small farmer

Chapter 711 Double Moon Spectacle

Chapter 711 Double Moon Spectacle (12)

On the way home, the little girl asked Zhang Feng with a smile:

"Brother, do we still have beef and mutton at home?"

"Also, what's the matter?" Zhang Feng knew that this girl must have committed a glutton again.

"Hee hee, shall we have barbecue tonight?" The little girl couldn't help drooling when she thought of the oily meat skewers.

"Okay, if you want to eat it, you can make it yourself, but I won't eat it anyway!" Zhang Feng didn't want to be fooled by the little girl, so he directly refused on the spot.

"Oh, brother, Fatty and the others really want to eat barbecue, so you just do it!" The little girl took Zhang Feng's arm and said coquettishly.

Hearing the little girl's words, Zhang Feng couldn't help but roll his eyes, obviously he wanted to eat barbecue, so he had to throw the pot on the fat head of her, so Zhang Feng couldn't help shaking his head.

Therefore, no matter what the little girl said, Zhang Feng didn't open his mouth, let him be blown by wind and rain, I stood still, and I didn't agree to Zhang Yue's request along the way.

"Hmph, forget it if you don't do it, can't I do it myself!" Back home, the little girl was so angry that she muttered softly.

Zhang Feng's ears are very good, he smiled slightly after hearing it, and pretended he didn't hear it.

The little girl is also very stubborn, so she found beef and mutton from the refrigerator, cut them into pieces the size of a thumb, and was busy with her classmates, preparing for their barbecue.

Before going home, the elder sister had already cooked rice.

Looking at the time, it was already past six o'clock, and Zhang Feng hurriedly started preparing for cooking.

Pick some fresh vegetables from the backyard, ask my sister Zhang Lin to wash them quickly, light the fire, and start cooking the evening dishes.

After a while, that girl Xiaoyue ran over bouncingly, as if she had forgotten the previous incident.

"Brother, where is our barbecue grill?"

"It's in the utility room!"

After running out for a while, the little girl hurried in again.

"Brother, where's our charcoal?"

"No, when I finish cooking, I'll use the charcoal in the big stove!"

"OK then?"

The little girl nodded helplessly. It seemed that she would have to wait a while before she could eat the delicious roast lamb.


"Get out of the way! Get out of the way! Look at you clumsy!" Seeing the little girl clumsily putting red charcoal into the grill, Zhang Feng was really afraid that the girl would burn him.

Shaking his head, it seems that he still needs to be a veteran.

Zhang Feng clamped all the charcoal in the stove into the barbecue grill in twos and threes, and then took the barbecue stove to the open space outside the courtyard, spread the grill, and started his own barbecue performance.

"Mutton skewers, authentic Moon Lake lamb skewers!"

"Hee hee, brother, Moon Lake still has authentic mutton skewers?"

"Of course, this is your brother and I's the first, okay?"

Hearing the conversation between the two siblings, the other girls all snorted and couldn't help laughing.

Before coming here, everyone was worried that Xiaoyue's family would be aloof, but now it seems that they are really down-to-earth.

Two large plates of fragrant barbecue were brought to the table, and the strong aroma of barbecue permeated the whole space.

Everyone sat at the table and couldn't help drooling, it was really delicious.

"Come on, let's eat the kebab first, or it won't taste good when it gets cold later!" Zhang Feng said to the little girls with a smile.

"Come on, everyone eat fat! You're welcome!" Xiaoyue hurriedly greeted her classmates.

Seeing everyone eating so happily, Zhang Feng also laughed.


"Brother, shall we go by boat?" After dinner, the little girl entangled Zhang Feng again.

"Okay, wait for me to rest for another 2 minutes, and I will take you there!"

Zhang Feng was so annoyed that he had no choice but to agree to the little girl's request. He and Yiyi were supposed to go for a walk by the lake tonight, but this girl ruined him.

"Yeah! Brother, you are so kind!" The little girl jumped up excitedly.

Zhang Feng immediately rolled his eyes, thinking that if he didn't take you to go boating, he probably wouldn't be a kiss.

Moon Lake at night is quiet and beautiful.

The quiet moonlight is like flowing water, passing through the sky, passing through the treetops, flowing on the earth,

The moonlight dyes everything silvery white, just like the world in fairy tales, the paradise in dreams, the beauty is suffocating and fascinating.

Zhang Feng took Yiyi, two younger sisters, and a few classmates, and came to the small pier by the lake after leaving the small courtyard.

A white speedboat and a quaint wooden boat docked quietly on the shore, as if waiting for the master's call.

"Do you want to make wooden boats or speedboats?" Zhang Feng looked at Xia Xiaoyue's classmates and asked everyone with a smile.

"Let's make a wooden boat!" The little girls prefer romance and the simplicity and grandeur of history, but they don't like this speedboat like an assault boat very much.

The small wooden boat is different, just like what everyone learned in the poem.

Driving a flat boat with a leaf, holding wine as a guest, reciting poems about the bright moon, and singing graceful chapters.

Just like the great poet in the poem, under the beautiful moonlight, drive a small boat and quietly enjoy the scenery under the moonlight.

The breeze was blowing and the water was calm, but for safety, Zhang Feng asked everyone to wear life jackets.

The night in Moon Lake is not hot, but it is cool with the breeze.

"Sit down soon, those who have never been on a boat, hold on to the side of the boat! We are going to set off!"

As Zhang Feng waved his oars, the small wooden boat slowly started to swim along the shore of the lake in the beautiful Moon Lake.

The bright moon reflected in the water, and the whole Moon Lake became brighter.Looking at the reflection in the lake, the two moons reflect each other, and for a while, I can't tell which one is the real moon.

The curved crescent moon and the curved Moon Lake are miraculously overlapped. Everyone can't help but exclaim at such a beautiful spectacle of double moons.

"Wow, so this is the real Moon Lake!" Only then did everyone understand the true meaning of Moon Lake.

Everyone on the boat took out their mobile phones and took pictures of this miraculous picture. The Moon Lake and the Moon Lake are in harmony, just like the moon mother holding the moon baby. Such a wonderful scene is really shocking. .

"Ah, it's so beautiful! I didn't expect the moon to hug Moon Lake."

The two seem to be in the same heart, both are so bright, so fascinating.

Everyone didn't let go of this shocking picture, raised their mobile phones to snap pictures, or directly recorded a video.

"Oh! My broken phone!" After a while, Xiaoyue saw the picture she took, and was so angry that she almost threw the phone into the water.

The little girl took pictures for a long time, but it was a pity that the picture was all so dark that she couldn't see clearly at all, let alone the beautiful night of Moon Lake, so the little girl went crazy with annoyance.

Not only is Xiaoyue's phone not good at taking pictures, but the other girls' phones are not good enough to take pictures at night.

"Hehe, it's okay, I'll take a picture and send it to you later!" Yiyi comforted with a smile when she saw the annoyed expressions of the girls.

After hearing Yiyi's words, the girls felt better, and then quietly enjoyed the magical spectacle of double moons in the lake.

(End of this chapter)

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