small farmer

Chapter 702 Earn 1 a day

Chapter 702 Earn 44 a day ([-])

Zhang Feng's business is booming unexpectedly

He and the old man were also constantly busy in the kitchen. Every time a dish was fried, it was immediately served outside. If it was a little slower, it would not be able to keep up with the speed of sales.

But even so, at 01:30 noon, the fast food business had to end early, because all the more than 100 catties of rice cooked in the morning were sold out.

The tourists who were still queuing at the back were very disappointed. Unexpectedly, the line closed for such a long time. The most tragic thing was that the tourists at the front were almost there, but unfortunately they ran out of rice.

"I'm very sorry, the rice is gone, I'm really sorry, I'm sorry everyone."

"Ah, the boss is out of food after one o'clock?"

"It's really gone, I'm really sorry everyone..." The eldest sister quickly explained to the tourists.

"Ah, why are you so unlucky, it's almost time for me to have no food."

"That's right, it's really unlucky!"

At this moment, a visitor certainly asked:

"Boss, I don't want rice, can I just buy vegetables?"

"Ah, how do you eat when you just buy vegetables?" The eldest sister was very surprised.

"Hey, you have no food here, don't you have food in other places?"

Hearing what this tourist said, other tourists who were about to leave like this also stopped and surrounded them again.

Because Zhang Feng's food is so delicious, everyone can't resist the temptation just by smelling it.

So as long as you buy the vegetables here, can't you go to other places to buy rice?And even if there is no rice, wouldn't it be okay to sell a few steamed buns outside?
So the tourists gathered around again, and wiped out all the remaining dishes, and there was not even a little bit of soup left.

"All the tourists have left?" Seeing his mother walking in, Zhang Feng asked curiously.

"Let's go, Xiaofeng can cook two dishes casually. Everyone is tired today, so hurry up and eat, and you will be busy in the afternoon!"

"Understood, Mom!" Zhang Feng nodded with a smile, stretched his waist, and immediately started cooking lunch for everyone.

The guests dispersed, and everyone was almost paralyzed from exhaustion. They all lay on the chairs, resting with dull eyes.

Even the chattering little kids are obediently sitting on the stool at this time, looking very tired.

The little guy also helped a lot today. For example, Duck and Da Mao were there to help maintain order and pick up the rubbish left by tourists on the ground.

As for Mao Ya who spent the whole morning making soy sauce with Xiaoyue, her hair was messed up, and she was sitting quietly on the swing, swinging slowly.

"Okay, let's eat!"

In less than half an hour, Zhang Feng prepared the dishes.
A shredded pork with green vegetables, shredded hot and sour potatoes, and a stewed corn ribs soup.

Due to the large number of people, the dishes Zhang Feng cooks are very generous, and each dish is served in the largest bowl.

Zhang Feng knew that everyone was tired, so he quietly put some Yuehua growth hormone in the pork rib soup, so that everyone could quickly recover their physical strength and relieve fatigue.

After finishing the work, everyone had a great appetite. Even Yiyi, who usually only ate one bowl of rice, ate three bowls of rice, a lot of vegetables, and finally drank a big bowl of pork rib soup.

As for the little ones, they were even more excited to eat, and they put their favorite dishes in the bowl and mouth as soon as they were served.

"Hehe, these little guys are starving!"

"Yeah, these kids eat delicious food!"


Maybe he ate too fast, the little duck actually choked on it!

"Hehe, drink the pork rib soup quickly."

"Yeah, thank you...Grandma Liu..." the little guy choked and said.


Everyone laughed when they saw the appearance of the little guy, the food the little guy ate was really delicious.

Zhang Feng shook his head with a smile, thinking that these little kids are indeed very interesting, and staying with them often makes them seem to have a younger mentality.

The afternoon business of Zhang Feng's family is still booming.

Although more rice was cooked, it was still sold out at 06:30, so we had to end today's business early.

In the evening, everyone had a casual meal and went home to rest, so only Zhang Feng and his family were left at home.

"Xiaoqin, how much did you sell today?" Mother asked the elder sister curiously.

"It's about [-] to [-], and I haven't calculated it yet!" The eldest sister was also very happy, very surprised, she didn't expect to have so much income today.

She wouldn't have believed it if she hadn't looked at the payment records on her phone again and again.

Among them, the mobile phone alone received more than 8000 yuan, and there should be another 8 to [-] yuan in the cash box, so preliminary calculations, there are more than [-] yuan.

"My God, there are so many?"

Hearing her daughter's words, Wang Guilan couldn't help exclaiming.

"So today we sold more than 4000 fast food?" Zhang Feng was also surprised.

You must know that a fast food is 20 yuan, and the total of 8 servings is [-] yuan.

Moreover, the cost in the store only accounts for about half of it. That is to say, just today, the eldest sister earned more than 4 yuan, which is much more than the eldest sister earned from opening an online store.

But there are not many opportunities to make money like this, because today happens to be a tourism festival, so there are so many tourists. If you can earn three to five hundred a day in normal times, you should be thankful.
Therefore, you can usually earn more by opening an online store, and this kind of income is more stable and longer.

"Wow, big sister is going to post, and she has earned so much in one day!" Xiaoyue screamed in surprise.

"Hehe, there are so many, 8 yuan is the total income, and the estimated cost is only about [-] yuan!" The eldest sister explained with a slight smile.

"Forty thousand is a lot. I only made more than 1000 miles after selling ice cream for a day!" Xiaoyue said enviously, her mouth curled up.

"Aren't you satisfied with earning a thousand, girl?" Wang Guilan glared at her little daughter.

"Hee hee..." Hearing what her mother said, the little girl made a face, stuck out her tongue, and laughed happily.


"Come on, I made watermelon juice for everyone, one cup for each!" After a while, Zhang Feng came out with several glasses of iced watermelon juice.

"Ah, I have watermelon juice to drink." Seeing Zhang Feng coming out with watermelon juice, the little girl couldn't wait, and ran towards Zhang Feng impatiently.

"Slow down, you girl, don't touch it!" Seeing the girl's fluffy hands and feet, Zhang Feng said speechlessly.

"Hee hee..." The little girl smiled indifferently, and brought a glass to her mother along the way.

"Ah, it's so cool, drinking iced watermelon, why does my whole body feel so comfortable!"

The others nodded in agreement. This watermelon juice is indeed a bit miraculous. After one sip, the whole body seems to relax, and the tired body is actually relieved.

Zhang Feng smiled slightly, this is specially prepared for everyone, Yuehua Growth Hormone has the effect of relieving fatigue.

"Xiaoyue, take it to Grandpa Liu and Grandma Liu."

"Oh! Why is it me again!"

The little girl pouted and glared at Zhang Feng, but she stood up immediately and walked towards Yiyi's house with watermelon juice in her hand.

Zhang Feng smiled and told Dahei Xiaohei to follow quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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