small farmer

Chapter 683 An Order of 3 Million

Chapter 683 Three Hundred Million Orders (33)

A two-day fair

It made Moon Lake vegetables famous both at home and abroad, and became the biggest winner of this exhibition.

Not only dozens of large domestic catering groups and supermarkets are eager to cooperate with Tianyi Agricultural Products, but even foreign high-end restaurants and large catering groups have the image of cooperation.

This is also the result of Tianyi's intentional restrictions on agricultural products. Companies with too small asset scale have been eliminated, otherwise there will be more companies that want to cooperate.

Some people may ask whether this is too unfair, but this is indeed the simplest and crudest screening method. Just this trick will keep a large number of companies without strength out of the door.

In addition, Zhang Feng and Yiyi also set a lot of conditions, such as delivery after one month, 30.00% advance payment, and even the "overlord clause" for picking up the goods by themselves.

But who made the quality of Moon Lake vegetables so good, so even though Tianyi Agriculture’s requirements were a little too much, most companies did not refuse to participate in the conference, because if all competitors got Moon Lake vegetables, but they didn’t, then the time would come. It will definitely affect the development of the company.

For the company that gave up, Tianyi Agricultural Products is even less concerned. Anyway, the company's vegetables will never lack buyers. Moon Lake vegetables have been in short supply since they were listed. The landlord's daughter is not worried about marrying, so Zhang Feng He Yiyi is not worried at all, the upcoming order meeting will definitely be a success.


With the end of the exhibition

Tianyi Agricultural Products and Moon Lake Vegetables have also become famous.

From the afternoon of the first day, not only the companies in the nearby booths knew the horror of Tianyi Agricultural Products, but even the top-ranked agricultural product groups at home and abroad came to visit, and there was an endless stream of visitors.

Most of these companies want to cooperate with Tianyi Agricultural Products, some want to represent Moon Lake vegetables, some want to buy the seeds of Moon Lake vegetables, and some companies even want the seed technology of Moon Lake vegetables.

It's a pity that Zhang Feng didn't agree to any of them, but this didn't dampen everyone's enthusiasm for visiting. As time went by, there were more and more tourists in front of Tianyi Agricultural Products, and even a long queue formed. Everyone scrambled to taste delicious food such as tomatoes and cucumbers.

Ever since, Moon Lake Vegetables became famous

Zhang Feng and Yiyi are also very happy, and they are full of confidence in the upcoming order meeting. I believe that after this meeting, Tianyi Agricultural Products will soon enter the fast lane of development, enter the domestic market aggressively, and open up a bigger sales channel.

At the same time, it also contributes to the development of the local area and helps countless farmers get rid of poverty.

The poor can benefit the world by doing their own thing. This is what Zhang Feng thinks in his heart. Now that he has the ability, he can also help the villagers while making money, so why not do it?


Soon it will be Monday
nine in the morning
The huge meeting room of XX Hotel is full of guests who came to attend the meeting.

Among them are not only large domestic chain supermarkets and restaurants, but also more than a dozen large foreign companies, most of which are well-known high-end restaurants in the local area.

"Thank you for coming to today's order meeting. We Tianyi Agricultural Products was established a year ago. The Moon Lake vegetables under our brand have been in short supply since they were launched. They have been well received and welcomed by customers. Today we will hold the first A bidding-like ordering meeting. Later, we will give you a list of vegetables and the base prices of various vegetables, and then everyone will start bidding. We will supply high-quality products with high prices. Of course, you need to pick up the goods yourself. OK……"

Zhang Feng presided over today's meeting, smiled and briefly introduced the company's development history, as well as the rules and requirements of this bidding,
Soon, the employees began to distribute materials to everyone, both in Chinese and English, which took care of foreign guests.

After Zhang Feng finished speaking, there was a lot of discussion immediately below, but because everyone knew the rules and requirements of ordering, they soon quieted down again, and then everyone began to carefully watch the information of various vegetables.

About 10 minutes later
The bidding has officially started. This bidding will be done in the form of a secret bid. Each company has only one chance to bid. Therefore, companies that want to quickly grab Moon Lake vegetables can't help secretly worrying, and gritted their teeth to fill in what they think is the highest price.

"Okay, the bidding is officially over. Everyone, please take a break and try the special products of Moon Lake. We will unveil the bid in half an hour, and then start to sign the contract..."

Ten minutes later, seeing that everyone had finished bidding, Zhang Feng announced to everyone with a smile.

Then the employees walked up to everyone with plates of vegetable salad made of tomatoes and cucumbers, allowing everyone to experience the deliciousness of Moon Lake vegetables for themselves.

Sure enough, these normally picky company executives and even the business owners lost their former restraint at this time. They took toothpicks and stuffed tomatoes or cucumbers into their mouths, with expressions of great enjoyment on their faces, and then satisfied nod.

It seems that everyone knows something about Moon Lake vegetables, and has done a lot of work on Moon Lake vegetables. After all, there are not none in the market. For example, through Jiajiale Supermarket and Yelang Restaurant, everyone can enjoy Moon Lake vegetables. gourmet food.

about half an hour
Everyone's bidding price and order quantity have been counted.

When he saw the final statistics, especially the order quantity of the first few, Zhang Feng couldn't help being overjoyed. The highest XXX supermarket actually gave an order of 1000 million, and it was still a monthly order quantity, which included all vegetables, and the price is beyond Zhang Feng's imagination, almost reaching the retail price of Jiajiale Supermarket.

The second is also a large supermarket chain, but it is a foreign brand. The order volume of this supermarket is also quite large, 800 million per month. It is estimated that there is still huge room for growth in the future.

In addition, the highest prices are foreign high-end restaurants. The price of more than ten yuan per catty is simply the price of cabbage for these luxury high-end restaurants. Even if it is doubled or tripled, they will not be too expensive. .

Therefore, although the orders of these restaurants are not many, each order is not less than 100 million, and their prices are almost all the highest. The managers of these restaurants are very excited to grab the first orders. It's like winning a jackpot.

[-] million, this is the final statistic. Although the monthly order of [-] million is not beyond Zhang Feng's expectations, compared with the current sales of Moon Lake vegetables, it has completely doubled.

And this is still the first month's order, everyone is not sure yet, it's just a trial, I believe that the second month, the third month, the order will increase significantly, even if the scale reaches one billion in a month impossible.

Since both parties had no objection to the order, the signing began soon.

So far, the first order meeting of Moon Lake vegetables has finally come to a successful conclusion. From next month, Moon Lake vegetables will be sold at home and abroad, becoming one of the most high-end vegetable brands in the world.

 Thank you very much for the great reward from 'Red Sword', thank you old book friends for your support, thank you everyone, and also thank you for your subscription and votes, really thank you very much.

(End of this chapter)

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