small farmer

Chapter 701 Hot

Chapter 701 Hot (34)

As a result of lessons learned from last year
This year's dishes are much simpler, with only five dishes.

One piece of shredded pork with green pepper, one piece of stir-fried cabbage, one piece of farmhouse fried pork, one sliced ​​meat with black fungus, and one piece of braised fish. In addition, there is a free cold cucumber and free pumpkin soup.

And this year, Zhang Feng's family also prepared more tables and chairs, which were placed on the side of the road and in his own yard, so that it is more convenient for tourists to eat.

Each serving of fast food can be served with two dishes, one meat and one vegetarian, at 20 yuan each.

Although the price has increased by five yuan, it is worth the money, and I believe tourists can accept it.

Knowing that the elder sister wanted to buy fast food, Yiyi and her grandparents rushed over early in the morning to help.

"There are so many people today, much more than last year!" Standing on the shore of the lake, looking at the endless crowd, Yiyi exclaimed.

"Well, there are indeed a lot more tourists coming here this year!" Zhang Feng silently estimated that the tourist density this year is almost three times that of last year.

During the tourism festival last year, there were more than 1 people every day.

There are more tourists this year. If we look at today's situation, there will be [-] visitors per day this year.

It has to be said that the tourism development of Moon Lake is getting better and better, and the reputation of Moon Lake is getting higher and higher. In the past, 80.00% of the tourists were locals from Qingshan, but now almost 50.00% of the tourists from other places, half to half.

It can be seen from this that Moon Lake is already well-known in the whole province and even the whole country, otherwise it would not attract so many foreigners to travel here.

"Sister Xiaoqin, is your family going to sell rice this year?" After a while, a few kids from the village rushed over and asked the elder sister Zhang Qin curiously.

"Yeah, you little ducks, don't you make up lessons today?" The eldest sister said with a smile.

"Hee hee, we're going to have a three-day vacation!" The little guys were very happy when they said that they were on vacation.

In fact, the three-day vacation is not for the monkeys, but for the rest of the teachers who make up the lessons. These monkeys are just in the favor of the teachers.

But even so, the little ones are very happy, because no matter who this vacation is for, the three-day vacation is indeed a real deal. The little ones are very happy to be able to play like crazy for three days.

Therefore, just after the holiday today, the little guys ran all over the village, chasing each other along the way, so lively, running and running, a few little kids ran to Zhang Feng's side.

"Sister Xiaoqin, I'll cook for you later!" Xiao Maoya said happily, looking at Da Zhenzi who was serving rice on the table.

"Hee hee, you are not as tall as Zhen Zi, and you still want to help sister Xiaoqin cook?" The duckling looked at Mao Ya, compared his height, and then laughed at Mao Ya.

"Hmph, don't care, I just want to cook!" Seeing the little duck laughing at herself, Maoya said angrily.

"Little duck, you are bullying my sister again!" Da Mao was about to cry when he saw his sister was wronged, so he pushed the little duck angrily.

"Mao Ya, we don't care about him, he is a big villain..." Then Da Mao began to comfort his sister.

It was really fun to watch the little ones squabbling.

Zhang Feng almost forgot the time when he looked at it, but fortunately the old man reminded him in time.

"Xiaofeng, look at the time, is it time to cook!"

"Oh, it's almost eleven o'clock! Hurry up and cook!" Zhang Feng looked at the time and found that the time passed so quickly.

Since people in Qingshan eat early, it is estimated that some people will come to eat after eleven o'clock.

Therefore, Zhang Feng didn't delay any longer, and quickly lit a fire, and started cooking with a large stove.

Using a large stove is refreshing, not only has sufficient firepower, but also makes dishes more delicious, which is more popular among tourists.

Stir-frying in a large pot can cook a large pot at a time. The huge spatula is waving and flying in the iron pot, and the vegetables and seasonings are constantly blended. If the average person is simply too busy.

But Zhang Feng is not an ordinary person. Since he obtained the system, Zhang Feng's physical fitness has improved countless times, and he has practiced gymnastics for a long time, so it is not difficult for him to make super large pot dishes, even while cooking. He can also chop vegetables by himself, and because of his initial cooking skills, his knife skills have also become the pinnacle, which is almost unmatched;
Therefore, Zhang Feng's cooking efficiency is super high, and it takes almost a quarter of an hour to prepare a dish.

Just after Zhang Feng started cooking, the eldest sister also quickly posted the payment code, so that there is no need for the trouble of making change.

Just after eleven o'clock, Zhang Feng had just cooked a dish, and there was already a long queue in front of the eldest sister's booth. It seemed that tourists were looking forward to Zhang Feng's fast food.

"Well, it smells so good!"

"Why is the food here so delicious, can't it be fake?"

"Fart, the fast food here is a time-honored restaurant in Moon Lake, it must taste better."

After the family members heard it, they couldn't help but smile, thinking that when their fast food will become a time-honored brand, there is no doubt that their fast food tastes good.

As more and more dishes were served, the strong fragrance of the dishes drifted far away, tourists from far away were attracted by such a fragrant fragrance, so, in front of Zhang Feng's stall, tourists lined up even more long.

Seeing the customers queuing for dozens of meters, the elder sister was a little anxious. She didn't expect her family's business to be so hot. There were only four or five people in her family, and she couldn't handle it at all;
"Hehe, don't worry, don't we still have us here?" At this moment, Grandma Liu patted the elder sister on the shoulder and said encouragingly.

"Yes, big sister, and us!" Yiyi also said with a smile.

Hearing what the two said, Zhang Qin regained her composure and looked at the people in the booth. She, Li Jun, Zhang Lin, mother, Yiyi and Grandma Liu, six people should be enough.

"Boss, I want a braised fish and a fried cabbage."

"Boss will bring me a farmhouse fried pork and a stir-fried cabbage!"

"Well, it's super delicious, and it really lives up to its reputation!"

"Beauty, you did a good job with this dish. This should be the best fast food I've ever eaten."

"Yeah, compared to your fast food, Boss, other fast food is completely inedible."

"Yes, especially the dishes here have an indescribable aroma, very delicious."

"Thank you for your kindness. There are seats over there, as well as free pumpkin soup and cold cucumbers. You can eat there..." Hearing everyone's praise, the eldest sister felt as if she had eaten honey, and was very happy;

When the guests heard that there were free pumpkin soup and cucumber cold salad, they were a little surprised, because the local fast food is just a box lunch, and there will be free soup and cold salad, so everyone felt that it was a special surprise.

With the free delicious pumpkin soup and cucumber cold salad, everyone ate very enjoyable, and gave a very high evaluation of Zhang's fast food, as long as they meet acquaintances, they will promote it to Zhang's for free;

As a result, the business of Zhang Feng's family became even more prosperous.

(End of this chapter)

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