small farmer

Chapter 690 The Food Was Stolen

Chapter 690 The Food Was Stolen (44)

"Wow, I didn't expect there to be such a high-end compound here before?" Yiyi's eyes lit up and she asked in surprise.

"Hehe, of course, the Yang family used to be a big landlord in Qingshan County. Before liberation, almost all the best fields in the county were owned by their family."

"Ah, the Yang family is so powerful?" Yiyi asked curiously.

"Of course, their family was a famous big family in the period of the Republic of China, and some of them were generals!"

Hearing Zhang Feng's introduction, Yiyi suddenly realized, thinking this is right, how could it be possible to occupy so much land if there were no official figures, the reason for the crime of Huai Bi was the same in that era.

At this moment, a group of little kids came running over, and they were very happy to see Zhang Feng and the two of them.

"Crazy brother, sister Yiyi!"

"Hey, where are you going?" Yiyi squatted down, stroked the pink face of this little hairy girl, and asked with a smile.

"We...we're going to buy roll noodles!" The little girl laughed happily when talking about delicious roll noodles.

"That's right, my father gave us two yuan each, and let us go to the village committee to have breakfast by ourselves!" Da Mao added with a smile.

The other little kids also showed their breakfast money one after another, with happy smiles on their faces. Although it was only two yuan, they were very happy, because for two yuan, they could buy a delicious wrapping powder Woolen cloth.

"Then you go, don't starve to death!"

"Hee hee, goodbye sister Yiyi!"

"Goodbye madman!"

The little guys took the money and ran to the small market at the entrance of the village. Their steps were extremely brisk. It could be seen that the little guys were really happy.

at this time
At the small breakfast stand at the entrance of the village, the business is also surprisingly good.

The elders and aunts who came from the city to exercise early almost crowded several booths, and I saw that Yingzi sister was almost too busy alone.

As for the eldest aunt, that is, the mother who lives with Yingzi, she should be harvesting today's vegetables in the vegetable field. Their family also planted more than two acres of Moon Lake vegetables.

Every month, I can earn 4 to [-] yuan just by selling vegetables, plus the income from selling snacks at a stall, at least [-] yuan a month. When business is good, it is possible to earn tens of thousands of dollars a month.

Therefore, the current Moon Lake is not what it used to be, and earth-shaking changes have taken place in the once impoverished folks. Every family has been lifted out of poverty and become rich, and they have lived a new and prosperous life.

"Madman, let's go and buy some roll noodles too, shall we?"


Speaking of roll noodles, this is one of the favorite breakfasts of Qingshan people.

I remember that when I was in junior high school, Zhang Feng’s favorite food was this food. Unfortunately, his family was poor at that time, and Zhang Feng had no pocket money at all. He only saved one or two yuan for meals every week, and bought a roll on weekends. Fan, let yourself satisfy your hunger.

It's a pity that since I went to university, I left here and went to the provincial capital. Since then, I have never tasted this kind of delicious food from my hometown.

It was not until I graduated from university, returned home, and returned to Moon Lake that I tasted this childhood taste again. It is really so delicious, so delicious.

"Elder Sister Yingzi, I want a roll of noodles..."

"Sister Yingzi and I, I want to..."

"Hehe, good good good good good good good!! Line up, sister Yingzi will prepare it for you!"

Seeing the little kids coming, Yingzi greeted the little guests with a smile, while quickly preparing breakfast for the guests.

Seeing that Ms. Yingzi's business was so good, Zhang Feng and Zhang Feng sat under the big tree by the roadside and waited quietly.

After the guests gradually dispersed, Zhang Feng and Yiyi stepped forward.

"Xiaofeng, Yiyi, come and have breakfast!"

"Okay, Miss Yingzi, give each of us a wrapping powder."

Seeing the arrival of Zhang Feng and Zhang Feng, sister Yingzi was very enthusiastic and added a lot of delicious things to the roll noodles for the two of them, sauerkraut, soybeans, bean sprouts, kelp...

In the end, Sister Yingzi didn't ask for money from Zhang Feng and Zhang Feng without saying anything, which made Zhang Feng feel embarrassed to come over to eat breakfast at her house next time.

"Delicious, right?"

"Delicious! It's really fragrant, especially the soybeans inside, which are fried crispy and delicious!" Yiyi nodded in satisfaction.

while walking.

Before they knew it, the two came to the field outside the village.

All year round, the villagers are on the go, harvesting vegetables every morning and waiting for the arrival of the supermarket truck.

In the field at this time, there were busy adults and a group of little kids running on the field ridges, chasing each other for a while, yelling for a while, having a great time playing.

Seeing the little kids catching dragonflies and tadpoles in the field, and seeing them having so much fun, Zhang Feng and Zhang Feng felt surprisingly happy.

The two sat quietly by the field, watching the children playing carefree, Zhang Feng seemed to see himself when he was a child.

"Xiaofeng, where are you sitting here? I can't even find you?" At this moment, the uncle came over and said with a smile.

"What's the matter, uncle?" Zhang Feng patted his buttocks and stood up, then asked curiously.

"Hey, you kid don't know, the vegetables from the fields of our Zhang Laosan's family were stolen last night!"

"Ah? Isn't it? Someone really came to our village to steal vegetables?" Zhang Feng was so surprised that he never expected that someone would actually steal vegetables.

"Of course it is true. The half acre of cabbage by the side of his house was almost stolen. It is said that the loss was almost 5000 yuan!" The uncle said with a sigh.

"Then did he call the police?" Hearing what the uncle said, Zhang Feng had no choice but to believe the shocking news.

"Why call the police? There isn't a single monitor around here, so calling the police is useless! I don't know which wicked face stole the cabbages!" The uncle said angrily.

This time, the cabbage from Zhang Laosan's family was stolen, but who's it will be next time?
So as long as the thief can't be caught for a day, the vegetables in the village can't be guaranteed for a day, and everyone can't let go.

So after getting the news, the uncle was very worried and kept thinking about how to prevent theft.

"Uncle, why don't we install a few monitors here?"

"Oh, it seems that this is the only way to go!"

The uncle sighed, then nodded, thinking that the thieves came from somewhere, and actually set their sights on the vegetables in the village.

The work of installing the cameras was carried out very quickly. In the afternoon of the same day, the Skynet of the County Public Security Bureau covered the village. After leaving the vegetable field at the entrance of the village, several monitors were installed even by the Moon Lake in the village. It was a complete step. in place.

Zhang Feng had no choice but to feel that someone above him could do things better, because the brother of the village head, Zhang Feng's uncle, was the director of the County Public Security Bureau, so the installation of the surveillance system was so quick. For ordinary people, it would take ten and a half months If it can be done well, thank God and burn the incense.

(End of this chapter)

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