small farmer

Chapter 679 Uncle Xu Gaosheng

Chapter 679 Uncle Xu Gaosheng (12)

The corn harvest in Moon Lake is bumper
After the leaders of the county got the news, they came to Moon Lake for inspection again, wanting to understand the advanced model of Moon Lake's development.

No, when Zhang Feng and Uncle Er Niu were busy breaking corn, the county magistrate brought a group of leaders and reporters to the village and Zhang Feng's house.

Seeing that the leader had arrived at home, the elder sister quickly called the younger brother and told him to go home quickly.

"Xiaofeng, the county magistrate has come to our house, where are you now, hurry back!"

"Ah, Uncle Xu is here? Okay, okay, I'll be right back!"

Hearing the eldest sister's words, Zhang Feng quickly talked to Uncle Er Niu, and then hurried home.


When Zhang Feng came home, the yard was full of guests, and his uncle accompanied them to introduce the recent development of the village to the leaders.

When everyone saw Zhang Feng, they all stood up quickly: "Xiaofeng?"

"Where did you go, boy? The leaders couldn't find anyone when they came?" The uncle glared at Zhang Feng, and then asked.

"Sorry, sorry, Uncle Xu, you've been waiting for a long time. I was helping Uncle Er Niu collect corn just now!" Zhang Feng apologized hurriedly.

"Hehe, it's okay, it's okay, we haven't been here for long! Xiaofeng, come and sit here, let's have a good chat!" Mayor Xu waved his hand and said with a nonchalant smile.

Although Zhang Feng is young, he is the God of Wealth in the county, and the achievements he has made are admired by all the leaders in the county. Therefore, everyone will not treat Zhang Feng as a young man, but as an existence that can talk to each other on an equal footing.

"How is the recent corn harvest in the village?" the county magistrate asked with a smile after Zhang Feng sat down beside him.

"The situation is very good, it can be said that it has been a bumper harvest!" Zhang Feng introduced with a smile.

"Oh! Can you tell me more about it?" The county magistrate is very interested in the corn in the village. You must know that there are many corn growers in other places in the county, but almost none of them can really make a fortune.

"Well, the corn grown in our village can be divided into two types, one is Xiangnuo No. [-], and the other is Gaoyi No. [-]."

"Xiangnuo No. [-] is what I have in my back basket. It is this kind. Not only does it taste sweet and delicious, whether it is boiled or roasted, it tastes very good. Moreover, this kind of corn has a high yield, and one mu of land can produce it." There are about [-] corn cobs, and if the corn kernels are harvested, there will be about [-] catties per mu."

"The yield is really good! Then is this kind of corn also purchased by the cooperative?"

After hearing the introduction of Xiangnuo No. [-], the county magistrate was very satisfied with its output, and then continued to ask questions.

"That's right, the cooperative provides planting and technology for everyone. When it's time to harvest, as long as the quality is qualified, they will be purchased at a price of one yuan." Zhang Feng explained with a smile.

"Then how about everyone's pass rate? What about the unqualified ones?" the county magistrate asked curiously again.

"Hehe, the pass rate can reach almost [-]%. You see, this is the situation of the corn field I photographed. Just look at the rising trend of this corn!"

Seeing the corn in Zhang Feng’s cornfield in their home, on the lush corn stalks, each corn cob is as thick as an arm, almost like a clone, and it is difficult to find smaller ones, the county magistrate reluctantly Can't help but exclaim:

"Hey! It's so good! I've lived half my life, and this is the first time I've seen such good corn!"

After a while, the elder sister cooked the corn brought back by Zhang Feng.

As soon as the delicious corn came out, everyone could smell the strong fragrance, and they couldn't help swallowing, all of them were full of appetite.

"The corn is ready, let's all taste it!!"

The eldest sister and brother-in-law handed the corn to everyone, and everyone thanked them again and again. The next moment, the fragrance of corn wafted from the whole yard, and everyone ate it with gusto. Unexpectedly, the ordinary-looking corn could show the beauty of Moon Lake. The charm of food.

After eating, everyone seemed a little unsatisfied and had endless aftertaste. Everyone was willing to buy this kind of corn, let alone one yuan, even if it cost five or six yuan.

"Well, this corn tastes good. After you deliver it to the supermarket, the selling price shouldn't be cheap, right?" the county magistrate asked Zhang Feng with a smile after washing his hands.

"Hehe, the price is really good. Five yuan a piece is in short supply. Every time it is delivered to the store, it will be sold out by customers." Although Zhang Feng does not directly manage Yiyi's fruit thinning store, he is very concerned about the sales situation in the store. Still very understanding.

"Xiaofeng, let's go for a walk"

"Hey, that's great!"

The county magistrate invited Zhang Feng out of respect rather than obedience, and walked along Moon Lake with the county magistrate, while exchanging information about the cooperative in the village.

"Oh, the scenery here is so beautiful! I really hate to leave the good place of Qingshan. I have lived and worked here for half my life, and I never thought I would leave one day!" Looking at the clear lake and the gorgeous lotus, Uncle Xu said with emotion.

"Ah, Uncle Xu, are you going to be promoted?" Hearing what the county magistrate said, Zhang Feng didn't know that the county magistrate was going to be transferred outside. The economic development of Qingshan County has been so good this year, especially the county magistrate. The poverty alleviation work presided over has made remarkable achievements, and tens of thousands of people in the county have been lifted out of poverty and embarked on the road to wealth.

"Well, I'm going to be transferred to the city to become the mayor!"

"Congratulations! Congratulations, Uncle Xu, on your promotion." Zhang Feng quickly congratulated with a smile. Although Linxing City is only a county-level city, its urban population is more than 30, which is much more developed than a small county like Qingshan.

Therefore, although the rank has not been raised, the city's second-in-command will soon be able to enter the state to take up leadership positions. At that time, he will definitely be able to advance to another level and step into the ranks of the department.

"Hehe, thank you, but the pressure in the city is even greater! Although Linxing is richer than Qingshan, there are poor places everywhere, and the pressure to get rid of poverty and become rich is great!" County Mayor Xu confided to Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng chuckled, thinking that he is really an old fox, he must have taken a fancy to his own cooperative, and wanted to cooperate with him to open the cooperative to the city, but now the cooperative has reached a bottleneck, and he really needs to start again if he wants to have a better development. expansion.

Seeing that Zhang Feng didn't answer, County Magistrate Xu smiled helplessly, knowing that this guy was not easy to fool.

"Xiaofeng, I wonder if the cooperative can help other places develop together?"

"Uncle Xu, don't worry, as long as the cooperative expands again, the city must be considered first." Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"Hehe, that's good, that's good. I don't know if there is anything in the cooperative that needs the cooperation of the county. If you need it, just ask. Before you leave, I can solve it for you!"

"Thank you, Uncle Xu. The traffic in several villages of the cooperative is too poor, and transportation problems often occur, so the cooperative hopes that the county can improve the traffic conditions of several villages!"

 I am very grateful to the book friends 'Aweizi', 'Kongkongyang', 'Ziyun Tianying', 'Dream Mark of Love' and 'Xiaofeng Zong' for their great rewards, thank you for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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