small farmer

Chapter 685 Goodbye Little Kid

Chapter 685 Goodbye Little Kid (24)

It’s the same from high-ranking provincial officials down to every ordinary civil servant, so the leaders here are no exception. Everyone has their own task of poverty alleviation, and everyone racks their brains to complete the task, and wants to lift the poor farmers out of poverty To get rich, unfortunately, the effect has not been very good.

So this time I heard that the Moon Lake Cooperative will expand to the city, and the leaders are very excited. Everyone is very clear about the poverty alleviation effect of Moon Lake. A well-off family with more than [-] yuan.


Played in the magic city for two days

By the way, they inspected several branches, and saw that the branches of Modu Yelang Restaurant were doing well, and the two felt relieved.

On Wednesday, Zhang Feng and Yiyi returned to Guizhou Province with their employees, and returned to Moon Lake on the same day.

"Ah, I feel like Moon Lake is better!!"

At night, lying on the bed, Zhang Feng couldn't help expressing his emotion. The golden nest and the silver nest were not as good as his own kennel. What he said really made sense.

After returning home, Zhang Feng felt as if his whole body was relaxed, his body and mind were relaxed, and he completely entered another life mode, returning to a leisurely and comfortable life again.


The moon lake is sunny in the morning, and the birds are singing happily on the trees.

Colorful butterflies are dancing in the flowers, and the hardworking bees are constantly sucking nectar in the flowers.

Looking at these beautiful elves, Zhang Feng felt extremely comfortable, and felt that nature would be so magical and wonderful.

"Crazy brother, are you picking flowers?" At this moment, the little duck with a dirty face like a kitten walked into the yard, and asked with a smile when he saw Zhang Feng, looking very intimate.

"No, I'm trimming branches and leaves for flowers and plants!" At this moment, Zhang Feng turned his head, saw the duckling's face, and immediately laughed: "Little duck, you run around before you wash your face, and don't shoot you Daddy beat you?"

"He's harvesting vegetables in the field now, so he doesn't care about me?" The little guy shook his head indifferently, thinking that it's good that no one is in control.

"You bastard, you run around without washing your face. Hurry up and wash it at the water pipe in my house, and wipe it with the towel next to it!" Zhang Feng shook his head speechlessly, thinking that his parents were busy now, There is no time to control these monkeys, what a crime!
"Hee hee, got it, madman brother!"

The little guy smiled and nodded, ran towards the water pipe, turned on the tap water, imitated the adults, held the water in his little hands, wiped it on his face with a snort, then squinted his eyes, and wiped it off with a towel Water stains on the face.

"Ah, madman, whose towel is it? Why does it still smell like soap?" The little guy asked Zhang Feng curiously after wiping off the water stains on his face.

"Hehe, that's what my family Dahei Xiaohei just used to wash their face. Of course there is soap!" Zhang Feng said with a smile as he was about to tease the duckling.

"Ah?" The little guy was very surprised, and then made a bitter face, and the expression on his little face was extremely rich for a while.

"Hey..." Seeing the cute look of the little guy, Zhang Feng couldn't help laughing smugly.

Hearing Zhang Feng's laughter, the little guy didn't know he was being cheated, so he protested to Zhang Feng angrily: "Oh, crazy brother, big liar, you lied to me again!"

"Why did I lie to you again?" Zhang Feng asked the little duck pretending to be innocent while suppressing a smile.

"Hmph, do you think I don't know? Big black and little black don't know how to wash their faces!" The little guy raised his mouth and said to Zhang Feng angrily.

When Dahei and Xiaohei heard someone mentioning themselves, they lazily raised their heads, listened carefully for a while, then lay down on the ground again, leisurely enjoying the cool weather in the morning.

While trimming the flowers and plants, Zhang Feng chatted with the little family.

"Wow! Crazy brother, have your grapes grown so big?" The little guy asked in surprise when he saw the vines covering the shelves.

"Of course, spring and summer are the fastest growing seasons for plants!" Zhang Feng explained with a slight smile.

"Oh..." The little guy nodded, and then asked like a curious baby possessed: "Crazy brother, when will your grapes grow?"

The little guy couldn't help swallowing when he thought of the sweet grapes.

"Hehe, it's still early. This year is the first year. If you want to eat grapes, you have to wait until next year!" Zhang Feng smiled, thinking that this little greedy cat is really greedy, and he should have been thinking about it for a long time. Grapes from home.

"Ah, do you have to wait so long?" The little guy wrinkled his face suddenly, feeling extremely disappointed in his heart.

At this moment, Yiyi came in with a bunch of things in her arms. As soon as she saw the duckling, she smiled and said:

"Yeah, the little duck is here too?"

"Hi sister Yiyi!" The little guy greeted Yiyi with a smile.

"Come here, sister brought you a gift!" Yiyi smiled and waved to the little guy.

"Wow, there are so many delicious ones! Thank you sister Yiyi!!" The little guy was pleasantly surprised when he saw such a lot of delicious snacks, and thanked Yiyi with a smile.

"Hehe, eat slowly, don't worry, these are all for you!" Yiyi said and handed two bags of snacks to the little guy.

"Yeah, thank you sister Yiyi!!" Although the little guy agreed, he kept stuffing snacks into his mouth.

Seeing the little guy reincarnated as a starving ghost, Zhang Feng and Yiyi looked at each other and smiled, then couldn't help shaking their heads.

"Okay, take the snacks home first, and come over to play later!" Seeing that this guy seemed to have a tendency to eat up two bags of snacks, Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"Hee hee, I got it, madman brother, goodbye sister Yiyi." The little guy nodded, then waved to the two of them, holding two bags of snacks happily, as if he was holding some baby, and ran home quickly, For fear of encountering robbers.

Seeing the back of the little guy leaving, Zhang Feng and the two couldn't help laughing, thinking that this little kid is really cute.

Just after the duckling left for a while, Mao Ya and Xiao Shitou came to Zhang Feng's yard again. It seemed that this place was a playground for the little kids, and they came here several times almost every day.

Seeing these cute little guys, Yiyi gave them the candies and snacks she brought from Shanghai. The little monkeys were so happy that they almost lost their way. They thanked Yiyi politely, and then took their own snacks , Eat it with relish.

"Hey, little stone, can you give me a push?"

"Okay, but you have to push me later!" The two little guys were swinging under the big cypress tree while eating snacks.

The two little guys were playing in the yard on their own, and soon they were having so much fun, they were really two cute little guys.

(End of this chapter)

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