small farmer

Chapter 693 Bin Zi Asks for Help

Chapter 693 Bin Zi Asks for Help (34)

"Brother? Are you coming? We've been waiting until the flowers are almost withering!"

Just after the exam, the younger sister Zhang Yue called Zhang Feng and urged the eldest brother to pick her up quickly.

"Got it, I'll be there soon, I'm driving, I'll talk about it later!"

Zhang Feng smiled wryly and shook his head, this girl is still so eccentric, I really don't know what to do when she enters the society?
Hanging up the phone, he drove the SUV and continued to drive towards the county seat. After a few kilometers, Zhang Feng arrived at the destination in less than 10 minutes, and parked the car in the open space at the gate of No. [-] Middle School.

At this time, people come and go here, except for the teachers and students of the No. [-] Middle School, there are also a large number of parents with suitcases. Everyone is smiling and ready to go home and enjoy the relaxed mode of summer vacation.

"Brother, come and help me!"

"I'll go, you girl, are you going to move all the dormitories home?"

When Zhang Feng saw the little girl dragging two big suitcases and a big bulging schoolbag on her back, he was stunned.

"I don't have any. This big box is full of sheets and quilt covers, as well as dirty laundry that needs to be taken home."

"Okay, leave it to me!" Zhang Feng shook his head helplessly, took the suitcase in his sister's hand, and strode towards the parking place.

"Goodbye Xiaoyue!"

"Goodbye Fatty, remember to come to Moon Lake to play with me!"

"Hee hee, don't worry, we will definitely go."

On the way, I met a good friend in the same dormitory, and the two made an appointment to go to Moon Lake to play together.

"Fasten your seat belts, let's go!"

"Yeah, it's already tied!"

Start the car, slowly shuttle through the crowd, until the county town, the vehicles on the road become scarce, speed up, set off and gallop towards Moon Lake.

Closer to nostalgia is more timid!
Back in the village, the little girl was very excited.

Carrying the schoolbag, hurriedly ran to the house,

Zhang Feng smiled and shook his head, pushed his sister's two big suitcases, followed the girl, and walked slowly towards the house.

"Mom, I'm back!"

A long distance away, Zhang Yue cried out excitedly, as if she hadn't seen her mother for two or three years.

"Hey, Xiaoyue is back!" Seeing her precious daughter, Wang Guilan was also very excited.

"Hee hee, Mom, I'll help you!" The little girl saw that her mother was packing up the stall, so she ran up to help her without putting her own luggage.

"Hehe, no need! You go and put your schoolbag away first!" Mother waved her hand quickly and said with a smile.

"Good mother, I'll help you move the stool in!" the little girl couldn't help but walk into the yard with the wicker chair in her arms.

The precious girl Wang Guilan saw was so sensible, with a gratified smile on her face.

"Yo, Xiaoyue is back!"

"Grandpa Liu, Grandma Liu and Sister Yiyi, I will come."

At this time, Yiyi and grandparents were also at Zhang Feng's house. Knowing that Xiaoyue was coming back, the two families were going to have dinner together.

After a while, the little girl packed her luggage and came out. Grandma Liu asked with concern:
"How did Xiaoyue do in the exam this time?"

"Hee hee, the test is okay! If there is no accident, you should be in the top three of the grade!"

"Yo! Not bad! Work hard, and when the time comes, you will be admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University."

"Hee hee, let's forget about Tsinghua University and Peking University, as long as you get a 985 in the exam." The little girl said without ambition.

"Okay, old lady, don't put too much pressure on Xiaoyue!" The old man shook his head at his wife and said.

"Hehe, okay, it's not bad to go to other first-class universities!"

Grandma Liu has been a teacher all her life, and she is also affected by her habits. She hopes that her students can be admitted to the best universities.

"Xiaoyue is back, Xiaolin and the others should be on vacation soon, right?" At this moment, Grandma Liu asked Zhang Feng with a smile.

"Hurry up, Xiao Lin said that the No. 12 train will arrive at home with No. 13."


Seeing the two families chatting happily, the mother sat on the side and smiled knowingly, feeling that such a day was really very happy and very satisfying.


Early the next morning, Zhang Feng received a call from Binzi.

"Brother Feng, help me, Brother Feng!"

"What's wrong? Your kid was arrested by the health care department?" Zhang Feng asked with a smile.

"Brother Feng, you are too filthy, how can a good citizen like me go to the big health care." Wang Bin quickly explained after hearing Zhang Feng's words.

"Then what's wrong with you? You're so excited! I thought you were in trouble!" Zhang Feng said with a smirk.

"Hey, Brother Feng, don't make fun of your brother. This time, we are really in trouble, and you need to go out yourself, Brother Feng!" Wang Bin said with a wry smile.

"What's the matter, tell me!" Zhang Feng smiled, and then asked seriously.

"That's right, our Jockey Club is going to be ruined! Some idiot came out of nowhere to find trouble with the Jockey Club. Every time he comes to ruin the scene, the Jockey Club is about to go bankrupt!"

"I'm going, what's going on, how could it go bankrupt?" Zhang Feng was very shocked, but also very curious, so he asked Wang Bin.

It turns out that for some reason, since last month's horse race meeting, a pretender from the next county has come. Somehow, that guy got lucky and bought a talented Guizhou horse. Obtained No.1 with a huge margin.

If it’s just that, it’s okay, the young and old of us in Qingshan can afford to lose, but that guy is purely here to play games, and every time he invites these dozens of people to buy his horses to win, he will lose a lot every time he races. Pen.

The most important thing, that guy is super arrogant, every time he taunts the hot wind at the Qingshan Jockey Club, how can the young and old in Qingshan County bear it.

Ever since, everyone was looking for the best Qianma in the whole county, hoping to get rid of the shame,
It's a pity that the first two times ended in failure, and they were ridiculed by the other party.

"Brother Feng, you must help!"

"As long as you ride a chestnut, you will definitely be able to beat his Lightning by a few blocks, and see how he will be frightened by then."

"When does today's horse race start?"

"Ten o'clock, exactly two hours left! Brother Feng, let me help you get Chestnut to the scene first!"

"Okay then, see you later!"

"Hey, why is the guy from Qinglong so arrogant!" Hanging up the phone, Wang Bin laughed triumphantly.

Chestnut is the thousand-mile horse among good horses, and the absolute king among Qianma. Once chestnut comes out, who will compete with it!

Hearing what Wang Bin said, Zhang Feng was immediately interested, and he hadn't participated in a horse race for a long time, so this time he took this opportunity to go to have fun, and kill Qinglong's Breeze by the way.

Let them know that Qingshan is still the world of Qingshan people, and they should not be too arrogant.

After a while, Zhang Feng walked to the second uncle's house.


"What do you want my brother to do?" Zhang Yi just came back from the vegetable field and was cleaning the yard at this time, when he saw Zhang Feng, he asked with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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