small farmer

Chapter 697 Receive Transcript

Chapter 697 Receive Transcript (34)

Time is like the Tapang River in front of the gate slowly flowing eastward
On July [-]th, the little kids in the village got up extra early, because today was the day when the elementary school got their report cards.

However, the little duck was not very interested, and was even a little nervous, worried that he would not do well in the exam and would be beaten up by his father.

well!I really don't know what to do!

The duckling sighed, looking like a little old man, anxious about his own achievements.

"Have you eaten well, brat? Hurry up and leave!"

Uncle Er Niu took a puff of his cigarette, then glared at his son and asked.

"Ah, soon, I'll be ready soon!" The little guy looked a little absent-minded, and when he heard what his father said, he stuffed noodles into his mouth and finished his breakfast in two or three strokes.

"If you fail the exam again this time, let's see if I don't interrupt your dog legs!"

When the little duck climbed onto the motorcycle, Uncle Er Niu gave him a hard look, and then said.

The little guy shrank his head, and asked his father worriedly: "Ah, what if I pass one subject and fail the other?"

"Hmph, if you fail one subject, you will break one leg. If you fail two subjects, then you will lose both legs!" Uncle Er Niu threatened with a cold snort.

Hearing his father's words, the little duck suddenly felt so sad, and followed his father to the school with a sad face.

Except for Duckling, the grades of the little kids in Moon Lake are not much better, especially Tie Dan and Da Mao, who are almost at the same level as Duckling, with [-] to [-] points in each exam. There is no small difficulty.

Of course, it does not mean that there are no good students in the village. For example, the two little girls, Da Ya and Er Ya, have very good grades. The grades can be ranked high. As long as there are no accidents, there should be no problem in getting into a key university in the future.

Therefore, the same rice feeds a variety of people, and there are still great differences between people.

However, as the economic conditions of the villagers have improved, everyone has begun to pay attention to their children. For example, Tiedan, who once scored 8, 9, and 10 points in the test, was sent to a cram school by his father. As a result, at least the results of each test are no longer single digits, and sometimes you can get a pass if you are lucky.


At noon, Zhang Feng and Yiyi strolled by the lake, enjoying the leisure and comfort here.

It's a pity that the children in the village who failed their exams suffered a lot today, especially Xiao Yazi and Da Mao, who were beaten up by Er Niu Shu and Da Shan Shu after they came back.

In fact, I don't blame the adults. The main reason is that the two monkeys are really jerks. The results of this test made Uncle Er Niu and Uncle Dashan almost unable to hold their heads high among the parents.

To say how much the two of them took the test, the little duck got 38 points in mathematics and 25 points in Chinese.
As for Da Mao's, it's not much better, with 35 points in mathematics and 32 points in Chinese.

It can be said that the two are brothers in need, and they probably went to beat mosquitoes together during class, otherwise how could they do so badly in the exam.

Zhang Feng and Yiyi walked, and soon came to the door of the little duck's house.

At this moment, Yiyi suddenly found the little guy kneeling in the yard, so she asked in surprise:
"Hey, isn't the lunatic a little duck? Why is he kneeling on the ground?"

"Is this guy in trouble again? Let's go in and have a look?"

Speaking of which, Zhang Feng and Yiyi walked towards Uncle Er Niu's house.

At this time, Uncle Erniu and Aunt Erniu were eating, watching TV while eating, and the couple completely ignored their precious son kneeling in the yard.

"Uncle Er Niu, are you abusing our minors again?" Zhang Feng walked into the yard, and joked to Uncle Er Niu with a smile.

"Fuck off, you are like this every time, a dog can't spit out ivory!" Uncle Er Niu turned his head, saw Zhang Feng, and stared at him.

"Hey, Xiaofeng Yiyi, come in quickly, have you eaten yet?" At this time, Aunt Er Niu also stood up quickly and greeted Zhang Feng and the others warmly.

"Eat! Aunt Er Niu, don't bother, we just came out for a walk after eating!"


"What's the matter with the little duck?" After exchanging pleasantries for a while, Zhang Feng asked curiously.

"Hey, I only scored [-] or [-] points in the final exam this shitty day, Xiaofeng, can you tell me that's plausible?"

The next semester will be the first grade, how can I keep up with my son's grades, so Uncle Er Niu is very anxious,

It's a pity that our righteous master doesn't know this, he doesn't understand the painstaking efforts of adults, he only knows how to run all over the mountains and plains all day, and he doesn't pay attention to his studies at all.

"Ah, that's how little you got in the test? Didn't you score more than 70 points in the math test last time? How could it be like this this time?" Zhang Feng was also very surprised, remembering that this guy still had a pass in the mid-term exam this semester. .

"Hmph, their teacher said that this guy likes to do tricks in class, he doesn't pay attention to his homework, and he copied his classmates a few times. You don't know. At that time, their class teacher told me in front of so many parents. I really want to Find a hole in the ground and get in, if it weren't for Dashan accompanying me, I guess I would have sneaked away!"

"Why, Da Mao didn't pass the exam?"

"Hmph, can the two of them pass the exam if they stay together all day?" Uncle Er Niu snorted coldly.

Hearing this, Zhang Feng couldn't help shaking his head, thinking that these skinny monkeys are really difficult to discipline, and their studies are so poor.

"I'm going to let him go to the county to make up lessons! Otherwise, what if he will be in the first grade next semester?" Uncle Er Niu seems to have made up his mind to let this monkey improve his grades during the holiday.


Since the results of the final exam came back, the village has been in a state of chaos, with monkeys being chased and beaten by their parents everywhere.

After learning about the children's learning situation, the village head was also secretly anxious, wondering if he should hire some teachers from outside to give the children extra tuition.

When the village head talked to the parents, everyone applauded and agreed to the village head's proposal, so the village head asked his cousin who was the principal of the second primary school to help him find some teachers.

"What? 5000 yuan a month? It also includes a lunch, full of Moon Lake vegetables? Such a good condition, brother, do you think I can come?" When the principal's uncle heard the conditions from the uncle, Also heartbroken.

The current Moon Lake is a well-known local tyrant village in Qingshan, not only rich, but also picturesque, and most importantly, there are delicious Moon Lake vegetables, this is a rare good opportunity for the old gourmets.

"You? Didn't you say you want to travel to Yanjing?" the uncle asked in surprise.

"Hey! What a pity, I would have given the opportunity to other teachers if I knew it earlier!" It turned out that my cousin got the opportunity to go to Yanjing for training this summer, and he will leave in two days.

(End of this chapter)

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