small farmer

Chapter 692 3 Grand Dukes

Chapter 692 Three Grand Dukes (24)

"Okay, let's go, let's go home, it's almost nine o'clock!" Seeing the time getting late, Zhang Feng reminded the little ones with a smile.

"Ah, it's almost nine o'clock?"

"Of course, if you don't believe me, take a look!" Zhang Feng smiled and took out his mobile phone and shook it at the little guy.

"20:48 Madman, what time is 20 o'clock?" The duckling asked Zhang Feng with a confused face after studying for a long time and still didn't understand.
"Hehe, who of you knows what time is 20 o'clock?" Zhang Feng smiled and didn't tell the duckling immediately, the son asked the other little kids.

"Big hair, do you know?"

Hearing Zhang Feng's question, Da Mao quickly shook his head and looked at Zhang Feng curiously.

"20 o'clock is actually 24 o'clock in the evening. We have [-] hours a day..." Zhang Feng then popularized the [-]-hour and [-]-hour timing methods to the little guy.

But looking at the appearance of the little guys, it seems that only Duck and Da Mao understand a little bit, but the other smaller monkeys are still confused, and they don't understand such a complicated problem at all.

"Everyone come here, let's count the number of people and prepare to go home!"

Zhang Feng and Yiyi counted the number of people, and then double-checked that there were no omissions, so they walked towards the village with the little kids.

"Go home!"

"Go home!"

The little kids jumped up and down, happily, and chattered along the way to show everyone what they had gained.

"I caught more than a dozen of them today!"

"I also caught a lot..."

"Anyway, I caught more than you..."

Mao Ya and Xiao Shitou can't count yet, but it's super interesting to compare each other.


Time flows, day and night alternate.

As the sun rose, the entire Moon Lake woke up again from its deep sleep.

On the high mountains in the distance, the clouds and mist are lingering, and they gradually dissipate under the blowing of the breeze.

The air in Moon Lake is really good. I took a deep breath and immediately felt refreshed.

After breakfast, I took a big black and a small black, strolled along the Moon Lake, and strolled in this beautiful small mountain village. Although it was still early, I could still see many old men and women in the city.

Almost all of them have become regulars here. Every day, they take the first bus at [-]:[-] to come to the village, and then take a walk by Moon Lake, or practice Tai Chi. Their leisurely appearance is really enviable to office workers. .

Along the way, I greeted my acquaintances, and arrived at the entrance of the village before I knew it.

At this time, the uncle just opened the door of the village committee, and when he saw Zhang Feng, he waved to him.

"Uncle, are you looking for me?"

"Actually, it's not a big deal. Isn't the mountain temple finished? I want to ask you, do you have any suggestions for the management and maintenance of the mountain temple?"

"This... Uncle, you can figure it out!"

"You kid knows how to be lazy, and you don't want to take care of the mountain temple built with your own money?" The uncle smiled wryly and shook his head.

"Hey, uncle, don't you have you here?" Zhang Feng knew that the uncle must already have a draft, because the uncle has always been a very thoughtful person.

"I'm going to let your third great-grandfather be a temple celebrant, what do you think?" the uncle asked Zhang Feng.

"Very good, the third grandpa is originally the gentleman of the village, so he must be able to manage the mountain temple."

The third grandfather is the wife of the third grandmother, because he has always been a gentleman in the village, that is, a Taoist priest. He usually presides over various rituals for the nearby villagers, earning three melons and two dates every time, and his life is miserable.

Now even though the whole village has joined the cooperative, the third grandpa still does things everywhere and never cares about the world of the family, so he quarrels and conflicts with the grandma of the third grandma every now and then, or they are both over seventy years old, and the two have left a long time ago marriage.

"Well, it's good if you agree, and I'll talk to him when the time comes." The uncle was relieved when he saw Zhang Feng agreed. After all, the third grandpa and his wife are not very popular with the villagers in the village. One is lazy and the other loves. Being playful, he would have conflicts with the villagers from time to time.

Of course, as everyone joined the cooperative, all the conflicts in the village disappeared, and everyone was shocked by the harmony.

It is a model of harmonious countryside in the new era.

It is estimated that this is what the ancestors often said: if you have enough granary, you will know etiquette, and if you have enough food and clothing, you will know honor and disgrace.

In the past, everyone had a hard time, and everyone would quarrel over trivial matters.
But now, the villagers are well-developed, and they will laugh away when they encounter some trivial things, and they no longer feel the nervousness they had before.

"Xiaofeng, I plan to set the opening time of the Earth Temple around the Ghost Festival, what do you think?"

"This is what I think. Isn't June [-]th coming soon? When the temple opens in July, we can hold a temple fair, which will attract many tourists, and at the same time, it will also make the mountain temple famous. Everyone knows that our village has added a new scenic spot..."

Before Zhang Feng came back, the uncle started talking on his own, talking about the excitement, and couldn't help dancing.

I have to say that my uncle has really put in a lot of effort for the development of tourism in the village, and even the opening of a mountain temple has made so many famous things.

Of course, this is all a good thing for Moon Lake, and as long as it is well prepared, it will definitely attract many nearby tourists and consolidate the tourism development achievements of Moon Lake.

Farewell to Uncle Zhang Feng and continue walking towards the entrance of the village
When we came to the edge of the field, the vegetable field seemed to be busy!

What the peasant Shao Xianyue said is not bad at all, especially for the villagers of Moon Lake Village.

Every morning, just after dawn, there are people in the fields outside the village, listening to the crowing of roosters, and working hard in the fields while soaked in dew.

When the sun comes out and shines brightly, the villagers have already finished most of their work.

No pains, no gains,
It is precisely because of everyone's efforts that we can have such a good harvest, get rid of poverty and become rich, and embark on the road to prosperity.

"Don't go into the field?" Zhang Feng gave the two little guys a hard look when he saw the two dogs almost going crazy in the field and stepping on other people's vegetables.

"woo woo woo woo……"

Hearing Zhang Feng's words, the two dogs stopped immediately, stopped chasing and fighting, and stood obediently beside Zhang Feng. They were really smart.

At this moment, Uncle Er Niu came towards Zhang Feng carrying two baskets full of vegetables.

"Give way, let's make way, idlers don't get in the way!"

Seeing that the vegetable basket almost hit him, Zhang Feng hurried out of the way,

"I'll go, Uncle Er Niu, did you do this on purpose?"

Zhang Feng was very speechless, if he hadn't flashed so fast, he would have been hit straight.

"Hey, it was on purpose, what are you doing? Who let you be so free all day, and show off here with the two dogs? Don't you know we are busy?" Uncle Er Niu smiled proudly.

Zhang Feng rolled his eyes at this guy, thinking that you are so awesome, why don't you go to heaven?

(End of this chapter)

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