small farmer

Chapter 700 Tourist Feast

Chapter 700 Tourist Feast (24)

time flies

In a blink of an eye, my younger sister Zhang Lin, who is already in college, also returned home.

The family was reunited again, everyone felt unspeakably happy, and the mother looked at the talking and laughing children, feeling unspeakably gratified and happy in her heart.

Think about what it was like a year ago, the house was completely empty, and thieves could not steal anything when they came in.

But today, one year later, the family has undergone earth-shaking changes. From being poor to now the richest man in the village, everything has changed so fast and so amazing. Although she has experienced all this herself, Wang Guilan still feels a little dreamy and unbelievable. Worried about waking up from the dream and returning to the original scene again.

Clenching her fists, feeling so real, Zhang's mother breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time showed a satisfied smile on her face. All this is true, and the children are all promising. The eldest daughter, who is nearly thirty, has found her The object of love, the two youngest daughters also took the opportunity to be outstanding, and the son who was once painful has also undergone a complete change, becoming a well-known expert in getting rich in the county, leading the villagers to make a fortune together, and being admired by everyone and love.

time runs like water

It has passed without knowing it.

In the blink of an eye, it is mid-July, and the June [-]th Tourism Festival is coming.

Every year on the sixth day of the sixth lunar month

It is the most solemn tourism festival in Qingshan County
Every year at this time, the county will hold a grand celebration program in Moon Lake to attract tourists from inside and outside the province. Whenever this time, Moon Lake is full of people and tourists.

Every June [-]th is also the busiest time for the villagers. Everyone will set up stalls at the door of their homes, selling local and parallel products, and some selling snacks and lunch boxes. On such a day, the villagers can earn three to five thousand at least. It is possible to earn more than [-] to [-] yuan.

No, Zhang Feng's family made a lot of money just selling fast food last year, and the villagers were very jealous.

It's a pity that only their family had Moon Lake vegetables at that time, and the cooking skills of Zhang Feng and Zhang Qin were also the key to the success of their fast food, so the bloody villagers couldn't learn it even if they wanted to.

June [-]th of this year is coming soon.

These days, the village has been arranging for everyone to clean up, eliminate potential safety hazards outside the home, and make final preparations for the upcoming tourists from inside and outside the province.

The festival lasts for three days

From the sixth day of June to the eighth day of June

Therefore, the next day, the Moon Lake Tourism Festival is still in full swing.

The first day is mainly local ethnic minority song and dance performances. Qingshan County is located in the southwest, and there are many ethnic minorities. Miao and Buyi account for about 30.00% of the county's population. Many remote villages still maintain their unique ethnic flavor;
Therefore, the activities on the first day are mainly the singing and dancing of the Miao and Buyi peoples, like the bench dance of the Miao people. A group of beautiful Miao girls are dressed in festive costumes, with exquisite silver ornaments on their heads, holding small benches in both hands, following the Lusheng dance. to the rhythm, dancing cheerfully;
The bench dance of the Miao people does not have so many dazzling performances, it looks more simple and natural, reflecting the Miao people's attitude towards life that loves life and is close to nature;

In addition to the bench dance, the most famous song and dance of the Miao nationality is the bamboo pole dance. The young men of the Miao nationality hold two bamboo poles, squat on the ground, and shake the bamboo poles at a certain frequency, while the girls of the Miao family are constantly dancing. jump up;

If the dancer is unskilled or timid, his feet will be caught or his head will be caught by the bamboo pole, and the pole holder will use the bamboo pole to lift the caught person and fall out, which is very interesting;

The singing and dancing of the Buyi nationality is very different from that of the Miao nationality, because the two ethnic groups have different living habits. The singing and dancing of the Buyi nationality is not as cheerful and unrestrained as that of the Miao nationality. The performance is not only graceful and beautiful but also natural and fresh, which is refreshing;

Every year, the second day of the Moon Lake Tourism Festival is the highlight of the event. On this day, the county will invite provincial and municipal song and dance troupes to perform in Moon Lake. Rich.

Last year's performance was relatively high in scale and level. Not only did the host of CCTV be invited to host the event, but also several top singers were invited to perform here.

It's a pity that Zhang Feng was too busy last year, so he didn't have time to go and have a look.

But I heard that this year's program is not bad at all, and the county has invited several big stars. Although Zhang Feng doesn't believe that the county has the money to invite first-rate stars, there should still be one or two second- and third-rate stars.

As for the third day of the event, various outdoor activities and competitions, such as dragon boat races, swimming competitions, fishing competitions, and even cockfighting and bullfighting, etc. can appear on the edge of Moon Lake;

Because Zhang Feng's fast food was very popular last year.

This year, there are quite a few families preparing to cook fast food in the village.

Even if the rest of the family does not do fast food, they will also operate farm dishes for a few days to receive tourists who come to travel.

Thanks to last year's experience, this year, everyone has prepared the firewood, rice, oil and salt several days in advance this year, and is waiting for the arrival of June [-]th.

this day

The sun was shining, cloudless, and it was another sunny day.

At ten o'clock in the morning, everyone had prepared all kinds of ingredients, and the pumpkin soup was gurgling in the cauldron, emitting a strong fragrance.

However, Eldest Sister and Brother Jun are already setting up a stall outside the door, setting up tables, ready to welcome guests who come to eat at any time.

And the little girl was already standing by the freezer, selling mineral water and popsicles to the tourists.

Zhang Lin was not idle either. She unpacked the lunch boxes and placed them under the table to make final preparations for the coming voice.

The family is busy, not chaotic, well organized.

Since Zhang Feng's fast food business was very hot last year, many tourists still remember this place.

"Hey! Boss, your family is also doing fast food this year? Can you make an order now?"

"Hehe, the dishes haven't been fried yet! It's okay, there are a lot of people ordering food this year, so the queue is very fast." Zhang Feng explained to the tourists with a smile.

"Hey! Well then, I will definitely come over sooner later!"

Hearing what Zhang Feng said, the tourist said helplessly.

Because Zhang Feng's fast food is really popular, tourists are worried that they will wait in line for too long, so they secretly prepare and come here earlier.

It has to be said that Zhang Feng's fast food is very popular and attractive. Many tourists are even willing to watch half an hour less of the show, and come to watch in advance, so that they can eat delicious meals quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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