small farmer

Chapter 691 Little Kid Caught Cicada Monkey

Chapter 691 Little Kid Caught Cicada Monkey (14)

after evening
the sky is getting dark
The moon passes the willow twigs, and people make an appointment after dusk.

Zhang Feng and Yiyi strolled by the Moon Lake, blowing the breeze, which immediately blew away the hundred-day heat.

The willows on the shore of the lake have long black hair hanging down, swaying gently in the breeze, like the long black hair of a girl under the moon washing.

Willows, looming in the hazy night, are like fairies in fairyland, tall, graceful and suffocatingly beautiful.


The cicadas on the tree are still chirping.

I don't seem to feel that the sun has set on the western mountain, but I still insist on standing on the last shift, singing a sad dirge for the day that has passed away.

And the frog hidden in the lotus leaf also sang along from time to time, croak... croak...

All of a sudden, birds and insects contended all over the Moon Lake, as if they sang a wonderful symphony, adding endless brilliance to the quiet night.

The moon in the sky is getting brighter and brighter.

From the faint white at the beginning, it has now bloomed with a silvery white streamer.

The stars in the sky are not to be outdone, blinking their beautiful eyes, as if telling people that they are high in the sky.

The bright moon and the bright stars are all hung on the blue-black sky, as if a huge piece of suet white jade and tiny diamonds are inlaid on the dark glass.

Looking at the sky from a distance, the whole mind becomes extremely peaceful, as if the whole body and mind have been greatly sublimated, there is really a feeling of harmony between man and nature, and a feeling of being in the air.

at this time
There were rustling sounds from the grove by the lake.

Zhang Feng heard the reputation and looked around, only to see the flashlights in the bushes, but no one was there.

"Huh! It seems to be the ducklings, right?" Yiyi's ears were very sharp, and she could hear the voices in the woods immediately.

"Well, it should be those monkeys!" Zhang Feng nodded.

"Hee hee, lunatics, let's go and see what they are doing, okay?" Yiyi shook Zhang Feng's arm and suggested with a smile.

Zhang Feng nodded with a smile, and was very curious about what these little guys were still doing in the woods so late.He's so brave, he doesn't know how to be afraid at all.

At this time, Da Mao was concentrating on looking for something on the ground, when he suddenly saw Zhang Feng and the two of them, he screamed in fright, and almost dropped the flashlight on the ground!

"Ah! There is a ghost!"

"You are a big ghost! Is it us?" Zhang Feng was very speechless, and knocked on the head of Da Mao.

At the same time, I thought to myself, is there such a handsome male ghost and such a beautiful female ghost in this world?

"Hee hee, Da Mao is so thick-headed and tiger-brained, he's still afraid of ghosts!" Seeing Da Mao's expression just now, Yiyi couldn't help laughing.

Zhang Feng also thinks this guy is very cute, and he will definitely be a big man with a thick back and waist when he grows up, even if he is a little timid.

"Ah, madman brother, sister Yiyi is you?" After eating a chestnut from Zhang Feng, Da Mao covered his head and smiled embarrassedly.

Seeing that it was Zhang Feng and Yiyi who came, Da Mao's beating heart was finally relieved.

"Who else could we be?" Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"Crazy brother, sister Yiyi, are you here?"

"Crazy brother Yiyi, sister, did you come here to enjoy the cool?"


Seeing Zhang Feng and Yiyi, the little guys all ran over and greeted them happily.

"Big Mao, Little Duck, what are you doing here? Why don't you go home so late?" Zhang Feng asked curiously.

"Hee hee, we caught a cicada monkey here! My father said that if I caught one, I would give me fifty cents!" The little duck said with a smile.

Hearing the little duck's explanation, Zhang Feng suddenly realized, no wonder each of these little kids was holding a flashlight and a plastic bottle.

Fifty cents a piece is not much, but just catching one is enough for these little guys to buy a pack of spicy sticks. Therefore, these little guys are not active. Taking advantage of the dark and knowing the time when the monkey was unearthed, they came to the small Catching monkeys in the woods to earn pocket money.

"I'll look for it with you, okay?"

"Hee hee, okay, okay..."

Hearing that Yiyi wanted to find Zhizhihou together, the little guys were very happy, so they started to surround Yiyi and Zhang Feng, looking for Zhizhihou.

"Wow, sister Yiyi, look, look, I caught a cicada monkey!"

"Oh, is that right? Little Shitou is amazing!" Yiyi didn't hesitate to praise her.

"Hee hee..." After receiving Yiyi's praise, the little guy was overjoyed, and then set off again, looking for it on the ground with great interest.

Now that he has come here, Zhang Feng also turned on the light of his mobile phone, and followed the little kids to search in this dark forest.

Zhizhihou, everyone has never eaten it in Moon Lake before, but since Zhang Feng started, everyone fell in love with this delicious appetizer.

Fried with boiling vegetable oil, the taste is indescribably crispy and delicious, not only very delicious, but also extremely nutritious, rich in a lot of protein.

Ever since, Zhang Feng and Yiyi became the heads of the two children.

Take the children in the woods, looking for delicious cicada monkeys. Whenever the children find a cicada monkey, they will chirp and scream excitedly, and then run to Yiyi or Zhang Feng In front of him, he showed his achievements to them.

Seeing the monkeys so happy, Zhang Feng and Zhang Feng were also affected by the atmosphere, and they were in a very happy mood. Being with the children, they felt that they had become younger, as if they had traveled through time and space and returned to their childhood.

Herding cattle and grass, chopping firewood and fishing for fish!
Hide and seek, play house, and play all kinds of interesting games with friends, these are all the memories of Zhang Feng’s childhood, carefree, innocent and happy, really memorable, I really want to stay in that place all the time In the age of innocence, never grow up.

It's a pity that the deceased was like a husband, who would not give up day and night, and in a blink of an eye I had reached the age of three.

Stand at thirty, don't be confused at forty, know the destiny at fifty!

Looking at the stars in the sky, Zhang Feng shook his head. Compared with the eternity of the stars, human beings are like ants in the night, and will never know the vastness and mystery of the sea of ​​stars.

With a wry smile, Zhang Feng felt that he was too imaginative, why did he think so much?

Just cherish every day, live every day well, and let yourself and your family live happily.

Zhang Feng's gaze returned to the little guys again.

Don't look at these guys who are still young, but the children in the countryside are very capable of living, and it is easy for them to catch such things.

Therefore, in less than half an hour, the little guys had gained a lot, and even the smallest hairy girl had caught more than a dozen.

The other older children are even more powerful, especially the little duck and Da Mao, both of whom have filled more than half of their plastic bottles, and it is estimated that there are more than 30 of them. Lots of pocket money.

(End of this chapter)

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