small farmer

Chapter 710 Stone Bridge Painting

Chapter 710 Stone Bridge Painting (22)

"Hehe, what a child who won't grow up!"

When Zhang Feng and Yiyi came to the square at the entrance of the village for a walk, several high school girls were dancing rubber bands with seven or eight-year-old children.

"Hee hee, don't talk about them, I want to give it a try!" Yiyi also laughed when she saw it.

Jumping rubber bands is such a distant memory. Think about the favorite activity of female students when they were young, and when they were in elementary school, almost every girl is a little expert at jumping rubber bands.

Hearing Yiyi's words, Zhang Feng smiled slightly, and recalled the memories of elementary school.

At that time, Zhang Feng was also a mischievous guy. Every time he saw female students in the class jumping rubber bands, he would run over and jump up and down to interfere with the girls.

Whenever the girls chased and beat me angrily, they ran away after rubbing oil on the soles of their feet. I felt a sense of accomplishment, as if making trouble for the girls was also a kind of joy.

However, time flies, and 20 years have passed in a blink of an eye. At this time, things have changed. The primary school students of that year have already gone their separate ways, and few of them can be seen.

With a slight sigh, childhood was so carefree and happy, but everything has passed, and I have reached the age of three, and I will soon reach my thirties.

time flies!

As Confucius said, the dead are so close to each other day and night.

Time is like the Tapang River in front of you, flowing eastward, independent of human will, and you can't keep it if you want to.

See girls jumping rubber bands in the square,
Little Duck and the troublemakers ran over excitedly, as if they had encountered something interesting.

"Ah, sister Xiaoyue, do you also dance rubber bands?" The little duck asked Xiaoyue with a look of surprise.

"What's the matter, sister can't dance the rubber band?" Xiaoyue glared at the little guy, and then asked back.

"Hee hee, don't children jump the rubber band?" The little duck replied with a playful smile.

"Who said that? Don't you think we are dancing too?" Zhang Yue said to the duckling while pulling the rubber band.

The other little guys squatted beside them with great interest, watching the big ya and ya and the others jumping rubber bands intently.

"Ah, I can jump this one. The girls in our school often dance!" Seeing Erya's simplest jump over the wall, she immediately jumped up excitedly.

"Hehe, duckling, you jump back too. Isn't this only for girls? Are you a girl too?" Xiaoyue countered with a smile.

"Oh, the other boys in our class can also dance!" Duckling hurriedly explained anxiously, for fear of being classified as a girl.

Seeing the anxious look of the little guy, Xiaoyue covered her mouth and started laughing, as if she had won the bickering with the duckling.

Playing games is more fun
So the ducklings also joined the ranks of jumping rubber bands.

Of course, these brats allow the simplest kind of dance, only three or four separate movements, as long as they are careful, they can almost complete it smoothly.

Even Xiao Maoya followed her brothers and sisters, and her movements were very childish, like a chubby panda, really super cute.

At this moment, Zhang Lin came to the small square at the entrance of the village with her easel on her back.

"Brother Yiyi, are you all here?"

"Yes, Xiao Lin, where are you going to paint?" Yiyi smiled and nodded, then asked.

"I'm going to draw the stone hole bridge over there!"

Zhang Feng couldn't help nodding his head. The most primitive and unsophisticated stone bridge in the village is probably the three-hole stone bridge.

This stone bridge is full of huge stones, carefully designed and piled up, without using the slightest modern tools, all thanks to the exquisite skills of the old craftsmen in the past.

Under the three-hole stone bridge is the Tapang River, which flows eastward slowly. This three-hole stone bridge spans both sides of the small river. It has stood on the small river for hundreds of years. After vicissitudes, it has also witnessed the historical changes of Moon Lake.

With the increase of tourists in the village, it has also formed an excellent scenic spot. Almost every moment, there are tourists on the stone bridge to enjoy the scenery under the bridge.

This can't help but remind Zhang Feng of a modern poem with profound meaning.

You stand on the bridge and look at the scenery, and people who look at the scenery look at you upstairs.

The bright moon adorns your windows, and you adorn other people's dreams.

Whenever he thinks of this poem in his heart, Zhang Feng's heart becomes more peaceful, as if he is in the sky, looking down on the earth, and also as if he is in the scene in the poem, on the bridge and under the bridge, in and out of the window .

"Brother, I'm standing by the bridge, can you draw a picture for me?" Zhang Lin asked Zhang Feng with a smile.

"no problem!"

Zhang Feng nodded with a smile, and immediately set up the easel. Yiyi was not idle, helping Zhang Feng set up the paint box and brushes.

Zhang Lin stood gracefully at the head of the bridge, hiding under the shade of a tree, looking at the scenery beside the bridge with a smile on her face.

After Zhang Feng adjusted the colors, he was already confident about the painting.

So, with a swipe of a brush, you can do it, bow left and right, and the brush is flying around, quickly sketching various outlines.

With long black hair, curved eyebrows, wearing a long skirt, she is as gentle as a beauty from the south of the Yangtze River, standing on the bridge, admiring the beautiful scenery in front of her.

There are also the quaint small bridges and mottled stones, which have gone through vicissitudes, as if they have passed through thousands of years, and have stood erect for thousands of years. They have been closely guarding the villagers here and witnessing the changes of history.

"Wow, bro, you're drawing again!" At this moment, Xiaoyue finally came to her senses and ran over in a hurry.

"Ah, it's so beautiful, brother, can you draw me one too?" Seeing such a beautiful picture, Xiaoyue was completely stunned, and then asked Zhang Feng expectantly.

"All right, all right, I'll draw for you after I finish drawing for Xiaolin!" The little girl kept shaking her arm, which made her how to draw, so Zhang Feng could only agree with a wry smile.

"Hee hee, I knew that big brother was the best!" The little girl smiled triumphantly.

Zhang Feng couldn't help but rolled his eyes immediately, thinking that if I don't agree, it will be bad.

When the girls saw Zhang Feng painting, they stopped jumping rubber bands and ran over curiously to watch.

When everyone saw the watercolor that Zhang Feng was painting, they were astonished and opened their mouths in horror. They couldn't believe that Zhang Yue's elder brother could have such good painting skills. It was really shocking!

After being stunned for a while, the girls came to their senses, and then secretly asked Zhang Yue:

"Xiaoyue, I wonder if I can ask your brother to draw a picture for us?"

"Hee hee, don't worry, my brother is fine, I will tell him later, he will definitely help you draw!"

Seeing the eyes of everyone adoring the eldest brother, Zhang Yue was also very grateful, and immediately patted her chest to promise.

Ever since, Zhang Feng was sold by his younger sister. This painting lasted until the afternoon, and he drew five or six pictures before giving up.

(End of this chapter)

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