small farmer

Chapter 715 Talent

Chapter 715 Talent (12)

Chen Jiajun, 38 years old
Graduated from Yenching University with a Ph.D. in Economics and Management. He is currently working in Lark Group as the deputy general manager of the group. He is a senior talent in market development.

"Dandan, have you found out why this Chen Jiajun wanted to change jobs?" Back home, Zhang Feng carefully checked the information of several applicants, and then asked Dandan curiously.

Because the Lark Group is a well-known large enterprise in Guizhou Province, with assets worth billions of dollars, and has a certain reputation in the pharmaceutical industry across the country.

So Zhang Feng was very curious, why Chen Jiajun quit his job there and applied for Tianyang Technology.

"I found out, because the Lark Group is a family-owned enterprise, and the heads of all departments of the group are almost all relatives of the boss's family. Those guys are not very capable, but they are all rebellious, and they don't obey Chen Jiajun's management at all!"

"Oh, didn't Chen Jiajun explain the situation to the boss?" Zhang Feng was also very surprised. He didn't expect such a big company to have such a thing. I really don't know how it developed to such a large scale. It's a shame that it hasn't closed down yet. Miracle.

"I've said it, but every time the boss will only teach a few words without pain, which makes the people below even more arrogant and more resistant to Chen Jiajun."

Zhang Feng nodded. No wonder Chen Jiajun resigned. For an ambitious person like him who wants to show his talents, even if the salary is high in such a company, it is a kind of torture. No wonder the other party has the idea of ​​resigning.

And according to Dandan's information, Chen Jiajun had worked in a foreign pharmaceutical giant for two years before, and became the sales director of a branch company. He was about to be promoted, but because of his mother's sudden death, he had to quit his job , returned to Guizhou Province.

Yes, Chen Jiajun’s hometown is in Guizhou Province, and he has been working for Baolingniao Group in Guizhou Province since then. He has been working for three years. Because his talent cannot be fully utilized, he has always thought of resigning. He did not leave because the boss tried his best to keep him. , but recently the sales performance of the Lark Group has dropped sharply, and the boss no longer trusts him, so he made up his mind to leave such a corrupt and depraved enterprise and start his new career again.

"This Chen Jiajun is really unlucky, and he has become the backer of the related households!" Zhang Feng looked at the operation of Lark Group, which was collected by Ladandan, and found that its biggest problem now is that there are too many related households and bloated departments. The efficiency is too low. To put it in the vernacular, there are too few people working and too many people doing nothing.

The boss's seven aunts and eight aunts have almost all become blood-sucking worms of the group, harming the public and private interests. Can such a company be run well? No wonder Chen Jiajun has the idea of ​​resigning.


Another talent is Wang Gensheng, who is 48 years old.

Deputy director and senior engineer of North Pharmaceutical Factory.

Because North Pharmaceutical is a state-owned enterprise with poor business performance, it is now on the verge of bankruptcy. However, Wang Gensheng's technology is really good, and he is also good at managing factories. He is capable of writing and martial arts. He is a rare talent.

Due to the rapid expansion of Tianyang Technology, Xu Yang has to manage production, sales, and other things by himself, so he is very busy.

Therefore, Zhang Feng took a look and selected Chen Jiajun and Wang Gensheng from the five vice president candidates. One was in charge of market development and product sales, and the other was in charge of everything in the factory. Xu Yang only needed to grasp the general direction of the company. just fine.

Suddenly a cool wind hit.

Only then did Zhang Feng discover
It's already twelve o'clock in the morning.

Looking up and looking out of the window, the sky is full of stars, and the small mountain village under the sky is silent, as if the whole world has fallen into a deep sleep.

Zhang Feng also turned off the lights, and went to bed quickly, because tomorrow he had to get up early to send the little girl to school, and tomorrow happened to be the day when the grades were issued in No. [-] Middle School.

And at ten o'clock tomorrow morning, I have to go to the company for an interview to find two capable helpers for Xu Yang.


"Okay, Zhang Yue is leaving soon. It takes a long time to look in the mirror. Could it be that there are monsters in the mirror!"

"Oh, are the monster!" The little girl immediately understood, knowing that her elder brother was beating around the bush and scolding herself, so she raised her mouth and said dissatisfied.

"Hehe, these two children are really good!" Wang Guilan saw the two brothers and sisters bickering, instead of getting angry, she laughed cheerfully.

"Then hurry up, it's almost eight o'clock!" Zhang Feng looked at the phone, the girl didn't seem to be in a hurry at all, and she wasn't afraid of being scolded by the teacher for being late.

"It's still early at eight o'clock, and the report card doesn't start at nine o'clock!" The little girl said nonchalantly.

So, the girl dressed up slowly, and Zhang Feng waited for another twenty minutes before the little girl finished dressing up. Zhang Feng had to say that makeup is troublesome for girls.

About 10 minutes later, Zhang Feng brought his baby sister to the gate of No. [-] Middle School.

"Okay, here we are, get out of the car!"

"Brother, remember to pick me up later!" The little girl got out of the car, just took two steps, then turned her head and warned Zhang Feng.

"The company has something to do later, so you can go back by bus!" Zhang Feng glared at the girl. There was a bus stop less than 200 meters away from the school gate, and there happened to be a bus to Moon Lake.

"I don't, I want to go back with you!"

"Whatever, I will stay at the company at noon, and I will not be able to get home until one or two o'clock. If you want to wait, just wait."

After Zhang Feng finished speaking, he ignored the girl and drove towards the company in his car.

"Boss, the boss is here!"

"Hi boss!"

"Old Wang, where is Mr. Xu now?"

"Oh, Mr. Xu should be in the factory now. He will go to the workshop to inspect it every day when he goes to work."

Zhang Feng nodded, parked the car beside him, and walked towards the production workshop.

At this time, Xu Yang was checking the production of Jiejiu Pills. Since the company had too many orders and the new production line hadn't been launched yet, the company has been working on two shifts recently.

The first shift is from [-]:[-] a.m. to [-]:[-] p.m., with an hour break for lunch.

The other shift runs from [-]:[-] pm to [-]:[-] am the next day, with an hour-long break in between.

The employees who get off work in the morning and evening have buses to pick them up, so that they can avoid any accidents and ensure the safety of the employees.

Although the company's production tasks are heavy and the daily workload is heavy, the company's benefits are also very good. Even the most ordinary front-line workers, as long as they pass the internship period, their salary can reach more than [-]. , There is also a basic salary of [-], so the employees are very satisfied.

Moreover, in the case of two shifts, the company still has a special bonus of 800 yuan per month. If the full attendance and quality excellence awards are added, in addition to the basic salary of 5000 yuan per month, there is also a bonus of one or two thousand yuan per month. You can earn 7000 yuan.

(End of this chapter)

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