small farmer

Chapter 689 Good Natural Scenery

Chapter 689 Good Natural Scenery (34)

The sun was setting, and the western sky was full of red clouds.

The entire Moon Lake seems to be dyed red, and with the evening wind blowing, there are slight ripples.

The willows on the shore of the lake seem to have regained their spirits under the blowing of the breeze, swaying their long hair slightly, like a beautiful woman with fluttering hair, standing on the shore of the lake, looking forward to it, as if Waiting for the return of the family.

Luo Xia and Lone Frog fly together, the autumn water is always the same.

In the evening, the water of Moon Lake catches the sky and becomes radiant and extremely charming. From a distance, it looks like a golden gem falling into the world.

Zhang Feng held Yiyi's hand, and the two strolled along the shore of the lake. While admiring the beautiful scenery by the lake, they whispered and chatted about the private topics between them.

come at night
The entire sky was instantly plunged into darkness.

There are only sporadic stars blinking in the sky, looking at the scenery on the ground.

The frogs in the lake and the crickets in the grass on the side of the road croaked, as if they were playing a Beethoven Moonlight Sonata, making the whole Moon Lake lively.


early morning
as the sun rises

The entire Moon Lake woke up from a deep sleep, and the small animals in the village also woke up early.

The rooster crowed to wake up the sleeping people, and the birds also sang happily on the branches.

When the first ray of sunlight in the morning shone through the window on the bow of the boat, Zhang Feng's eyes moved slightly, and he woke up after a while.

Standing in front of the window, looking at the mountains in the distance, and the clear lake.

This reminded Zhang Feng of a familiar ancient poem:

Looking at the green mountains and rivers in Dongting, there is a green snail in a silver plate.

Although Moon Lake is remote, it has a beautiful environment. Surrounded by green hills and verdant trees, there is also a crescent-shaped lake inlaid on the edge of the village. From a distance, it looks like a green gemstone, shining brightly under the sunshine. Bright light.

The green mountains are like Daisy, surrounded by green water, this small mountain village is like a fairyland on earth, a paradise on earth, making countless tourists linger and forget to return.

Gymnastics is what Zhang Feng does every day.

Came to the courtyard, put on airs, and began to practice slowly.

I saw Zhang Feng's movements, although simple and unsophisticated, but full of unique charm.

At this time, Zhang Feng seemed to be a master of martial arts. Although his boxing skills did not have the slightest power, they gave people a magical charm. It seemed that he had reached the highest state of harmony between man and nature, full of the breath of nature. .

After finishing the gymnastics, Zhang Feng let out a long breath, and then slowly recovered.

At this moment, cousin Zhang Hua hurried in.

"Is Xiaofeng exercising?"

"Yo, Brother Hua, come and sit down!"

During this time, Zhang Hua was inspecting the city to prepare for the new vegetable planting base. At first, Zhang Feng thought he would be busy for about a week, but he came back in only three days.

"I'm here to report to you about this investigation!" Zhang Hua took a sip of tea, and then started the topic.

"You said..." Zhang Feng also sat upright, listening to Zhang Hua's report.

The cooperation with the city seems to be going very smoothly this time, otherwise Brother Hua's progress would not be so fast.

"The efficiency of this inspection is so high. Thanks to the support of the city, we inspected a total of 3 townships and finally selected [-] poor villages as the cooperation objects this time, covering a total of more than [-] poor people. There are a total of [-] households, or [-] mu of land, given one mu of Moon Lake vegetable planting shares..."

"Okay! Not bad, thank you for your hard work, Brother Hua!" Hearing his cousin's report, Zhang Feng laughed with satisfaction.

"It's not hard work, what's this matter?" Zhang Hua shook his head indifferently.

The cooperative has added more than 8000 acres of planting bases again, and it should not be a problem to complete the order for next month.

Moreover, this expansion not only doubled the vegetable planting area of ​​the cooperative, but also doubled the company's profits.

Moreover, while the company is making money, it can also increase the income of tens of thousands of poor farmers. This is also an important reason why Zhang Feng is happy.

Don't look at the small area of ​​one mu of land, but such a single mu of land can bring huge benefits to tens of thousands of cooperative members.

From past experience, we can see that members of the commune can earn tens of thousands of yuan a month for each acre of vegetables. Calculated in this way, at least one hundred thousand yuan can be added to the income a year, and the poor farmers can be completely lifted out of poverty. Fight a complete turnaround, make a fortune, and embark on the road to wealth.

"Have you prepared the seeds of the Xiaofeng Cooperative?" Zhang Hua urged Zhang Feng in order to quickly launch the expansion plan.

"It's all ready, and it's all at home. You can ask the staff to come and get it later."

"That's good, then I'll go back first!"

"Okay, I'll be busy there first, come to me if you need anything."

After sending his cousin to the gate, Zhang Feng returned home again.

Taking advantage of no one, he quickly exchanged a large amount of vegetable seeds from the system and put them in the utility room.

About a quarter of an hour, Zhang Hua brought the staff and drove a pickup truck to Zhang Feng's house. Everyone moved together and moved all the vegetables needed by the new members back.

After seeing everyone off, Zhang Feng went back to the house, had breakfast, and walked to Yiyi's house with Big Black and Little Black.

At this moment, Yiyi was combing her hair in the yard, her long black hair was shining brightly under the sunlight.

"Yiyi, you are so beautiful!"

"Hee hee, really?"


Hearing what the two said, the old man and Grandma Liu shook their heads with a smile, and walked slowly out of the courtyard, as if they didn't want to disturb their time alone.

"Yiyi, let's go for a walk by the lake!"


"Dahei and Xiaohei are gone!" The two little things were still in the yard of Yiyi's house, this one sniffed, but he didn't find that the master was leaving.

It wasn't until they heard Zhang Feng's shout that the two dogs took small steps and ran towards Zhang Feng, one left and one right, like two guardians, closely following them.

Strolling by the beautiful Moon Lake, the two were completely immersed in the charming scenery, and they walked around to the entrance of the village without knowing it.

At this time, there were several people standing on the hill beside the village entrance, as if they were inspecting the terrain of the Yang family compound.

Zhang Feng took a closer look, and against the sunlight, he could vaguely see the figure of the village elder.

"Xiaofeng, what are those people doing standing there?"

Yiyi also saw the movement on the mountain, so she asked Zhang Feng curiously.

"It should be the uncle who brought the engineering team to investigate over there!" Zhang Feng said speculatively.

"Oh, I heard that the homestay in the village is going to be built there, right?"

"That's right, it's there. Before liberation, it was the courtyard of the landlord's house. It covers an area of ​​several acres. It is said that there are dozens of rooms!" Zhang Feng smiled and explained.

(End of this chapter)

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