small farmer

Chapter 709 Jumping Rubber Band

Chapter 709 Jumping Rubber Band (12)

After some deception by Zhang Feng

The little tortoise family finally escaped, and the little kids finally gave up the idea of ​​taking the tortoise home.

Children are like this, they can do everything for 3 minutes, even if it is a very rare little turtle, everyone lost interest after watching it for only half an hour, and started chasing and fighting by the lake again.

But Zhang Feng taught the two to draw a few pictures, checked the time, and found that it was late, so he took the two of them home and prepared lunch for the younger sister and her classmates.

Since some of Zhang Yue's roommates came to visit the house today, Zhang Feng specially prepared a lot of delicious dishes.

The bacon, dried fish, eel, and pheasant at home were all taken out, and they were going to have a big feast for the little girls.

When Zhang Feng's pheasant stew was almost finished and Xiaoyue and the others were still missing, Zhang Feng couldn't help shaking his head, this girl is really playful, it's almost twelve o'clock, and she hasn't come back yet.

Seeing Grandpa Liu and Grandma Liu waiting in the yard, Zhang Feng immediately told Zhang Lin: "Xiaolin, call Xiaoyue and ask her if she is lost? If she is lost, go and pick her up!" "

"Hee hee, I got it, brother!" Zhang Lin couldn't help laughing when she heard the elder brother's words, wondering how can such a big person get lost?

But it's also the younger sister's fault. After talking, she went home for dinner on time at twelve o'clock. Seeing that the time was almost up, she still disappeared. No wonder the elder brother was a little annoyed.

"Where do you want to be, Xiaoyue?"

"Ah, I'm still picking wild mountain bubbles on the mountain. What time is it? Come back quickly, we're going to eat!"

"Yeah, big brother has cooked a lot of delicious food, hurry back!"

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Lin reported to Zhang Feng with a smile: "Brother, they are still in the back mountain, and they said they will be back soon!"

"Well, this girl is really, she doesn't know the time when she's playing!" Zhang Feng shook his head speechlessly.

"Xiaolin help me light the fire, I'm going to start cooking!"

"Understood bro!"

Knowing that Xiaoyue and a few classmates were going home, Zhang Feng didn't delay any longer, and got busy in the kitchen with his sister.

Seeing that Zhang Feng and Zhang Feng were sweating profusely, Yiyi hurriedly made frozen watermelon juice for everyone.

"Crazy, Xiaolin is here to drink watermelon juice, I just made it!"

"Thank you sister Yiyi!" Zhang Lin took the watermelon juice and thanked her with a happy smile.

"Well, it's really cool!" Zhang Feng took advantage of the cooking time and quickly took a sip, and immediately felt extremely cool all over his body.

"By the way, what about the old man and the others?"

"Hee hee, don't worry, everyone has grandparents and aunts!" Yiyi looked at Zhang Feng and said with a smile.

At this moment, Xiaoyue's girl's voice sounded in the yard.

"Mom, we're back!"

"Grandpa Liu, Grandma Liu, hello!"

"Hehe, Xiaoyue, are you coming?"

"Where did you go to play today?"

The little girl sat in the yard and chatted with the two old people.

The other little girls seemed a bit restrained, rarely interjected, and sat in the yard well-behaved, their eyes constantly scanning the various wild flowers in the garden.


"Xiaoyue asked the students to come in for dinner!" Zhang Feng shouted loudly into the yard when the dishes were finally ready.

"Ah, the meal is ready, hee hee, Grandpa Liu and Grandma Liu are eating!"

The little girl frantically ran into the main room, then hurriedly set up the chairs, took out the rice bowl and began to fill up the rice, she was very excited because she was starving or something.

"Well, today's dishes are delicious!" After everyone sat down, Xiaoyue tried her best to sniff the dishes in front of her.

"Why, wasn't the food delicious yesterday?" Zhang Feng glanced at her with a smile, and then asked.

"Hee hee, Du Xiang, all the dishes you cook are delicious, and the dishes made by Grandpa Liu are also very delicious!" The little girl quickly replied with a smile.

"Hehe..." After hearing this, the old man also smiled triumphantly.

"Little girls, don't be restrained. You can eat whatever you want, just like you know at home?" Zhang's mother, Wang Guilan, said to her classmates with a smile.

"We will, thank you, auntie!" The little girls nodded slightly and said with a smile.

"Okay, everyone, try this chicken. This is a pheasant that Xiaofeng caught from the mountain. It tastes delicious..." Wang Guilan enthusiastically served some vegetables to the girls.

"Thank you auntie, thank you auntie, we will do it ourselves!"

"How is it? Is the food my brother cooks delicious?" Xiaoyue looked at the students and asked with a smile.

"Well, it's delicious. Brother Feng's cooking has always been very delicious." Pang Pang muttered while gnawing on the chicken leg, completely overwhelmed by Zhang Feng's cooking.

In fact, the girls are all fans of Zhang Feng's dishes. Every time Zhang Feng sends food to school, they almost share it with everyone, and every time they eat it clean, there is no trace of soup waste.

It can be said that from then on, several girls became Zhang Feng's little fans, and they all admired Zhang Feng's superb cooking skills.


"Brother, let's go to the square to play!" After lunch and rest for a while, the little girl was ready to take her classmates to set off again.

"Go, remember not to play in the water, don't take a bath in the river, you know?" In recent days, there have been news about drowning in the river for a bath, so Zhang Feng had to tell the little girl.

"Hee hee, don't worry brother, we didn't bring swimsuits, how can we take a bath!" The little girl said with a smile.

"Okay then, you guys go, but don't run too far!"

Hearing Zhang Feng's words, the little girl didn't know how to speak, so she called her classmates and walked towards the entrance of the village.

"Fatty, Xiaoju... let's go!"

The big banyan tree at the entrance of the village is the place where everyone loves to enjoy the shade in summer. It is said that this big banyan tree is hundreds of years old. The diameter of the trunk is more than two meters. , is the patron saint of everyone's summer vacation.

Under the big banyan tree at noon, it is almost a paradise for little kids.

After lunch, the little kids come here, playing hide-and-seek, playing house, jumping rubber band... almost all kinds of games can be seen here.

No, at this moment, Da Ya and a few little girls are jumping rubber bands here.

Small ball kick, Ma Lianhua 21, 31, 41, 51 [-], [-], [-], [-], [-], [-], [-], [-] Forty nine, [-]
At this moment, the child Xiaoyue finally arrived at the small square.

"Wow, you guys are playing rubber bands!"

"Hee hee, sister Xiaoyue, do you want to dance together?" Seeing Zhang Yue and a few classmates coming, Erya happily extended an invitation to them.

"Okay, okay! Let's divide into two gangs, shall we!" The little girl was like a child who hadn't grown up.
So, a few fifteen or sixteen-year-old girls danced rubber bands with the big boys and the kids, really childish and cute.

(End of this chapter)

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