small farmer

Chapter 714 Great Development

Chapter 714 Great Development (22)

"Haha, it just so happens that someone will come for an interview tomorrow, and I'll leave it to you then!" Xu Yang laughed as if he had succeeded in a trick.

"I'll go, you guys have already prepared it? Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence!" Zhang Feng suddenly smiled wryly.

"Hehe, that's not the way to say it. For such an important matter as recruiting the vice president, can you, the boss, not make the decision yourself?" Xu Yang said with a smile.

"Okay, I've been in your way anyway. I'll come tomorrow, right? Is it tomorrow morning or afternoon?" Zhang Feng shook his head and asked with a smile.

"Tomorrow at ten o'clock in the morning, a total of five people will come to apply for the job. Wait a minute, I'll give you their resumes!" Speaking the preface, he opened the drawer and handed the materials of several applicants to Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng got the resumes of several people and looked at them seriously.

It has to be said that the resumes of several people are very rich, and they all have experience of working in various large companies, but the recruitment of vice presidents cannot be sloppy at all, so Zhang Feng ordered Dandan to thoroughly investigate the specific situation of several people, hoping to be able to Hire two of the best vice presidents for the company.

"That's right, judging from their resumes, they should all have strong abilities!" After reading it, Zhang Feng had to sigh with emotion.

"Of course, I paid a lot of money to find this from a headhunting company!" Xu Yang said proudly after hearing Zhang Feng's words.

The two chatted for a few more words, and Zhang Feng finally asked about Jiuwan.

"By the way, how is the situation after our company's new product is launched?"

"Haha, the sales volume is very good. As soon as it was launched, it was looted by dealers..." When talking about the company's new product, the sales of Tianyang Jiejiu Pills, Xu Yang's face no longer showed a smile .

The company's new product is the Junior Hangover Pill, which is a highly effective hangover pill. It has a super powerful hangover effect. No matter how drunk you are, as long as you take the Junior Hangover Pill, you will be fully awake in an hour , is simply a black technology-like existence, so it became popular all over the country as soon as it went public.

According to the recent sales forecast, junior hangover pills, which are in great demand in the market, can have at least tens of millions of pills every year in China alone. Although each pill only sells for 100 yuan, there are still some With billions of sales, net profit will also reach billions.

Zhang Feng felt that Xu Yang's estimate was a bit conservative. Not to mention the annual sales of tens of millions of pills, with such a strong wine culture in China, it is not impossible to sell 300 to [-] million pills a year, or even more, so It is also very possible that the company sells [-] to [-] billion a year.

Moreover, the profit of Jiejiu Pills is as high as [-]% to [-]%. That is to say, Jiejiu Pills alone can bring nearly tens of billions of net profits to the company every year. Most of the giant corporations.

"That's right. Just half a month after its launch, there were more than 1000 million orders, and the revenue was more than one billion. But can the company's production keep up?"

Although I had exchanged a large-scale production line from the system before, which can produce hundreds of millions of pills every year, in the face of such a hot sales situation, just one production line should be very nervous.

So Zhang Feng wondered if he should spend another 30 points in exchange for a large-scale production line?

"We didn't expect the company's hangover pills to be so popular. Once it was launched, it blew up the entire domestic market. According to the company's speculation, the order for next month will reach more than 3000 million pills, and the production will be scheduled for half a year later." Xu Yang also said with some worry.

"Then does the company have any solution?" Zhang Feng looked at Xu Yang and asked.

"Yes! The first is to increase the production line, and the second is to keep people shutting down and work in two or three shifts every day. However, this will cause serious wear and tear on the machine. If there is a machine failure, it may be even more troublesome."

Hearing Xu Yang's words, Zhang Feng understood that Xu Yang, like himself, was inclined to increase the production line again, so as to better protect the interests of the company.

"That's okay, I will leave the production line to me, and it should be delivered to the company next week at the latest, but the workers in the new production line need to be trained quickly." Zhang Feng thought for a while, and then said.

"Haha, we already have a reserve of workers, and we can adjust some from other production lines to meet the needs of the new production line." Xu Yang said with a laugh.

"Well, as long as it doesn't affect the production of other products!" Zhang Feng nodded in agreement with Xu Yang's approach.

"Don't worry, lunatic, it will definitely not affect the production of other products. Now our fruity fragrance and super pesticide fertilizers are not the peak sales season, and the inventory of super fertilizers and pesticides is enough for us to sell for several months!" Xu Yang smiled and explained to Zhang Feng.

Although the company's sales of Guoguoxiang are very hot, with the coming of autumn, the sales of Guoguoxiang have also entered a low ebb.

As for the other products, the sales volume is much smaller, and the production line is often idle, so there will be no problem at all in transferring some workers to the production line of hangover pills.

Afterwards, under the leadership of Xu Yang, Zhang Feng came to the production workshop and saw that the workers were busy producing the company's new product, Tianyang Jiejiu Pills, which will be the company's main product for a long time in the future. Companies generate billions in profits.

Provide huge financial support for the company's continued expansion.

Just half an hour after Zhang Feng came to the company, there was a long line of trucks waiting to pick up the goods at the gate of the company.

From the gate of the company to the avenue outside the gate of the industrial park, the nearby companies are envious of seeing such a booming business of Tianyang Technology.

However, everyone knows that Tianyang Technology is a high-tech enterprise and has mastered a large number of core technologies, so other companies can only envy them, and they can't learn them at all.

"Crazy, don't worry, since the company found out that this road is a bit blocked, we immediately reported it to the leaders of the industrial park, and they said that they will open a special door for our company soon!"

"Yes, yes, it seems that the leaders above really attach great importance to our company."

"Hehe, of course, the higher-ups are quite clear about our company's development prospects, and of course they won't embarrass us about such a small matter." Xu Yang said quite confidently.

The current Tianyang Technology is no longer a small workshop at the beginning. At this time, there are already some industry hegemons, so the local leaders must be careful to appease them, worrying that Tianyang Technology will leave Qingshan and develop in a larger city.

Since the industrial park has a preferential policy of three exemptions and two half reductions, this has saved Tianyang Technology hundreds of millions of taxes.

Seeing that Tianyang Technology is so popular, the county looked anxious, and there was nothing to do. Who told the industrial park to make a promise of tax exemption at the beginning,

If it had been known that Tianyang Technology could develop to such a scale, the county would rather provide land for free than promise a tax reduction policy.
Now the intestines in the county are all regretful, but unfortunately there is no medicine for regret in the world, everything is a foregone conclusion.

 Revised, a large production line is 30 credits, there is a mistake in Chapter 470, but the editor can't be contacted now, and the previous ones can't be changed, as long as everyone knows.This chapter has also been changed to 30 points, which is 3000 million RMB.

(End of this chapter)

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