small farmer

Chapter 695 Crushing to Win the Championship

Chapter 695 Crushing to Win the Championship (14)

The time for the official start of the game is getting closer and closer
Zhang Feng checked his equipment carefully, touched the chestnut that was brought over, calmed his BMW, and then began to look at the horses on other tracks.

Scanning for a week, I have to say that the quality of this horse race is very high, much higher than before. In the past, it was almost all competitions between purebred Guizhou horses.

But this time, half of the eight racehorses are mixed-race horses. Among them, No. [-], No. [-], No. [-], and No. [-], these four race horses are all mixed-blood horses, and they all have the blood of professional racing horses.

These four racehorses not only have tall skeletons, but also have long legs and thick bodies with strong muscles and bones. They are good horses at first glance, and almost all of them have the potential to become professional racehorses.

Especially No. [-], which is the racing horse specially used by the Qinglong guy to fight the field. This horse is even more outstanding. From the appearance, this horse has no trace of the characteristics of a Qian horse. It is said that it has been crossed with Arabian horses for three or four generations. It came from a well-known horse breeding center outside the province. Because it couldn't meet the conditions for professional horse racing, it fell into the hands of these Qinglong people.

Although this horse is not as good as a professional racing horse, it is more than the top and the bottom is more than the bottom. It is still much better than the ordinary Guizhou horse, so it was able to sweep the entire arena in the previous few races, making Qingshan's Jockey Club Almost disgraced.

But today they will definitely encounter a huge Waterloo, as long as Zhang Feng and Chestnut are on the horse, they will surely kill all their opponents, not to mention that the No. [-] horse is just a knockout product, even a professional horse race is far inferior to Chestnut.

You know, Chestnut is a racehorse transformed by Qiling Wan. It is completely like a fine existence. Although Chestnut is a bit inconspicuous, Chestnut will definitely crush all the players. One man and one horse are bound to win this time.

"The competition is about to start, I'm so nervous!" Xiaoyue said to herself anxiously, clenching her fists.

"Haha, it's okay, you see Xiaofeng himself is not nervous!" Niu Zhong said with a smile,

"That's right, we can definitely win!" Zhang Yi has a kind of blind trust in Zhang Feng, because as long as Zhang Feng makes a move, there is never any uncertainty, and he can succeed every time, so Zhang Yi is now numb, I have more confidence in Zhang Feng than in myself.

"The competition is about to start, players please get ready!"

Soon the match referee came over with the starting gun, reminding the riders to make final preparations.

Hearing the reminder, the riders got on their horses, and as soon as the starting gun was fired, they would rush out of the fence and quickly rush to the end of the track.

Snapped! !

A crisp gunshot sounded.

Zhang Feng reacted the fastest, Chestnut also cooperated very well and rushed out of the railing first, aggressively, and rushed forward without any hesitation.

I have to say that No. [-] also performed very well. If Zhang Feng and Chestnut Zhuyu hadn't been in the lead, their reactions would have been hard to fault. The second one rushed into the runway and followed Chestnut closely.

wow... wow!

After the game started, there was a lot of noise outside the stadium, and the excited crowd began to cheer for the horses they supported.
Especially Zhang Feng's No. [-], the performance of Qi Juechen made the young and old in Qingshan extremely excited, turned around, and finally had hope of defeating No. [-] today.

So the audience outside the arena screamed desperately, and almost all the audience were cheering for Zhang Feng and Chestnut, because this one person and one ride represented all the hopes of Qingshan County.

"come on!"

"Come on, number five!"

"No. [-] rises up!"

"No. [-], fuck him to death!"

"Come on, big brother!"

"Come on madman!"

At this time, the two girls were also infected by the warm atmosphere, and instantly turned into little fans of Zhang Feng and Chestnut, waving their arms excitedly, cheering for Zhang Feng and Chestnut loudly.

Leading the horse and riding the dust, from the moment the race started, Zhang Feng and Chestnut maintained the first position,
After crossing the finish line, No. [-] behind still couldn't catch up, and there was still a gap of ten meters between Zhang Feng and Chestnut.

This is like a race between an adult and a child, and No. [-] and the rider were hit hard, until they crossed the finish line, they were still in a state of bewilderment, not knowing why this happened?How can the gap be so big?

But the facts were right in front of them, and it was difficult for Qinglong's people to accept it, but they had to swallow the bitter pill. The slap in the face came so fast that they didn't even react to it.

There was no suspense in the final result. Zhang Feng and Chestnut won the championship. Although Qinglong's horse race won No.2, but at the end of the race, they all had to shake their heads and sigh, or were dejected.
lost!The gap is still so big, it is really a crushing defeat.


"Hahaha! We finally won!"

"Long live Qingshan! Long live number five!"

"Brother Qinglong, get out!"

"Brother Qinglong, get out!"

Qinglong guy is very unpopular here, and he came here several times in a row to make trouble. Although everyone didn't say anything before, it was because their skills were not as good as others, but today everyone finally defeated Qinglong guy, so the grievances that had been pent up for a long time finally disappeared. break out.

Therefore, the Qinglong guy instantly became a rat crossing the street, and was scolded by the young and old in Qingshan. Fortunately, everyone was restrained and didn't do anything, but the security guards of the organizing committee were still facing a big enemy, so they rushed over and blocked both sides. Between them, the contradictions should not be over-intensified.

And the Qinglong people lost the game, and they didn't have the face to stay here anymore, leading their own horses, a group of people just left like this, looking extremely embarrassed.

"Wow, why did they leave? Haven't they claimed the prize?" Xiaoyue asked innocently.

"Hee hee, what rewards do they have to redeem if they lose?" Yiyi couldn't help explaining with a smile.

"Ah? Sister Yiyi, how do you know they didn't win the lottery?" Xiaoyue asked with a puzzled look, as if she hadn't reacted yet.

"Ah, I'm really defeated by you. I can't even figure this out. You are so stupid..." Zhang Yi shook his head speechlessly, and explained to Zhang Yue.

"Hmph, how do you know they didn't buy my elder brother?"

After listening to Zhang Yi's explanation, although Zhang Yue defended herself bluntly, she also understood in her heart that these people thought that they would definitely win, so they all bought their No. [-] horse. However, to their surprise, No. If they lost, their bets were of course all in vain.

Hearing Xiaoyue's words, the others smiled and shook their heads, knowing that this girl is a dead duck, but everyone is very excited at this time, so they don't care about this little girl.

"A good horse, number five is such a good horse!"

"Of course, the first time I saw No. [-], I knew we must win!"

"Fuck you, then why did you buy number six to win?"

"Hey... hey! I... Didn't I buy it wrong?"

The others rolled their eyes at him one after another, and they could make mistakes, no matter how blind they had to be.

(End of this chapter)

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