small farmer

Chapter 694 Tensioned Atmosphere

Chapter 694 Tensioned Atmosphere (44)

"Don't you guys want to go to the horse race? There is a race today, do you want to go?"

"Go, brother, wait for me, I'll take a shower soon!" Zhang Yi said impatiently when he heard that there was a horse race today, so he couldn't sit still.

"What are you up to, kid? It's still early. The game won't start until ten o'clock, so let's start at nine o'clock!" Zhang Feng smiled and shook his head.


"Yiyi, I'm going to the horse race later, do you want to go?" After leaving the second uncle's house, Zhang Feng went to Yiyi's house again.

"Horse racing? Where are you going to race horses?" Yiyi asked curiously.

"It's not far, it only takes more than ten minutes to drive there!"

"Okay, wait for me, I'll put on makeup first!"


Dudu Dudu! !

Before nine o'clock, Zhang Feng's cell phone rang again. Zhang Feng opened it and saw that it was Wang Bin again, who probably came to urge him again.

"Brother Feng, why haven't you arrived yet?" As soon as the phone was connected, Wang Bin's eager voice rang out.

"It's coming soon, we're leaving right away!" Zhang Feng replied with a smile.

"Then hurry up, Brother Niu and I are waiting for you here!" Wang Bin continued.

"Brother Niu is here?" Hearing Wang Bin's words, Zhang Feng was very surprised. Why did Brother Niu have time to hang around again today?Isn't sister-in-law pregnant?
"It's here, it's here, not only Brother Niu, but also Wang Chen, Brother Feng, you have to hurry up!"

"Got it, we'll come right away!" Zhang Feng smiled wryly and shook his head, wondering why this guy was so impatient.


"Xiaoyi ready? Let's go!"

"Oh, brother, I'm coming!"

Zhang Yi hastily turned off the computer, stopped playing the game, put on a T-shirt randomly and ran out.

"Hey bro, where are you going?"

When Zhang Feng, Yiyi, and Zhang Yi walked to the entrance of the village, they happened to meet Zhang Yue, a girl. Seeing that the three of them were about to go out, Zhang Yue shouted loudly.

"Xiaoyue, we are going to watch the horse race, are you going?"

"I'm going, I'm going, wait for me, I'll go back and change!"

After the girl finished speaking, she turned around and ran towards the house.

Seeing Zhang Yue's agitated look, Zhang Feng shook his head with a smile, wondering if Wang Bin would be anxious to see everyone's leisurely look here.

It was agreed to start at nine o'clock, but actually a quarter after nine o'clock, the four of them set off and drove towards the horse racing place.

When everyone arrived at the destination, it was already 09:30, and Wang Bin and the others were almost rushed to death.

"Brother Feng, my brother, why are you here now?"

"What's the matter, hasn't the competition started yet?" Zhang Feng got out of the car and said with a smile when he saw Wang Bin with an eager face.

"Oh, stop talking, stop talking, Brother Feng, let's go, the registration deadline will be closed soon!" Wang Bin took Zhang Feng's hand and walked behind the rostrum anxiously.

"Wow, Brother Niu, my brother is also participating in the competition today?"

"Of course, Xiaofeng is our trump card today, and it will definitely kill the momentum of those Qinglong guys."

"What's the matter? Why is it still related to Qinglong's?" Zhang Yi asked curiously.

"Of course……"

Then Niu Zhong told about the Qinglong guys coming to smash the scene, everyone was filled with righteous indignation, especially the two young men Zhang Yi and Zhang Yue were even more furious, and wanted to let the elder brother show some color to those Qinglong guys .

"The Qinglong guy is here... The Qinglong guy is here..."

Suddenly, there was a commotion at the edge of the venue.

Everyone looked around and saw dozens of Qinglong guys walking towards the venue full of vigor, [-] to [-] each, with their nostrils upturned, and all the young and old in Qingshan were very angry.

Some vigorous men even wanted to go up and beat up the opponent, but unfortunately this is a horse race, and only by defeating the opponent with a horse race can they regain their place, so everyone let go of their clenched fists, snorted coldly, and turned around Head up, out of sight, out of mind.

"These guys are a nuisance!"

"It's just too arrogant!"

"Hmph, I must let my brother and Chestnut teach them a good lesson later!" Xiaoyue said angrily with her mouth curled up.

"Don't worry, Xiaofeng and Chestnut will definitely win."

Niu Zhong said confidently that he and Wang Bin knew the strength of Chestnut very well.

"That's right, how can their horses compare to our chestnuts!" Zhang Yi also nodded.

Everyone encouraged each other, and after a while, they were all full of confidence.


"The market is open, the market is open! Those who want to bet, hurry up!"

"Brother Niu, what are you doing over there? It's so lively?" Zhang Yi asked curiously when the crowd suddenly surged.

"The market is opening over there, how about you kid, do you want to place a bet?" Niu Chong asked Zhang Yi with a smile.

"Ah, you can still gamble here, aren't you afraid of being caught?" Zhang Yi asked Niu Zhong cautiously.

"Haha, what are you afraid of? This is a horse race approved by the county, and the bets are limited, no more than 1000 yuan each time, so don't worry, kid, it's not gambling!" Niu Zhong smiled and said to Zhang Yi explained.

"Okay, I'll buy my brother to win for 1000 yuan!"

"Nonsense, if you don't buy Xiaofeng, who else can you buy?" Niu Zhong rolled his eyes, and then asked Yiyi and Zhang Yue: "Yiyi, Xiaoyue, do you want to buy Madman's Bet too?"

"Hee hee, okay, okay, but it's too crowded over there, brother Niu, can you help me and sister Yiyi place a bet?" Zhang Yue blinked and said to Niu Zhong expectantly.

"Haha, no problem, each of you is 1000 yuan, right? Xiaoyi and Xiaochen, let's go and place bets." Niu Zhong smiled nonchalantly, and rushed into the crowd with his two younger brothers.

After Niu Zhong and the others left, Yiyi looked at Xiaoyue and shook her head, this girl is really weird.

"Sister Yiyi, do you think my brother can win?"

"Of course, weren't you sure just now?"

"Hee hee, I'm just a little worried!" The little girl stuck out her tongue and smiled nervously.

"It's okay, Madman and Chestnut walked so well, they will definitely win the final championship!"

"Yeah!" Zhang Yue also nodded heavily, then looked at Big Brother and Chestnut who were familiarizing themselves with the venue without blinking.

As the game is about to start

The atmosphere in the racecourse is getting more and more enthusiastic.

Especially those Qinglong guys who have already shouted the slogan of winning the championship.

"Lightning lightning, there is no suspense!"

"Qinglong Qinglong, dominate the arena!"

Hearing their voices, Zhang Feng couldn't help but sneer, thinking that you will cry later.

After a while, slap your face and see where you put your old face.

Beep! ! !

Suddenly a whistle sounded,

The final preparations finally came. At this time, all the riders and racehorses came to the starting point and began to check all kinds of equipment. The sound inside and outside the field disappeared instantly, and the entire racecourse became extremely quiet.

(End of this chapter)

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