small farmer

Chapter 696 Celebration Dinner

Chapter 696 Celebration Dinner (24)

In fact, not only the buddies just now, most of the audience who came to watch the game today bought No. [-], so it can be said that the organizing committee is the biggest winner today.

Because most of the audience bought the wrong horse, only a few people who were more familiar with Zhang Feng, and some people who had a blind cat and a dead mouse guessed the right result, but compared to the others, they were pitifully few.

Therefore, today the organizing committee took away almost all the chips and finally made up for the losses from the previous horse races.

However, at the side of the runway at this time, Zhang Feng and Chestnut were also surrounded by enthusiastic people eating melons.

"Brother, where did you buy this horse?"

"Brother, is your horse a crossbreed?"

"Brother, can you sell this horse?"

"10 yuan, brother, sell me your horse!"

"Don't sell it, don't sell it! Don't sell it for any amount of money, everyone give way, give way..."

Seeing so many people gathered around, Zhang Feng was sweating profusely. Hearing that Zhang Feng would not sell it for [-] yuan, the crowd burst into exclamation.

"I'll go, [-] won't sell it?"

"How much is a hundred thousand? Such a good horse costs hundreds of thousands, at least!"

"That's right, I think this number five has reached the level of a professional horse racer. Who would sell it to you without hundreds of thousands?"

Hundreds of thousands. When other people heard that No. [-] could be sold for so much money, everyone shook their heads in amazement, thinking that ordinary people would probably not be able to afford it even if they did not eat or drink for ten years.

"Hey! It seems that this horse race is getting more and more advanced!"

"Yeah, we little people can't afford it anymore!"

Nowadays, horse racing is generally a hybrid of Guizhou horses. Almost all purebred horses come to show their faces and play soy sauce. Taking the results of horse racing in the past few months as an example, almost 90.00% of the champions are won by miscellaneous people. Among them, the ordinary purebred Guizhou horse has completely declined.

And the sport of horse racing will also be farther and farther away from everyone. In the future, ordinary people can only be melon-eating people, and they will not even be qualified to participate.

Zhang Feng broke out of the encirclement, and Zhang Yue and others immediately surrounded him.

"Brother, you are amazing!"

"Brother Feng, I knew you would definitely win!"

Others also praised Chestnut for a while, causing Chestnut to scream up to the sky with excitement.

"Hahaha, Chestnut is really great, let's go, let's go, since Xiaofeng won, let's hurry up and claim the prize."

"Yes yes yes!!! If you hadn't mentioned it, Brother Niu, I would have forgotten it!"

So a group of people walked briskly towards the prize redemption place. At this time, there were few people here, because there were few people who guessed right, so it's no wonder that the prize redemption place was lively. Only a few lucky ones, like them, guessed the final one. result.

And Zhang Feng and Chestnut also received their championship certificates and a bonus of [-] oceans.

"We won the game today, shouldn't we celebrate well!"

"Okay, how about I suggest that we have a party at Xiaofeng's house together?" Niu Zhong hadn't had a meal at Zhang Feng's house for a long time, and Niu Zhong took a day off today, so of course he didn't want to miss it.

The others also unanimously agreed with Niu Zhong's suggestion, so everyone Wang Bin and Wang Chen were responsible for sending Chestnut and their BMW back to the racecourse.

Others drove straight to the supermarket, preparing for a big food purchase and preparing for the gluttonous feast at noon.

"Xiaofeng, let's buy some beef. The local yellow beef here is delicious!"

"Okay, let's buy a few catties and go back to make boiled beef!" Seeing Niu Chong swallowing his saliva, Zhang Feng couldn't help but smiled and said.

"Hehe, okay, I like boiled beef too!" Hearing Zhang Feng's words, Niu Zhong almost burst into a smile.

"Xiaofeng, look at this mutton is also good, do you want to buy some back?"

"Xiaofeng, look at the stewed beef here is very fragrant, should we buy some..."

Zhang Feng had no idea that Brother Niu, who has always been prudent, would instantly become a shopaholic when he saw something to eat. He wanted to buy back any delicious food. No wonder he gained more than 200 catties of fat.

"Brother Niu, can we finish eating all the ingredients you bought?" After a while, Zhang Feng saw Niu Chong pushing a cart full of ingredients, he was stunned and opened his mouth wide in horror.

"Hey, it seems a little too much!" Niu Zhong looked at his shopping cart and scratched his head in embarrassment.

It’s not just a lot, it’s a lot, super much, okay?

Thinking of this, Zhang Feng smiled wryly, wondering if Brother Niu had been abused at home, or else he looked like he had just come out of prison.

"Hehe, it's okay, we can't eat it in the refrigerator if we can't finish it!" After thinking about it, Niu Zhong still didn't put the ingredients back.

"Okay, let's go see if Yiyi and the others have bought the seasoning?"

Since the eldest sister will sell fast food in a few days, Zhang Feng asked Yiyi and Xiaoyue to be responsible for buying the seasonings to be used, so that the eldest sister does not need to buy them in person.

"Xiaofeng, do you think we have bought enough of these things?"

"Well, it's almost there, let's go over there and buy some fruit!"

I have to say that this group of people are crazy about shopping.

At the last checkout, it cost more than 1000 yuan, and the various ingredients and seasonings could hardly fit in the trunk.

As soon as everyone got in the car, Wang Bin and Wang Bin called and said that they had arrived at Moon Lake and told everyone to go back quickly.

"Let's go, Binzi and Xiaochen have already arrived at Moon Lake, let's go too!"

Everyone looked at the time and found that it was already twelve o'clock, so they didn't delay anymore and drove along the flat road to the beautiful Moon Lake.

"Brother Feng, you are finally here! If you don't come, we will starve to death!"

"Hee hee, according to scientists, people can't starve to death without eating for a week, okay?" Xiaoyue said deliberately,

"Sister Xiaoyue! Can we still chat happily?" Hearing Zhang Yue's words, Binzi wanted to cry instantly, and the others also burst out laughing.

"Okay, don't play tricks there, if you want to eat early, hurry up and move things." Zhang Feng shook his head with a smile, and told everyone to move all the ingredients on the car home.

"Hey, I got it, Brother Feng!" As soon as they heard about eating, everyone got excited, and rushed home with the ingredients.

As soon as we got home, everyone started to get busy.
Adhere to the highest instruction of do-it-yourself food and clothing, and process various ingredients together.

With everyone's help, Zhang Feng's cooking speed almost broke the record. In just an hour, just after one o'clock, he cooked a large table full of delicious dishes.

"Wow, it smells so good! This boiled beef tastes really good!"

"Yeah, this spicy crab is also very good!"

The table was full of delicious food, everyone almost bit off their tongues, and the gluttonous feast lasted for more than an hour, until everyone was so hungry that they couldn't walk, then they stopped helplessly .

(End of this chapter)

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