small farmer

Chapter 698 Hours of Sniffing

Chapter 698 Hours of Sniffing (44)

"Okay, don't talk about those useless things. You haven't been bored with Moon Lake after half your life? Remember to find some good teachers for me."

Uncle shook his head, knowing that Uncle Tang was just joking. Although Uncle Tang’s household registration has moved to the city, the homestead of his hometown is still there. Not long ago, the old house was refurbished, and he would come here every weekend. Staying for two days, so Moon Lake may be a bit attractive to other people, but it is impossible to him.

"Brother, I'm afraid this teacher is not so easy to find. Let me find you a few students from key universities, how do you think?"

"Students from key universities??" The uncle didn't speak, but frowned.

"Yeah, it's a holiday now, and most of the teachers in the school want to have a good rest. It's hard to find a good teacher!" Uncle Tang explained to the uncle in detail.

"Okay, then find some college students for me, and remember to study well!" The village chief couldn't help but reminded.

"Don't worry, brother, I will definitely find something for you!"


In order to welcome the arrival of the make-up teacher.

The village plans to renovate the old school, especially the tiles on the roof that were kicked away by wild cats, and the decayed beams, all of which need to be replaced.

No, the village head notified everyone that night.

"Notice, notice, parents who have time tomorrow afternoon, please go to the village to renovate the house..."

"Notice, notice, parents who have time tomorrow afternoon, please go to the village to renovate the house..."

"Madman, what is the village chief talking about?" Yiyi couldn't hear the sound of the horn very clearly, so she asked Zhang Feng curiously.

"Uncle is informing everyone that tomorrow afternoon, he will help repair the classrooms of the elementary school in the village!" Zhang Feng explained with a smile.

"Ah, is the elementary school in your village going to reopen?" Yiyi asked in surprise.

"Probably not, there are only [-] to [-] students in our village, and it's so close to the county town, and there are buses, there should be other uses for repairing the house!" Zhang Feng said not very sure.

The two walked while admiring the scenery by Moon Lake.

In Moon Lake at night, the moon and stars are sparse, as if the whole world has turned silvery white, like a castle in a dream, picturesque and fascinating.

The bright moonlight is like flowing water, slowly flowing on the ground through the gaps between the trees.

The moonlight is like water, and the broken silver is poured all over the ground; the summer insects play music, singing high and low, as if they are playing beautiful and charming music. mystery.

Walking on the quiet path, enjoying the quiet scenery at night, the whole soul becomes pure, as if the soul has been sublimated, this is the charm of nature, which can arouse people's inner resonance.

"Hey, Uncle Erniu, are you still outside to enjoy the shade?" When I walked to the entrance of the village, I found Uncle Erniu and Uncle Dashan sitting under the big banyan tree to enjoy the shade.

"Haha, it's good to enjoy the shade under the big tree, where else can I be!" Uncle Dashan said with a laugh.

"Uncle Dashan is not bad, he has already said it well!" Zhang Feng smiled, took Yiyi's hand, and sat under the big tree with everyone.

"You bastard is burying me again, who doesn't know that you are a great talent in our village!"

As we talked, everyone pointed the finger at Uncle Er Niu.

"Erniu, you said that you and Xiaofeng went to school together, and they were in the same class. Why is he so good, and why didn't you pass the high school exam?"

"Hey, it's not that Xiaofeng is too insidious. He usually picks us up and plays around, but he secretly studies hard after returning home, so that's how it ended!" Gave it to Zhang Feng.

"Get out, it's because you love to sleep in class, okay? I remember our elementary school head teacher, so I called you a sleepy god!"

"Hahaha, I know the nickname Uncle Erniu. Even if he was caught by the teacher because he was sleeping, he was given this nickname!"

"Fuck off, what are you laughing at? What's so funny about this? Didn't you have a nickname when you were young? I remember your nickname Haoxiang was Qilixiang, right?"

Upon hearing Qilixiang, the villagers who knew it couldn't help laughing.

Only Zhang Yuan's complexion changed for a while, wishing to beat Uncle Er Niu violently, thinking that Uncle Er Niu really didn't open any pot and carried which pot, is there such a thing as revealing?


"Qilixiang? What does this mean?" Yiyi asked Zhang Feng curiously.

Thinking of this nickname, Zhang Feng couldn't help laughing.

My cousin Zhang Yuan is the owner of this nickname. He is one year younger than Zhang Feng, but he went to school earlier, so he, Zhang Feng and Uncle Er Niu are all elementary school classmates.

I remember that when I was still in preschool, I was taking a Chinese class one day.

Suddenly there was a crackling sound, and after a while, the classroom was filled with this peculiar smell.

Wow!Who fucked papa!
The little friends couldn't hold back their mouths and noses, and kept scanning the classroom.

The teacher in class soon discovered the abnormality in the classroom, and the teacher hurriedly asked which child had diarrhea?
But my cousin Zhang Yuan was worried about being criticized by the teacher, and also afraid that his classmates would laugh at him, so he prepared to pretend.

It's a pity that his deskmate still found him, so classmate Zhang Yuan was kicked out.

Then the teacher asked the students to open the doors and windows quickly, and a gust of wind blew in, and the stench immediately spread to several classrooms next door. Everyone in other classes knew about Zhang Yuan's deeds, so the nickname of Qilixiang was passed down.

"Hehe, your cousin is really funny!" Yiyi couldn't help snickering.


"What are you laughing at, who dares to say that you didn't pull in your crotch when you were young??" Zhang Yuan questioned everyone angrily.

Hearing Zhang Yuan's words, everyone immediately suppressed their laughter. If they laughed at him again, my cousin would probably go crazy.

"Okay, okay, everyone, stop talking nonsense, let's talk about the maintenance of the school tomorrow..." Uncle Dashan hurriedly came out to smooth things over, and changed the topic,
Then everyone started chatting about the situation in the village primary school.

"Our village school has a good school year, right?"

"Well, it should be more than 30 years!"

"So old??"

"Of course, I remember I had it when I was a child!" Uncle Dashan is already 37, and the elementary school in the village must have been there for more than [-] years.

"Almost, but since we graduated from the third grade, this place has been completely deserted!"

"Of course, there were only a dozen students here at the time, and the school couldn't even pay the teachers' salaries, so it's no wonder it didn't close down."

"Haha, speaking of the village primary school, I remember the hole in the door of the first grade, it seems that Xiaofeng kicked it out!"

Hearing this, Zhang Feng couldn't help smiling bitterly. At that time, he and his friends were playing outside the classroom, and everyone was playing flying kicks. Zhang Feng was also very naughty when he was a child. He kicked heavily on the door panel of the first grade, and immediately kicked a big hole.

At that time, my own feet were also in pain, but in order to avoid responsibility, I ran so fast that I disappeared in a blink of an eye.

(End of this chapter)

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