father's arm when he heard what his father said.

"Hehe, okay, Dad will take you there right now!"

So the family of three happily walked up the mountain where wild mountain bubbles grow.

Weekends are when Moon Lake has the most tourists.

Every weekend, there will be a surge of tourists in the city, especially many families with children. Parents will take their babies to Moon Lake to travel in these two days, get close to nature, experience nature,
Of course, the beautiful scenery here can also make parents who have worked for a week completely relax and enjoy this wonderful rural scenery.

I have to say that the actions of the little brats attracted many tourists. After a while, the mountains and plains were full of tourists. When everyone tasted the sweet and sour taste of wild mountain pickles, they were almost captured by its delicious taste and became wild mountains. Make the most loyal fans.

Just when everyone was having fun on the mountain.

Zhang Feng talked to everyone, and came to the corn field of the second uncle's house silently. At this time, the second uncle's family of three was busy in the corn field, cracking the corn, and they were very busy.

"Ah! Brother!" Zhang Yi happened to be facing the side of the road, and when he saw Zhang Feng approaching, he immediately laughed.

"Xiaofeng is here!" The second uncle and the second aunt greeted with a smile when they saw Zhang Feng coming.

"Second Uncle and Second Aunt, I'll help out for a while." Zhang Feng smiled, and started working with his back basket.

"Hehe, thank you Xiaofeng! With your help, we can finish work earlier today!" The second uncle said with a smile.

Zhang Yi and Second Aunt also laughed happily, especially this guy Zhang Yi, who kept giggling cheerfully, because he knew that the eldest brother would be worth two if he went out, no!Neither of them can compare to Zhang Feng alone.

Zhang Yi has a deep understanding of the terrifying speed of Zhang Feng's work. Every time he works, the eldest brother is so frantic that he can almost match five or six people by himself. The efficiency is super fast!It's too fast for everyone.

I have to say that Zhang Yi really knows Zhang Feng very well. Since Zhang Feng went to the field, he broke a basket full of corn in less than 2 minutes.

In less than half an hour, the small truck of the second uncle's house was fully loaded, and all the mature corn in the field was screened out.

"Second uncle and second aunt, shall I go first?"

"Hey, remember to come to my house for dinner at noon!" Second Uncle and Aunt reminded politely.

"No need for second uncle and second aunt, there are guests at home today!"

Hearing what Zhang Feng said, the second uncle and the second aunt stopped insisting, and told Zhang Yi to drive with a smile, pulling a large cart of corn as if driving towards the entrance of the village.


At this moment, Uncle Er Niu was busy in the field alone.

"Hey! Uncle Er Niu, haven't you finished breaking it yet?" Zhang walked over and asked with a smile.

"You are very leisurely, kid? If you have nothing to do, hurry up and help!" Uncle Er Niu saw Zhang Feng's relaxed and comfortable look, and his heart suddenly became unbalanced. He thought that I was going to die of exhaustion in the field, so he Pull Zhang Feng's young man.

Seeing Uncle Er Niu's expression like a resentful woman, Zhang Feng couldn't help but shook his head with a smile.

"Hey, it's still you who is free and easy all day long. You lie down in the yard every day, drink tea, water the flowers, and take a walk by the lake when you get tired from sitting. How can you be like a retired veteran cadre in the city? It's like that." When talking about Zhang Feng's life in the village, Uncle Er Niu was very envious.

Hearing Uncle Er Niu's complaints, Zhang Feng couldn't help but rolled his eyes, wondering if there is such a young and handsome old cadre like me?

But Zhang Feng didn't refute Uncle Er Niu. He was just like Mrs. Xianglin when he was exhausted.

"Hey! Madman, help me later?"

"What are you going to do?" Zhang Feng looked at Uncle Er Niu warily, worried that he would be pulled out again.

"Pull the barbed wire, or else we will be harmed by wild boars again tonight?" Uncle Er Niu shook his head and said helplessly.

"Then in the afternoon, wait for Wang Bin and Wang Chen to leave!" Knowing that he couldn't escape, Zhang Feng had no choice but to push the time to the afternoon.

Recently, the weather is as hot as a steamer. If you go out to work at noon, you will definitely suffer from heat stroke. Even a thick-skinned person like Uncle Erniu will definitely not be able to withstand the scorching sun.

"Alright then, I'll call you at your house in the afternoon."

Hearing Uncle Er Niu's words, Zhang Feng couldn't help complaining, why didn't I see you being so active when something good happened?

But whoever let himself have such a bad friend, no matter how hot the weather is, this favor must be done.

 There are two more chapters in the afternoon or evening.

(End of this chapter)

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