small farmer

Chapter 680 Invitation to the Global Agricultural Products Fair

Chapter 680 Invitation to the Global Agricultural Products Fair (22)

"Well, we have also learned about this matter. We have been discussing it recently. The traffic improvement project will start soon. Xiaofeng, don't worry, the county will definitely not hold you back, and will definitely do a good job for everyone. service work." County Magistrate Xu nodded and said to Zhang Feng.


After county magistrate Xu left

Zhang Feng is also thinking about the expansion of cooperatives

Now the sales volume of Jiajiale's supermarkets is close to saturation, so if the cooperative wants to have greater development, it needs to expand its sales channels.

Throughout the noon, Zhang Feng sat in the yard quietly thinking, expanding sales channels will definitely have a huge impact on Yelang Restaurant, how can the impact be minimized?
"It seems that the seed area of ​​the top vegetables needs to be expanded again!"

As long as top-grade vegetables and high-grade vegetables are separated, and top-grade vegetables are exclusively for Yelang Restaurant, even if the sales channels of high-grade vegetables are expanded, the development of Yelang Restaurant will not be affected.

OK!Just do it!


At this moment, Zhang Hua hurried in, saw Zhang Feng and said with a smile:

"Xiaofeng, just now the province came to inform that the Global Agricultural Products Fair will be held in Shanghai next week. The province asked if our cooperative would like to participate?"

"Oh? The Global Agricultural Products Fair? Could there be foreign exhibitors?" Zhang Feng didn't expect that his own cooperative could receive such a high-level invitation.

"Yes, I checked the information when I received the notice. The Global Agricultural Products Fair has been held eight times. The last time it was held in New York, the United States. At that time, the top ten agricultural leaders in the world participated and attracted a lot of high-end The catering groups and supermarkets went to purchase, such as Wal-Mart, Michelin restaurants and so on..."

After Zhang Hua's introduction, Zhang Feng realized that he had underestimated the specifications of this fair, thinking it was the same as the provincial agricultural fair he participated in last time.

Unexpectedly, the scale of this event is so large that the world's largest agricultural production group will participate, and a large number of high-end restaurants and supermarkets will be attracted.

Zhang Feng was overjoyed immediately, thinking that it was really easy to find nowhere to go, and it was a coincidence that he just wanted to expand the sales channels when the notice of the Global Agricultural Products Fair came.

"Xiaofeng, will our cooperative participate in this exhibition?" Zhang Hua asked Zhang Feng expectantly. In his opinion, this is a great opportunity for Moon Lake vegetables to go international, and it will have a huge impact on enhancing the brand value of Moon Lake. enhancement.

"Participate! Why don't you participate, it's time for our cooperative to show its glory!" Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"By the way, I will personally lead the team this time. This is the first time for our cooperative to participate in this high-standard exhibition. We must not make mistakes. I believe we will be able to achieve success in the exhibition and achieve greater development!" Zhang Feng said to This exhibition is also full of expectations.

"That's good, then I'll reply to the province!"

"Okay, please reply quickly!"

Since Guizhou Province is not a large agricultural province, there are almost no agricultural product companies that can sell, so the organizers of the exhibition have no expectations for Qianzhou Province. There will be no chance.

Therefore, the organizer just sent the invitation letter to the province in a coping manner, and did not particularly expect enterprises from Guizhou Province to participate in the exhibition.

But the province has a different idea. The province thinks this is a great opportunity to showcase the rural and agricultural development of our province, so this exhibition cannot be missed.

It's a pity that I searched all over the province, but I couldn't find a few companies that met the requirements. I either didn't participate in such a high-end fair, or I couldn't make up for it if I did.

So after several screenings, the Moon Lake Cooperative entered the eyes of the leaders. This newly emerging agricultural cooperative was completely beyond the expectations of the leaders. Unexpectedly, within half a year of this year, it created sales of 30 billion, which is the number of Thousands of farmers have made great contributions to getting rid of poverty and becoming rich.

Ever since, such advanced enterprises became the list of strong support from the province, and one of the three exhibition quotas was allocated to the Moon Lake Cooperative.

In addition, the Moon Lake Cooperative was also nominated as one of the top ten outstanding agricultural enterprises in the province, a pacesetter in agricultural production in the province, a model enterprise in agricultural poverty alleviation in the province...etc.

In addition, Moon Lake Cooperative will represent Guizhou Province and participate in the election of the top ten outstanding agricultural enterprises and national poverty alleviation model enterprises, and the possibility of winning is extremely high.

As the founder of the cooperative, Zhang Feng will also be nominated as the provincial agricultural model, one of the top ten promising youths in the province. If the selection of the provincial model worker had not just ended, Zhang Feng would have a great chance of winning the award.

As for the national awards, it is also planned, but Zhang Feng doesn't know about it yet.

But even if Zhang Feng found out, he wouldn't be too surprised. He doesn't care about his own honor, as long as his life is simple and happy.

After seeing off Zhang Hua, Zhang Feng lay down on the rattan chair again, and fell asleep slowly after a while.

It's a pity that Zhang Feng was woken up by the chattering little girl before he fell asleep for 2 minutes.

"Ah, brother, the watermelon in our backyard grows so big?" The little girl ran out of the backyard in surprise and asked Zhang Feng.

"Oh, you girl, can you be a little more reserved? You've been crazy all day, just like a crazy girl!" Zhang Feng said impatiently after being woken up.

"Hee hee, brother, I'm not too happy, too surprised?" The little girl didn't care when she saw Zhang Feng frowning, and explained with a playful smile.

"Brother, the watermelon in the backyard has grown so big, shall we pick it?" The little girl swallowed, and then said to Zhang Feng expectantly.

"Not yet, the melons in the backyard haven't matured yet!" Zhang Feng shook his head, maybe because he planted it late, the watermelons in the field seemed to be quite big, but just looking at the melon stems, he knew that it hadn't arrived yet when mature.

"Ah, you're not familiar yet at such an age?" Hearing Zhang Feng's words, Zhang Yue asked a little dejectedly.

"Well, if you want to eat watermelon, go to the melon field of the second uncle's house and pick it yourself. His watermelon is already ripe." Zhang Feng waved his hand, ready to send the girl away and continue to rest.

"Ah, brother, I can't steal watermelon, why don't you help me steal one?" the little girl said worriedly.

"Steal! Steal your head!" Zhang Feng glared at his sister angrily, and then said dumbfounded: "You picked the watermelon, wouldn't you send the money to the second uncle?"

"Hee hee, that's true!"

The little girl thought for a while and then nodded. She thought this method was good, and then walked out of the courtyard with a smile. Needless to say, the destination must be the melon patch of the second uncle's house.

Zhang Feng shook his head speechlessly, then lay leisurely on the chair, looking up at the blue sky and the clouds of different shapes in the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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