small farmer

Chapter 699 Putting on the Bull Nose Rope

Chapter 699 Putting on the Bull Nose Rope (14)

Uncle Er Niu led a few teachers into Zhang Feng's yard.

"Xiaofeng is coming out to pick up the guests soon!"

Hearing Uncle Er Niu's words, the girl Zhang Yue couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" Zhang Feng gave the gloating little girl a hard look, then stood up and walked out of the house.

"You bastard really can't get ivory out of his mouth!" Zhang Feng walked out while laughing and cursing,
Suddenly found out how many people were there beside Uncle Er Niu, so he asked curiously, "Uncle Er Niu, who are these?"

"Hey, these are some make-up teachers from our school. I heard that your home is the most beautiful, so come and visit!"

"Hey! Welcome! Welcome! Teachers, come in and sit down!"

"Thank you, thank you, you're welcome, let's just take a look in the yard." Several people waved their hands a little embarrassedly.

Zhang Feng smiled slightly, and without forcing, he followed Uncle Er Niu and introduced his beautiful yard to everyone.

"Xiaoyue, go and cut a few pieces of watermelon for everyone to taste!" Zhang Feng turned his head and quietly instructed his sister.

"Understood, brother!" The little girl nodded, ran towards the house, and came out with a few big watermelons in a short while.

"Come on, seniors and sisters are eating watermelon!" Xiaoyue shouted to several college students with a smile.

"Ah, thank you, Sister Xiaoyue!"

"Xiaoyue, you are too kind!"

They were all young, only around [-], so they were relatively lively, and they quickly got acquainted with Zhang Feng and Zhang Yue.

After eating the watermelon, Xiaoyue volunteered to take everyone to visit the scenery of the village and acted as a voluntary tour guide. While introducing the beautiful scenery of Moon Lake to everyone, she also asked the seniors about their high school and university learning experiences. .


When the teachers left the small courtyard, Uncle Er Niu quietly said to Zhang Feng: "Xiaofeng, the village head said that the teachers will be invited to dinner tonight, and I hope you can take charge of it yourself!"

Hearing Uncle Er Niu's words, Zhang Feng stared at him a few times, very suspicious that the uncle would make such an arrangement. You must know that even during the inspection in the county magistrate's village, the uncle didn't let him take the spoon!
"Uncle Er Niu, aren't you preaching a false imperial decree?"

"How is it possible!" Uncle Er Niu said with certainty, but his eyes were a little evasive, and Zhang Feng knew he was lying at a glance.

"Okay, you guys do this every time you lie, can't you pretend to be firm in your eyes?" Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"Oh, your eyes are really poisonous!" Uncle Er Niu was very depressed, but he didn't expect to be able to deceive Zhang Feng.

"Hey, the third in the world in general, right! Uncle Er Niu, why are you wandering around here? Aren't you going to study in school?" Zhang Feng smiled triumphantly, and Zhang Feng asked curiously.

"Yes, but didn't the school teacher come to visit our village in advance, so the village head asked me to show you around, hehe, I guess he thinks I'm the most educated." Uncle Er Niu said cheekily.

"Huh...huh" Zhang Feng hissed contemptuously.

"Uncle Erniu, your skin is getting thicker and thicker. In a year or two, bullets probably won't be able to pierce through you!"

"I'm thick-skinned, I'm confident, okay?" Uncle Er Niu gave Zhang Feng a look.

Zhang Feng shook his head speechlessly, but at this moment, Uncle Er Niu's phone rang.

"Village chief, hey, okay, okay, I'll be right back!"

"What's the matter, the village chief knows you're being lazy?"

"Hey, it's not your precious sister. Why take them to school if you have nothing to do? Didn't the village chief call me when he saw that I wasn't there?" Uncle Er Niu said helplessly. I would be lazy at Zhang Feng's house, but I didn't expect to be discovered by the village chief who supervised the work so soon.

"It's your laziness, okay, and you still blame my sister?" Zhang Feng stared at this guy speechlessly.

"Okay, stop talking, I'm leaving, remember to cook a big meal for everyone at night!"

Zhang Feng shook his head speechlessly, thinking that it must be you who want to eat a big meal, so he let himself cook for you under the pretext of inviting the teachers to eat.


The next day

The second day of the summer vacation for the little kids of Moon Lake has finally begun.

Early in the morning, the little kids were snatched out of bed by their parents, had an early breakfast, and headed to the village primary school with their schoolbags on their backs.

From today onwards, the little brats will receive supplementary lessons here until mid-August, so these monkeys finally have no chance to run all over the mountains and plains.

Just like a calf tied to a bull's nose rope, it has to go to and from school on time every day, and there is no chance to run wild.

Walking in the village, I heard the sound of little kids reading. Listening carefully, the teachers seemed to be teaching everyone to learn Chinese Pinyin.

"Hehe, the ducklings are starting to learn pinyin!" Zhang Feng couldn't help laughing, thinking that these monkeys were finally under control.

So following the sound, Zhang Feng curiously walked towards the school by the village.

When I came to the door of the lower grade classroom, I saw a little girl who was teaching the children to read the pinyin alphabet. Not to mention, the teaching was methodical, which seemed to be the case.

However, the little ones also read very seriously. It is estimated that the first day is not that fresh, and they are not familiar with the teacher, so they dare not be presumptuous. Therefore, looking out the window, the little ones are all well-behaved. One by one, with their little hands behind their backs, they followed the teacher and read the pinyin seriously.

Zhang Feng looked at it for a while and then walked out.

At this moment, they met Mao Ya and Xiao Shitou, and the two little guys greeted Zhang Feng with a smile.

"Crazy brother!"

"Where are you going?" Zhang Feng asked with a smile.

"We...we're going to watch their classes!" The little girl pointed to the school ahead and replied with a smile.

"Then you go, but don't disturb their class, you know?"

"Hee hee, we got it!" The two little guys nodded obediently, then walked gently towards the school.

After walking a few steps, Zhang Feng met his uncle again.

"Has Xiaofeng gone to school?" Seeing Zhang Feng walking out of the school, the uncle asked with a smile.

"Hey, I heard the little guys were reading, so I went in and took a look!" Zhang Feng replied with a smile.

"How is it? Are those monkeys lazy?" the uncle asked again.

"No, they are all serious!"

"Hehe, that's good, that's good!" Hearing Zhang Feng's words, the uncle laughed cheerfully.

My uncle was also very worried about the monkeys in the village, so he finally hired tutors for them. Of course, my uncle hoped that they would study hard and improve their grades so that they could be admitted to university when they grow up.

After chatting with the uncle for a few words, the two parted ways, and Zhang Feng continued to walk outside the village.

Almost every day, Zhang Feng will come here to have a look. Only when he sees the vegetables that everyone grows with his own eyes, Zhang Feng will feel at ease and feel at ease.
And every time he sees the green and juicy vegetables grown by everyone, Zhang Feng's heart will be filled with a great sense of accomplishment.

(End of this chapter)

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