small farmer

Chapter 682 Coming Surgingly

Chapter 682 Coming Surgingly (23)

"Ah, the tourists are finally gone!"

After all the corn was delivered, the tourists finally gradually dispersed. Zhang Feng and the staff breathed a sigh of relief, but it was not the time to rest. Everyone cheered up and introduced Moon Lake in detail to the merchants who intend to purchase vegetables. Vegetable information.

Needless to say, Moon Lake Vegetables has a good reputation in the domestic catering industry. Due to the sudden rise of Yelang Restaurant, domestic counterparts have conducted investigations, and finally came to a conclusion, that is, the reason why Yelang Restaurant The rapid development is the result of using Moon Lake vegetables.

Therefore, in the past six months, Moon Lake vegetables have often been asked for by people, but Tianyi Agricultural Products ignored them, because the cultivation area of ​​Moon Lake vegetables at that time was too small, just enough for their own Yelang Restaurant and Tianyi Agricultural Products to sell.

At the end, with the free sales platform of Jiajiale Supermarket, Zhang Feng and Yiyi don't need other partners.

However, with the development of the cooperative and the expansion of the planting area of ​​Moon Lake vegetables, the sales of Jiajiale Supermarket have reached a bottleneck. Therefore, if they want to have greater development, they can only seek more partners.

So Yiyi has been in contact with large domestic catering groups and large supermarkets recently, hoping to expand the sales channels of Moon Lake vegetables.

Taking advantage of the momentum of this agricultural product fair, Yiyi contacted the heads of major companies and invited them to participate in the moon lake vegetable ordering fair. Come on, it seems that everyone really attaches great importance to Moon Lake vegetables.


As for the exhibition, there are more and more guests at Moon Lake's booth.

"The quality of your vegetables is really so good?"

"Of course, you can see that this is the test report of our vegetables. All kinds of beneficial elements are higher than ordinary vegetables on the market. Not only that, but the most important thing is that our Moon Lake vegetables taste good, and the dishes they make are very delicious!"

"Really?" The merchant asked with some doubts.

"Hehe, of course, if you don't believe me, you can try the cucumbers and tomatoes here, you'll know it after you taste it!"

"Well, it's delicious! The taste is really good!" The middle-aged merchant took a fist-sized tomato, washed it, and then bit it down. The sweet and sour branches and leaves immediately filled the taste buds, and there was a unique fragrance in it. The taste is really beyond imagination.

"I want to order, where is your person in charge?" Excited by the taste of the vegetables, the customer couldn't wait to ask the reception staff.

"I'm very sorry, it's out of stock now. If you want to order, you can participate in our company's order meeting the day after tomorrow!"


"Yes, since the company's products are in short supply, a unified order meeting will be held the day after tomorrow. I hope you can participate!"

Hearing the employee's words, the merchant was a little stunned. He didn't expect Moon Lake vegetables to be so popular and to compete with dozens of large catering groups and large supermarkets. Although he felt that his chances of competing were not great, he A merchant is still going to have a look at that time, otherwise he will regret for a lifetime if he misses such a good vegetable.

Just after the merchant left, another merchant came to the door in a blink of an eye.

"Tianyi Agricultural Products, this is Moon Lake Vegetables, right?"

"That's right!!! Sir, have you heard of our Moon Lake Vegetables?"

"Hehe, of course, I am a fan of Moon Lake vegetables, whenever I have time, I will go to Jiajiale Supermarket to snap up Moon Lake vegetables..."

It turned out that the merchant was a gourmet, and he also opened a high-end restaurant in Shanghai. Last year, he discovered high-end ingredients such as Moon Lake vegetables. Unfortunately, he couldn't come to buy them, and he always regretted it.

Fortunately, this year's Moon Lake vegetables are finally on the shelves of Jiajiale Supermarket. His restaurant also uses some Moon Lake vegetables, and the business is getting better and better.

As a catering company, of course he would not miss an agricultural product fair like today, so he made such a major discovery. When he heard that there were Moon Lake vegetables among the exhibitors, he immediately looked for them, and finally found out that there were actually vegetables from Moon Lake. It's true, I was overjoyed immediately, hoping to establish a cooperative relationship with Tianyi Agricultural Products and find a stable source of supply.

It's a pity that he, like the merchants just now, failed to order the goods in the end, but he heard that Moon Lake vegetables will expand the planting area. As long as he orders, there is almost hope, so his heart became hot again. I believe that as long as there are Moon Lake vegetables , his restaurant will definitely develop better.

As the booth of Tianyi Agricultural Products became more and more popular, more and more merchants were interested in ordering Moon Lake vegetables. In just one hour, more than 20 supermarkets and catering groups had the image of ordering.

However, Zhang Feng and Yiyi did not agree to their request right away, asking them to participate in the bidding meeting held by Tianyi Agricultural Products the day after tomorrow, that is, Monday. Whoever offers the highest price will be the first to supply it.


"Damn it! Where are the brothers and sisters who were agreed? I didn't expect them to become sweet and sour!"

"That's right, we thought everyone was short and poor, but it's a pity that in the blink of an eye, Tianyi Agriculture has become tall, rich and handsome..."

"Oh! It's really different for the same person..."

The nearby exhibitors were horrified by the popularity of Tianyi Agricultural Products, but as time went by, everyone gradually became numb.

But everyone has tasted the products of Tianyi Agriculture, not only the corn, but also the taste of cucumbers and tomatoes is beyond imagination, no wonder there is such a good business.

Therefore, everyone was only slightly shocked, and quickly accepted this reality.


"Xiaofeng has eaten!!"

Due to too many tourists, everyone was busy until 01:30 noon. After the tourists left, they began to eat.

Today's lunch is not simple, it is a meal specially prepared by Yiyi from the branch of Yelang Restaurant, and all the top-grade Moon Lake vegetables are used.

As soon as the lunch box was opened, a strong fragrance wafted out and gradually drifted to the nearby booths.

"I'll go, it smells so good, is this someone else's lunch?"

"That's right, how do I feel that other people eat three-star Michelin, and what I eat looks like stinky shit!"

"Fuck you, are you disgusting? If you don't eat, we will still eat!"

When they heard the word 'smelly shit' during the meal, the colleagues all wished to crush this unrestrained guy to death.

Although everyone was very envious of Zhang Feng's food, they had to face the reality. They had been busy all morning. If they didn't eat, how could they receive guests in the afternoon?

So the 20 yuan box lunch also gave a five-star enjoyment, gobbling it up, I don't know if it is to vent my depression, or it is really delicious, but I guess the former is more likely.

(End of this chapter)

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