small farmer

Chapter 684 The Plan to Enter the City

Chapter 684 The Plan to Enter the City (14)

In the first trade fair, we got a large order of [-] million
The employees were all very excited. As the boss, Zhang Feng said on the spot that he would reward each participating employee with RMB 1000 and have two days off for everyone to have a good time in the metropolis of Shanghai.

"Long live the boss!!"

"Brother Feng, I want to give birth to a monkey for you!"

Hearing this, Zhang Feng trembled all over his body, and then gave this guy a hard look, thinking that I don't care about sex, and wants to give birth to a monkey for me, and it's almost as good as being reborn as a beautiful woman in the next life.

I got a bonus of 1000 yuan, especially with two days of vacation, everyone was very excited. I thought that this order meeting was over and I would rush back to Guizhou Province immediately. I didn’t expect the boss to be so generous and considerate. I gave you two days off,
If almost all the employees are from the remote Guizhou Province, they all admire the oriental metropolis and want to take a good look at its prosperity, see the high-rise Pudong, see the legendary Shanghai Beach, and take photos by the way, Send it to the circle of friends, let relatives and friends know that I have come to the most developed city in China, blah blah blah! !
"Okay, okay, everyone has worked hard these days, pack up your things, and I invite you all to have a big meal at Yelang Restaurant!"

"Wow, Long Live Brother Feng!"

"Go to Yelang Restaurant for a big meal!"

The employees of the company are no strangers to Yelang Restaurant, which is the most upscale chain restaurant in the country. It is said that the cheapest dishes cost hundreds of dollars.

The most important thing is that the dishes of the legendary Yelang Restaurant are super delicious, they are simply delicious in the world, even the legendary state banquet is not as delicious as its food.

Therefore, employees can feel that they are really happy and happy to have a meal in such a high-end restaurant. It is really a good choice to follow such a generous boss.

Afterwards, Zhang Feng led everyone to the Yelang restaurant not far away.

Everyone was extremely satisfied with the gluttonous feast. The food here is really worthy of the name. Everyone almost bit off their tongues after eating, and felt that the trip was really worthwhile.

After eating, everyone officially disbanded.

Zhang Hua took the staff around to visit, while Zhang Feng and Yiyi acted alone to experience the different scenery of the big city.


"Hey!" Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

Just after Zhang Feng took a shower, he heard a knock on the door. He opened the door and saw that Zhang Hua was standing outside the door.

"Brother Hua, have you rested yet?"

"No, I want to talk to you about something?"

"Then come in!"

After the two of them were done, Zhang Hua expressed his intention.

It turned out that Zhang Hua wanted to go back early tomorrow morning, in order to quickly inspect the new planting base and prepare for today's [-] million new orders.

"Then what should the employees do?" Zhang Feng felt that Brother Hua's consideration was good, and he should really follow up quickly. Otherwise, if something happened and the delivery date was missed, it would be difficult to explain to the customers.

"They're all fine. They're all adults. Can they get lost after playing here for two days? Besides, if I let Xiao Jing watch them, they'll be fine." Zhang Hua smiled and told his plan.

After all, Zhang Feng had already promised to give everyone a two-day vacation. If he broke his promise so soon and asked everyone to go back tomorrow, everyone would definitely feel a little unhappy.

Therefore, Zhang Hua will go back alone first, which will not affect everyone's two-day vacation, and it can be regarded as a small benefit for everyone.

"That's hard work for you, Brother Hua."

"It's okay, what is this!" Zhang Hua smiled and didn't care. As the manager of the cooperative, of course he must do his best, otherwise how could he be worthy of such good benefits of the cooperative.

Since Zhang Feng had made an agreement with County Mayor Xu, the next time the cooperative recruited members, it would give priority to recruiting farmers from poor areas of the city.

So Zhang Feng asked Brother Hua to find County Mayor Xu after returning home, but it is estimated that County Mayor Xu has now been promoted to Mayor Xu, and he should take office in these two days.

Of course Zhang Hua knew the next step of the cooperative's development plan, so he knew what to do without Zhang Feng's reminder, but since the boss mentioned it, he must of course implement it seriously.


The next day, Zhang Hua returned to Guizhou Province.

As soon as he got off the plane in the provincial capital, he rushed to Qingshan without stopping.

On the same day, he reported to Mayor Xu the great achievements of this global agricultural products fair on the phone.

When Mayor Xu learned that the cooperative had won a large order of [-] million yuan, he was also very surprised. He did not expect Moon Lake vegetables to be so popular and to be recognized by restaurants and retail companies at home and abroad.

The most important thing is that this is the order for the first month. Everyone has the idea of ​​testing the waters. As long as there are no accidents, there will be a big explosion in the order of vegetables for the Moon Lake Cooperative in the second month. By then , How many poor farmers will benefit, this is a huge political achievement, and it will help him gain a firm foothold in the city and enter the state standing committee.

Therefore, Mayor Xu immediately invited Zhang Hua to visit the city, and brought the good news of the introduction of cooperatives to the Standing Committee.

When the leaders of the city heard the news, although they had expected it, they were still stunned by the horrible performance of the cooperative.

After Mayor Xu was transferred to the city, people who may not have known Moon Lake Cooperative before finally had a detailed understanding of Moon Lake. The poor people get rid of poverty and become rich, and they can bring everyone more than [-] yuan in income every year.

It is precisely because of this achievement that county magistrate Xu was able to be transferred to the city. It is estimated that he will enter the ranks of the standing committee of the state party committee next month and become one of the leaders at the deputy department level.

Therefore, when Mayor Xu introduced the harvest of the Moon Lake Cooperative at the agricultural product fair, everyone was amazed. They did not expect that an industrial cooperative would have such a good performance. It can increase sales by more than 30 billion, plus the original sales, at least five or six billion in that year.

Fifty or six billion!Everyone's heart suddenly trembled violently. It was really terrifying. You must know that in the whole region, the largest enterprise has an annual turnover of only 20 billion, and it is still a state-owned monopoly enterprise.

Everyone did not expect that such a golden phoenix could fly out of such an inconspicuous place like Qingshan, and its annual sales could reach such a large scale. This is considered the top large enterprise in the entire Guizhou Province.

Moreover, the Moon Lake cooperative is still expanding at a rapid rate. If it continues to develop at such a fast rate, it is estimated that next year it will become a large enterprise covering this area, and it will provide hundreds of thousands of farmers with opportunities to get rid of poverty and become rich.

Therefore, when the mayor said that the Moon Lake Cooperative was about to enter the city, everyone was very excited.

We must know that China, from the central government to the local government, is holding high the banner of getting rid of poverty and becoming rich. The work of poverty alleviation is a huge burden on the heads of everyone. Almost every public official has his own task of poverty alleviation.

(End of this chapter)

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